HAPPENING!!! Canada under 50%

As of 2016, 53% of Canadians had “European origins” (white) ‘???’. As of now, it’s officially below 50% says Trudeau!!


Other urls found in this thread:



From 96.3% White in 1971 to just 53% in 2017
>shitskins have gone from a few hundred K (natives counted in non-whites) to 18.3M in 2017, a 4600% increase while whites declined 5%.

They were even more of mutts than us this whole time. Those Canadicuck bastards

But are those Clinton statistics or real statistics?

The real stats are probably worse

Links to the census are there

It excludes people who identify as Canadian rather than French, English, etc. so Canada isn’t below 50%

>StatsCan head quits right after Trudeau et al start telling him to cook
>Trudeau immediately appoints a Muslim to head StatsCan


>This Canadian is of White European origins because he checked Indian, Canadian and British

Those are mostly multi-ethnic or biracial people, or maybe shitlibs who didn’t want to check white. It’s at most 49% just ask Trudeau



How the fuck is that possible?
Who's replacing them, they don't have the Spic Menace right below them like we do.

More Canadian.

Crazy. They could have been the Sweden of North America, but now they are the.... Sweden of North America.

>White Europeans
% of Canada's population 2011: 61.4% (20,157,965)
% of Canada's population 2016: 53% (19,683,320)

Canadas Population 2011: 32.8M
Canadas Population 2016: 36.9M

Canada Shitskins 2011: 32,800,00-20,157,965= 12,643,035
Canada Shitskins 2016: 36,900,000-19,683,320=17,216,680

17216680-12,643,035= 4,573,645

4,573,645/6= 762,274/year

>Literally +762,274 shitskins/year while whites are dropping at nearly 100K a year

Poos, chinks
Canada is large by territory only, it has a very small population, it wouldn't take much to replace them all

Proud Canadian parents.

We always saw Canada as super white, this is just.. upsetting

Unironically this Somali Citizen Muslim Refugee Nigger Canadian is the immigration minister.

We legally import around half a million non-whites per year if you add up all the programs - visa, residence, refugees, temporary foreign workers, etc.

He looks worse than a nigger, a literal subhuman. She's fat so no great loss but she'd probably be moderately attractive if she wasn't

>White Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/govt agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to to 53% in 2016
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy
You are here.


my stomach hurts
can't imagine your real estate prices

You should panic, 90% of them are going to move to the US in a few years anyway. They won't survive Winter.

>blackpill time

I weep for both of our nations because this pic is very accurate.

1.5 bedroom apartment condos go for half a million minimum


I was watching a Canucks game last week and the stadium had Chinese shit everywhere, I mean really EVERYWHERE.
I thought it was just a meme.
World is truly fucked. Take notice Poland and don't let it happen to you


Every pretentious Pakistani with condescending affectations that I have ever met have said they were 'Canadian'

Canada may be the most pathetic Nation on the face of the planet. Good riddance.

The new face of Cucknada, and it's beautiful.

you have more free stuff. They aren't coming back here.

Proud Canadian Independent Muslim Woman serving the community, lolololol....


What happened to the other thread, grrrr, okay then.

You do realize the USA will never let in a single shitskin again once RAISED is passed?

Meanwhile, Trudeau is going apeshit inviting all the Salvadorans, Niggeruacans, Haitians, etc that Trump is expelling

>Quebec secedes
>Firebombs Montreal
>Firebombs the rest of Canada
>Colonize the RoC
Problem solved.

>They won't survive winter

Oh yes they do LOL
>pic related

The Great Blacked North

He's in India now and heading to the Rohingya refugees. He wants to resettle them all in Canada

>pic related

>18.3 million is almost half of your population
Unfucking believable, when will nations with lots of clay finally realize that they must fill said clay with a respectable amount of people if they want to be a successful and prosperous state?

Trump will be out of office in a few years. He can't reverse the white vs non-white birth rates in the US.

Based Leaf predicted this

>Mohammed is happy

No shit, he gets super-gibs now.

Canadian Supermodel....setting the standards for beautiful women.

The birth rates here are okay, actually. Just so much immigration that's wiping us out.

((1991)) -
((1996)) -
((2001)) -

90% of Canada is Siberia tier, it's either straight up uninhabitable or creates very harsh living conditions


Someone is trying to get a happening thread going so that people will go online and spout stupid shit on the internet making white nationalists seem like crazy conspiratards. (((Someone))) is obviously scared because white nationalism has enjoyed good optics lately. Stay frosty Sup Forumsacks.

Mass deportations of JUST spics would help us
there are more illegals here than the entire population of Indiana

Of course they aren't real, your question needs to be is your government trying to discourage you to give up because you are basically a minority in your country now? Or are they trying to make you think that because you're no longer the majority that it's okay to racemix because "hey, we're already fucked anyway so why not".
A very hard truth either way

Yeah the Hispanic birth rates are "okay"


You realize Canada is creating a new refugee class, the medical refugee?

