Have you earned the right to talk about anime yet?
Have you earned the right to talk about anime yet?
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I've known people who watch every goddamn show airing every season and claim not to drop a single one.
Then I end up watching an old show from 3 seasons back and they don't know what I'm talking about because it's like they never watched it, despite sitting through it.
Do you remember what you ate for breakfast exactly three years ago, or what song was playing on the radio that afternoon?
When anime is as normal and essential to my life as eating or breathing, it is easy to forget things. If a show is shit, I simply don't watch it a second time. If it's not, then I will rewatch it multiple times before the year is over.
No, I still have to watch around 900 series/films. A question to people who have watched 1000 shows: How well can you understand Japanese? To me it still sounds like nonsense.
When you watch that many anime you can't remember a damn thing from most of them.
Especially if it's 3 years ago and you watched it yesterday. Fuck do you expect?
>Do you remember what you ate for breakfast exactly three years ago,
False equivalency. You might not remember what you ate on a particular day. But if I asked you about that dish, you'd probably be able to tell me something.
>what song was playing on the radio that afternoon?
Listening to a single song (3 minutes) in the background is different to watching 12x20 minutes worth of media.
Depends on how anime shows are defined. Do different seasons of an anime make different shows?
I can recognize words and simple sentence patterns, just enough to know that the translations are shit and inaccurate.
If you've totally forgotten what an anime was you might as well have not wasted the time watching it.
But muh food analogies. It was breakfast so probably bread with eggs or something, maybe leftovers.
I remember being into /m/ and scanlating at the time so it was probably mecha.
It happens, there are series that I know I watched and I remember downloading and watching them, but I don't actually remember what happened in most of the episodes or who the characters are.
It just means I get to watch it again.
Theres a difference between being well versed in anime and just seeing a lot of shit. You could watch 1000 shows but if it's all trash and or you didnt pay full attention you still wont know what youre talking about.
Keep coping showlet
This is the typical MAL completionist.
I don't know why they even bother.
>look at all this media i've watched!!!!
I don't watch Anime, I feed my with the generals of Sup Forums
>but I don't actually remember what happened in most of the episodes or who the characters are.
Yeah, but if I showed you a screenshot with all the important characters, would you really not be able to say anything about them at all?
Names are the first thing I forget and it just gets worse from there if the anime left no impression on me and I've seen possibly hundreds of series since then.
If you watch more than concurrent shows at a time, you have no right to talk about anime.
>Names are the first thing I forget
I barely memorize them in the first place. That doesn't stop me from remembering most of the story.
I watched all of Naruto, Bleach and One Piece before moving on to normal anime. Wonder how many I would have watched by now if if I put all those hours to different and shorter anime
>tfw using a quad monitor setup while watching four different episodes at 1.5x speed
>plus additional dubbed episodes on my phone, tablet, laptop and TV
Get on my level.
Some shows are just so goddamn slow that I can't watch them at normal speed.
I watched all of new game at 2.5x speed.
Apparently not.
I've completed nearly 500 'titles' by my count (not counting different seasons/spinoffs of the same franchise separately) in the past decade, But I can't imagine ever hitting 1000. There aren't many older series left that I have any interest in finding, and only a handful of shows per season are worth watching to complete IMHO.
list: pastebin.com
Lain is still unrivaled
>watch 1000 shows
>didnt pay full attention
It's implied that you did.
>but if it's all trash
You come to conclusion that anime is trash long before you reach the 1000th.
I am almost 1/5 of the way there
got a total of 375 entries, 331 finished
>being so autistic he keeps an txt file because he doesn't want to use MAL because of le Sup Forums MAL meme xD
Don't do that.
>m-muh MAL boogieman
more like I don't want to spend 10 hours converting my entire txt file to a MAL listing, selecting all the films and sequel series associated with the big franchises
Should've used MAL from the start then
or just code a script that does it automatically
Honestly, if you ask me what Natsuiro Kiseki or Ano Natsu De Matteru were about I'd have a hard time answering.
That's stupid.
>these autists exist
I broke 1k last year. Friendly reminder if you have less than 300 completed you are not permitted to post on Sup Forums for any reason. Another reminder that it takes less than 2 hours a night to complete literally every show airing each season.
I have 694 titles on my mal list, with something like 505 of them being tv. Considering i watch anime for about 10 years(since i got internet in my shithole), i need about 4 more years to reach 1000.
I have completed about 600 (of which about 70 dropped) and I feel like I've seen basically every anime worth watching not counting new shows coming out.
Depends on the show. I can totally understand something with simple dialogue but I mostly do only watch R rated anime. Something like Uninhabited Planet Survive is PG and I can fully follow
Why do you keep changing the color scheme?
