͏Are there any other anime characters that have a handblade like pic related?

͏Are there any other anime characters that have a handblade like pic related?

Yell from Akikan

zoboomafoo has one in dragonball super

Pic related has a handblade

dunno if it does counts


Yell from Akikan.


Also Edward from FMA uses a handblade.

Yell from Akikan

Why is this thread giving me a sense of deja vu?

This. I feel like I've seen it before, but with a different starter.

look at the date
>August 14

Did you do your homework, user?

Yell from Akikan.

user-kuns, DENWA!



Maybe her butt hurts.

Yell from Akikan


what about Edward?

I wonder why she used this so rarely.

holy fuck its like its 7 years ago

Yell from Akikan

If only Goku told them about the tournament


H-01 from Tiger and Bunny