Trump North needs your help Americucks!!!

What can Sup Forums do to make this a reality.

Ontario is the California of Canada - let's flip this shithole province eh!!!

>in before a fucking leaf





good one leaf. do you hate freedom?

do you love gravy trains?

I wish you the best of luck, my dudes. I want to see the US and Canada throw off these shekel sniffing shackles together.

Doug Ford is literally a former drug dealer. The whole Ford clan are tied up with the mafia. They're scum.

fuk whypipo

some nice handwringing and pearl clutching there libcuck. He's a man's man.

fuck you you didn't earn those

much love Ameribro

Spread the word.

Doug Ford Meme Magic Thread.

>Tried to meme Mad Max

What makes you think Based Doug can win as much as I would like him to?

Ontario is the fucking worst, man.

Mad Max was good- but I feel a little too polished. Doug (like Rob and based Donald) is the real deal - elitists hate him. EVERYTHING about him flies in the face of what the media tells us a good candidate can be. His brother won the mayorship of Toronto!!! I have met this man - and I can tell you he actually cares. He PERSONALLY returns phone calls in his district and has so for 10 years. He can do it

I know Tanya Granic Allen personally, she is the one to do it. Check her Twitter threads.

You make a good case user. At this point anyone is better than fucking Wynn.

just think of the memes


A man reforms himself and only wants to help his province, are we supposed to hold everyone down for everything they've done without considering that that may have grown personally from when they said/did what ever in their past that you're holding them to

Considering how consistently Ontarians have been voting in liberal degeneracy despite overwhelming nature of their corruption, I'd be fine if the liberals crashed Ontario, Canada and the global economy.

Liberals would like be the first to die in a fallout 3 scenario

As much as I would like to see a populist of some kind Doug Ford is not our guy. He is riding on the pigtails of his brother and has accomplished nothing for himself.