How the fuck would he even know what the first 1000th he watched were? Does he mean added to his completed list? It's funny he'll still never catch up to spacecowboy.
Why wouldn't he know?
That's clearly fake though
Now remove all those one episode specials/ovas/hentai from your 1000 completed
Natsuiro was great and simple enough to remember.
>Why do you keep changing the color scheme?
So people who filtered the old one will still see it.
Weird that he has over 20k forum posts too though so I think some of it is legit
he also has comments on various anime series he added
>Ano Natsu De Matteru
The girl that is a secret agent is an actual secret agent because Key did it but more intelligently. There's also rocketlaunchers and a chase scene
>Natsuiro Kiseki
The show I dropped halfway through because it's so generic. They go up into the air by holding hands in the first episode. Then they do it a couple of more times. There's this one scene where they are basically fucking eachother.
Seriously not hard.
Makes sense if he's Japanese and older. Some of the shit on there are minor kids films from the early 80s. Even if you had the means to watch that you probably still wouldn't.
That's easy to do even if you only pick a handful of seasonal shows. I tend to only remember shows I found exceptional. The problem is very few shows are exceptional. Even the ones I did enjoy I have trouble recollecting in any great detail.
20k forum posts is nothing though. Comparing to how much I post on Sup Forums that is.
I just don't think he has dropped zero shows. I think he might have started that many shows but I sincerely doubt he doesn't drop shit.
He's not a native.
"watching anime for years has helped me to pick up various vocabulary"
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's legit autistic and likes adding a bunch of stuff pretending he watched it.
He writes like someone with mental disabilities too.
>He writes like someone with mental disabilities too.
Any examples?
That's the joke though. It's relevant to the thread. Check his other posts
I mean do you remember the order you watched shows? If he has that many completed there is no way he just remembered the exact order he watched shows. I broke 1000 and I don't even remember the order of the last 100 I watched.
An autist never needs to lie about what anime they've watched. They watch them all.
kill yourself
I keep a diary so yes.
Lurk for 2 years before posting and read . There are no problems with using Taiga, but if you use the forums or write reviews you're cancer.
What kind of bullshit science is that?
Don't rate things ironically. It's not unique or clever. Rate things only for your own personal opinion and recommendations. Use your own scale. MAL is fine if you ignore the community. Not sure why your post got deleted.
>"watching anime for years has helped me to pick up various vocabulary"
Where? That sentence makes way too much sense to be him.
his second comment.
Oh nvm. All his posts have trashy grammar. I quoted the wrong guy.
>reminder that it takes less than 2 hours a night to complete literally every show airing each season.
Since when did the path to becoming a connoisseur consist of consuming as much shit as you can?
>he's a commie retard
No wonder
Quantity over quality, what do you expect from retards?
it isn't saying you have to consume everything, people complain they "don't have time" but you can literally consume an entire season weekly by watching it less than 2 hours a night and still have time to watch backlog.
>it isn't saying you have to consume everything
>but you can literally consume an entire season
>you don't have to watch everything under the sun but why wouldn't you
Gee, I fucking wonder. Watching just to say you've seen an entire season is pointless.
literally what are you talking about? all the post said was it's possible and there is no excuse to be under 300 anime completed
>Rate things only for your own personal opinion.
I remember I used to score OPM and Tokyo Ghoul very high only because my friends won't stop talking about how good those two series were and I probably did it to gain apprecation.
>Not sure why your post got deleted.
Sensible to bullying. I checked reply saying that I needed to watch at least 300 to post here, so I inmediatly deleted it knowing that I will get hate.
>don't have time
But this is pretty valid for most people. Anime isn't the only thing out there.
I'm arguing that watching anime just to be over some arbitrary number is a waste of time and doesn't help you understand the medium any more than leaving something on in the background does. If you're watching it just to say you completed it, what's the point?
Well, good for those who have nothing to do i guess.
I have to give my best at uni every day and divide the remaining time between doing extra research outside class, vidya, visual/light novels, manga, anime so unfortunately i barely managed to watch around 200 shows. Forgive me for being unworthy, senpai.
When I come home from work, I really can't be arsed watching anime. I just cook my dinner and wash the pots.
then stop posting and lurk moar
the problem is people being otacool faggots that shit up Sup Forums and pretend to watch anime rather than actually watch it.
i'm on the same side as you, you shouldn't watch it just to complete it. but how can you say someone with less than 300 completed, when 50+ shows air each season, in a medium that has been popular for like 40+ years have any understanding of the medium? if you want to just discuss konosuba because you saw it on twitter and don't watch anime other than that and naruto, they should be on /r/anime and not Sup Forums.
i've been seriously lifting for 8 years, work, study, and still have time to watch 30+ shows a season. this "you have nothing else to do" is an excuse for you not making time to do it.
i watch anime when i go to sleep and an occasional episode while eating. usually never during the day.
