Were they one of the better couples in Jump?
Were they one of the better couples in Jump?
Eli Wright
Parker Brooks
>never kissed
Luke Wright
Didn't they basically turn her character to the bitchy womb that gave birth to Goten and Gohan?
Bentley Ward
Yes. But we don't talk about that.
Isaac Martinez
> Toriyama's editor wanted to pair off Goku and Bulma.
> Toriyama hated the idea, so he paired him off with Chi-chi just to spite him
> Toriyama regrets it because hates Chi-chi
"Best couple"
Jonathan Nelson
Chase Miller
You've got it wrong, he also paired them because he hated Chi-Chi the same way Togashi hated Keiko and married her to Goku to spite himself.
Ryder Reyes
Even pic related is better.
Aaron Scott
Hey man, Ochako is lovely.
Anthony Howard
She is.