Going to try my first greentext story here so sorry if I do it wrong
>Brother getting married for valentine day
>entire family is over
>2 year old son of brother's fiance loves video games
>we're at dinner
>kid looks at my grandpa and asks a question
>"Grandpa, was World War One as fun as Battlefield?"
>Grandpa forces a smile but starts to cry
>His wife died during WW1
>she was in an all female battalion and died in a battle
>mom awkwardly changes the subject
Should video games be regulated like alcohol/cigarettes/etc are? I asked this on Sup Forums but the mod deleted it and said take it to Sup Forums
Caleb Fisher
i dont get it. was your grandfathers wife a tranny?
Lucas Parker
>"Grandpa, was World War One as fun as Battlefield?"
>Grandpa forces a smile but starts to cry
That's when you realize you lost your partners in war so some Jews could have Palestine.
Sebastian Sanders
>2 year old son of brother's fiance
Brody Wood
wish they would come out with a new fuckin battlefield game already.
Battlefield 2-4 were kino
Battlefield 1 is trash
James Gray
How fucking old is your grandpa?
Christian Foster
there is one in the works
Josiah Long
Garbage devoid of fact GTFO
Anthony Young
Matthew Jackson
>Grandpa that lived through WW1 still alive Reported for being so obviously fake. Sage in all fields.
Mason Ramirez
i regretted buying bf4 after almost regretting bf3 ill never buy another again
Adam Lewis
>should your propoganda topics be regulated
why dont mods ever do their jobs. its liek any shit thread can be brought up
Noah Wright
>2 years old asking about WW1 Am I the only one to feel stink of bullshit?
Luis Baker
Even if this was true your grandpa would have to be like 120 years old
Michael Kelly
year old >>"Grandpa, was World War One as fun as Battlefield?" Go fuck yourself. A 2-year-old is nowhere near capable of the abstract thinking that's required to understand past, a war or the connection between a video game and past. For a 2-year-old, video games are real events happening on a weird window in the living room.
Juan Campbell
There is in October. DICE best not fuck this up.
Jason Green
Prolly 130
Tyler Hernandez
what's with all the reddid faggots?
Ryder Diaz
muh spacing
Oliver Ortiz
BF bad company 3 will be setting in Cold War
Noah Anderson
At least try to make a more realistic anecdote next time you mong
Jose Williams
>Going to try my first greentext story here how about no Scotty
Michael Anderson
Your grandfather would be over 100 years old. Bullshit.
Benjamin Lopez
Is grandpa 125 years old?
Jack Kelly
> 2 year old plays videogames sage in all the fields