Catch AIDS, HIV, Black Death, Typhus, Cancer etc in your 3rd world shithole country with no health care and get into Canada on medical grouns GUARANTEED AND GET FREE HEALTH CARE FOR LIFE!


look up the population demographics of California and tell me you don't feel nauseous

Actually a lot of our spic and Caribbean illegals are fleeing TO Canada and have been since the election

Trudeau is making it legal for people with HIV/AIDS to infect other people and not tell them about it.

>pic related

>Let in millions of Africans with HIV on medical refugee grounds
>Spend millions keeping them alive so they poz everyone legally

HIV-free bigots BTFO!

So, leafmutt memes when ?

What a clown show...Yes, Vive le Canada, take in sick people as well cause we do have enough as is clogging our hospitals.

That's a great way to expose your native population to Ebola.

>Until the 2000's
No polan they shipped out of 90% in the mid 90's

>Autistic American makes same thread with edited wiki stats to forget he is el goblinos de las amaricanos

A Canadian really must have pissed him off lmao


Proud Canadian Latino, lol....

Justine is intent on pile driving Canada straight into the bedrock.

Our shitskin birth rate cratered.

A rare bit of good news for us down here.


"Birth rates among Latinas are at an all-time low, piquing the attention of demographers and sociologists."

Nigs have more abortions than births in some cities. :)

White birthrate ticked back up too.


The one issue with this is that a lot of dumb whites self identify as Canadians(as many as 11 million that canada be added onto 19 million), so this skewers the stats, Canada is probably somewhere in the range of 65-70% white. Which is still incredibly sad.


The same thing is happening to Australia. Maybe not as fast but it is accelerating.

>Being a Canucks fan

Canada is still above 60 % its not that low

Thinking White population has declined by 3 million since the 80's is obviously wrong
And there has been white immigration too

But yea the country is gone, noone here has any fucking clue, everyone is a brainwashed libshit.

It's well over that, they give out half a million new citizenships every year
Temp + Perm is over 2 million, but I imagine many of those go back eventually so the sustained migration isn't that high

Can't wait for the war to start

I'm so glad I split up with a Canadian girl years ago now. I was going to be living there.


I didn't say I was for them lad
Wings and Preds fan

All time low is still higher than white birth rates
The niggers were never the main problem because the US doesn't border Africa. It borders a gigantic spic continent

fucking hell... we're gonna need another border wall.

>everybody welcome

>white immigration
Even the lies the government tells us imply Canada is taking in 1% of its population each year in the form of non-whites.

So USA 7.5k, UK/colonies 5.5k, France 6k, Russia 2k, ~21k. Add some other random countries, 25k total.

Maybe half of those are White non-muslims. 12.5k

So 12.5k / 300k were whites, or 97% non-white 3rd world migrants.

And that's the PR class. There's the Temporary Immigration class which is the same as PR, as they're given 10-year dual work/live visas with no restrictions. Canada let in 1.2M of those in 2015.

Canada's 72% white. That pic doesn't include mixed white people who don't identify exclusively with one European ethnicity. They fall under ''Canadian'' on the census. Still, 72% white is shameful for a country that was 98% white just a few decades ago.

Just looked it up for confirmation, and you're totally right. I guess I was looking at white-hispanic or something. I had no idea our birth-rates were this far below theirs

1/3 of the country try is plenty habitable(2/3 if your aren't a giant pussy), they refuse to put in the work
That's actually a very good stat considering the small size of your population and your nations past time of giving asyluk status to anyone with a tear in their eye.
It's also very salvagable, don't give up complete hope yet user, Trump has still not decided if he wants to build the great northern wall or annex Canada and purge

Yea this country is gone, not much else is talk about, whites are going to be fleeing Canada onmass soon, like they have fled blue states in the USA

>Bragging about 72 percent


Go jets go faggot

le goblin des neges

>a wild kuwaiti opec nigger appears
how much oil did you drill today?

>Canada is still above 60 % its not that low
>60% is not that low
I'll fucking rake you

urban Democrat whites have like a 1.0 birth rate and rural areas are totally fucked

He's not bragging you dumb shitskin, figures you inbred can't even fucking read english, stick to sand nigger.

Mexicos birthrate is barely at replacement level.

More data :


You and me both. In hindsight she was terrible for me! Absolutely against everything I was for but persistently trying to sneak her shit ideas into everything of mine. At the end stages was when she showed her true bitch- but man was she a looker! fuck canadian women

I’m afraid not. People who choose Canadian instead of European are probably multi-ethnic, or at best, a libshit who didn’t want to consider themselves white. The absolute highest estimate I heard is Canada being 61% white. But it’s probably more around 54-58%

Americans are going to be majority Hispanic soon, I’d take 72% no matter what some oil niggers think

Even if you take the 25 million number, the current population of Canada is around 36,834,943


Which gives you 68%

We are generously 2/3rds white now.

>but man was she a looker