There was not a single thing this man was wrong about.
There was not a single thing this man was wrong about
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If you do evil out of a hatred for evil, that rage and hate will merely birth new conflict!
>he hissed the entire point of the grail dream sequence
so is there any thing this man was right about?
That's right though, I never got the impression he was wrong.
He should have stopped being an edgelord and grabbed Iris and Illya and went traveling around the world whilst leaving Saber to destroy the grail. Easy.
"... about which this man was wrong."*
kinda hard to do when they WERE the grail
He could have found a workaround, it's the fate universe after all.
B-b-but Seigi no Mikata!
damn why didn't i think about that? i bet all it would take is saber excaliburing iris to cleanse her out of angry manjew's possession
>Teaching his son to be an autist
>Only worked out overall because he had to be snapped out of being one
Servant Avenger - Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil was in the wrong
1. Take Saber to the cave under the temple
2. Use all command seals to order her to excaliblast the Greater Grail
3. ?????
>All it took was for Kiritsugu to become a counter guardian for him to fulfill his own dream and also get the best ending for himself
>eternal peace and happiness for all living beings on earth
>a limited time waifu
Not a hard choice. Iri was great and all, but in the end, she was a doll with an expiration date that was really fucking close.
Yep. Waifu is the right choice.
Fucking killing people is wrong. Magus shit face
But what about letting people die? Is that okay?
In my opinion, the main problem with Kiritsugu was that he was too obsessed with his utilitarian ideology. Throughout his life (from the flashbacks) and throughout the war, he never really made any compromises, he never tried seeking a third option like Shirou eventually did. He stuck with his 'needs of the many' ideal to the end and it didn't really pay off for him. He lost his wife, his daughter is doomed to suffer in the next war and hates his guts, he ended up killing a shit ton of people in the Fuyuki fire and his main enemy Kotomine didn't even really die. Plus he didn't get world peace, so all the people he killed in the name of said world peace died in vain and he was just a murderer. Pretty sad to be honest. At least his son (not EMIYA) was better than that.
>cheating on a 11/10 like Iri
>Not having twenty children with her
Two huge mistakes right there
he cheated? when was this made cannon?
He did with Maya when they met in the hotel to prepare for the grail war. I think it was just implicit in both the anime and the LN, but I got the same impression in both.
There was literally a scene with them in the hotel room getting dressed after a night of debauchery, plus she made puppydog eyes at him whenever they were alone. And to top it all off Iris probably knew but loved him regardless, she was too fucking pure for him or that world.
He shouldn't have destroyed the grail. All life deserves to at least be born into this world.
It was implied in the VN, made more explicit on the ankme and then Nasu made it canon in one intervew
Yorokobe Shounen.
Kotomine, plz
So the only thing I got out of this was, we think something happened and a claim that Nasu said something without actually providing a source.
Sasuga, Anons.
You dense motherfucker, how frank do they have to be? You get multiple shots of them close together, not to mention them literally getting dressed in a hotel room, plus how awkward and reserved Maya is around Iris. Did they need to literally show his penis entering her vagina for you to make the connection?
Is this proof enough?
Though I wouldn't really call it cheating on Iri. If anything, he's cheating on Maiya with Iri. He had known and fucked Maiya for longer, and he started fucking Iri without stopping to fuck Maiya.
this is what republicans actually believe
Iri even tells her and Kiritsugu they can fuck, because she'll never get more then his body anyway. It was actually a pretty alpha bitch move on her part.
Nah, he pretty much did every possible thing wrong in some fashion or another. The mans good at killing people but that is literally it. Hes a shell who can make no compromise or just let fucking things go.
Plus dude made a mistress out of his sidekick and taught his son to be the bigfest autist who was only snapped out of it by either his future self and some introspection or from his Waifu turning evil (Fate route a shit)
Kotomine was 100% right tho, look at Hollow Atraxia.
>To Kiritsugu, his sexual relationship with Maiya is a rehearsal before this betrayal, a form of self-abuse to steel his nerves while walking down this path
Poor Kiritsugu, Maya was also probably traumatized as a child and is a dead fish in bed.
Still better then Prisma Shirou