The preferred term is "ironic weebs"
>2 hours a night
user, the only ones with that sort of time are mostly underage school students or NEETs, and surely Sup Forums couldn't be mostly made up by underaged school students and NEETs.
>surely Sup Forums couldn't be mostly made up by underaged school students and NEETs.
where the fuck do you think you're?
i just go to bed before i'm tired, or if i'm tired i fall asleep after an episode or 2. it isn't strict timing, just go to bed earlier. go to bed an hour earlier.
The correct term is "faggot"
No. Faggot refers to something differently.
>you must watch 1000 anime before posting on Sup Forums
>you must play 1000 video games before posting on Sup Forums
>you must vote in 1000 elections before you can post on Sup Forums
>you must suck 1000 penises before you can post on /lgbt/
false equivalence. You're free to post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums because it's just a place for little children such as yourself to hang out.
I'm around 500 but have been watching anime for well over a decade. Honestly for the most part I believe anime sucks to get any deep meaning or increase your mental capacity. I just watch anime for the girls. Seriously. Every now and then you'll get that one show that is well done and thought provoking, or just generally entertaining.
How can the industry be any good though when now it's just adaptions to promote the source and then they move on to the next? Usually the adaption sucks and usually the source sucked to begin with.
If something tries to be anime original it will more than likely flop because Japanese directors seem to be clueless where they want to go with something.
Anime is just mindless entertainment for me, but I still enjoy it. Fuck 2x speed watchers and people trying to get anime "stats". I usually drop half the shows I'm watching if I don't generally enjoy it.
>you must play 1000 videogames to post on Sup Forums
Fuck, I wish someone there had ever said that.
So a 12 episodes anime is like 4 hours.
4*300 = 1200 hours
2 hours a day it would take you 600 days, around 1.82 years.
Accounting for different rythms variating from person to person it could take anywhere from 1.82 to 3.64 and even 5.26 years.
Arbitrarily assuming a given age to start, say, 16, at the most by the time you are 22 you should have watched 300 12 episoded anime.
Of course, this arrange is only about variety and nothing else. Accounting for the various possible lengths of different anime the required time can easily multiply, even grow exponentially.
Take dragon ball for example. First season + Z totals 444 episodes counting as only 1 watched anime, if you spent that same time watching anime of 12 episodes you could have watched 37 different ones.
Considering that most people aren't machines that only shit, eat and watch anime, and also the fact that the more you have seen the less desire you have to watch more, only a small group of people could reach the proposed amount before growing up and abandoning their hobby.
>you only need to suck a girl's dick for your friends to make fun of you and never let it go
>girl's dick
You're confused
Sup Forums's powerlevel is unsurprisingly low.
My friends are working at Kyoani, Shaft, Deen and JC Staff. I watch unreleased anime in the beta stage.
Most of the people that like anime started over a decade ago. Only faggots got into anime in the last 7 years. If you're under 300, which is a very low amount of people that watch anime, you're playing catch up.
>but how can you say someone with less than 300 completed, when 50+ shows air each season, in a medium that has been popular for like 40+ years have any understanding of the medium?
>how do statistics and sample sizes work
You're far too optimistic. 300 is probably 1-2 standard deviations above the mean
>most people aren't machines that only shit, eat and watch anime
I've just lurked longer than most of you newfags have been watching anime. 300 is the bare minimum. If you have less than that you're obviously new to anime and shouldn't be posting on Sup Forums, you should be lurking and watching anime or fucking off to /r/anime or MAL if you want to blog about how you pretend to like anime.
468 shows and counting. i still feel like a little babby that shouldn't be allowed to post here.
If you had lurked so much you wouldn't be acting as if Sup Forums was some sort of high culture club for anime scholars.
i've seen less than a dozen anime but the impression i get from this type of obsessive character is that he's a daft weirdo and isn't taken seriously
>you wouldn't be acting as if Sup Forums was some sort of high culture club for anime scholars
Except it always was the best place to discuss anime and Sup Forums culture was far better than the alternatives. The concept of lurk more didn't die, newfags should fuck off.
Thanks for beta testing
Calm down hotshot, I'm not saying it's a good thing but most people are probably at 100-200
I've been watching anime for over a decade and have finished less than 100 shows. But I've dropped over 500. If the first episode is anything less than amazing, it goes in the trash.
Quarter of the way there.
>most people
most crossboarders, you mean
>watching anime
are you fucking serious? cartoons are meant to be background ambience on my second screen while i shitpost about them on my mongolian parchment scrolls
nigga please