Hell of a ride. Best thing I've ever seen.
Hell of a ride. Best thing I've ever seen
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I don't care. In a week you'll watch the next "best thing ever". That's the nature of not having seen a lot of stuff.
>Liking popular anime
>Enjoying things
Ha, what a faggot.
I'm still mad about that ending
The entire second half was hot fucking garbage
This was spoopy as fuck.
Such an Assassin Class ripoff.
is this the thing where theyre underground and go to the surface?
i didnt really care for it
i do remember a nice pair of diddies though
should i rewatch?
>The entire thing was hot fucking garbage
It's a truly amazing show. Resonates more with people who haven't completely given in to self-loathing, since it's a show about pulling yourself out of the rut you're in.
I agree
It was great enough that Samurai Jack ripped it off for its end(Couldnt at least let him off with ending the damn ceremony)
I honestly stopped caring after Kamina died, he was the genuine heart of the show. I only finished because it was the proper thing to do.
>hello, Sup Forums, I only watched 20 anime
Simon surpasses him by leaps and bounds by turning Kamina's otherwise-empty words into actions. You shouldn't have given up on the show, since you weren't even close to its peak yet.
I guess that's the one good thing about watching something when it's airing. You have all those weeks to get past it and come to terms with any major deaths.
>Hello, Sup Forums, I have 30 shows watched on my MAL
>Resonates more with people who haven't completely given in to self-loathing
So why would you discuss it here?
That's literally what made Simon a good character, he was irrelevant and weak, Kamina was always in the spotlight and most people watching would enjoy his character while thinking Simon is just a whiny kid, but in reality he was the one who was actually strong, and its not until the veil was dropped that he realised that himself.
You don't speak for me, faggot. I enjoy anime, that doesn't mean I have to hate myself.
I dunno, I generally enjoyed the second half.
I think the last arc went on a bit too long, but otherwise I liked the second half.
Actually I thought the first 4th of the series was the weakest. Most of everything up to Kamina's final battle I tend to just skim through.
Really makes you pumped
I actually really enjoy that part, it feels comfy.
Reminder that the TV version of the final battle is better than the movie version.
Sure that part with them punching each other in the face was cool, but the overall flow of the show's version was better, and that final part with the Gurren Lagann breaking down part by part was just perfect, the bigger version with them drilling just didn't work as well.
You write like someone who hates himself. Who are you lying to? Me or yourself?
Stop baiting him faggot.
Kamina despite being the central character of the first part of the show managed to be even less relevant than Simon in that part.
He's literally fucking useless, even worse he's harmful to everyone else. And to top it off he's a Gary Stu for no reason, he's worse than Kirito and Araragi.
Then in the second part of the show, Simon becomes just as irrelevant by aping Kamina, instead of sticking to who he is in the first part.
First half Simon was better than both Kamina and future Simon and he was thrown in the trash. GL is a perfect example of taking something good and shitting all over it.
Fuck it and fuck anyone who likes it.
He's not a gary sue, he's canonically the weakest character in the series spiral power wise.
It was literally all just bravado to pump everyone else up.
I liked both endings to a degree, the TV ending had a good synchronisation with Simon's drill speech, while the movie ending felt less rushed and more fleshed out.
>Gary stu
Is this bait?
You sure? Because to me the whole "We evolve, beyond the person we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance with each turn. That's how a drill works!" seems like a highlight of the whole show. Anyone else?
They did the double helix like a drill thing with his TV speech too.
I had to find it because I honestly forgot about it. Here, it's used quite literally. I still like more super TTGL version since they've created better version of TTGL minutes after the previous one just because they have a will to do it and they have to. So the whole "drill" thing is not used so literally and as I said it highlights the core message of the show better.
I won't argue that the TV ending isn't cool. I just like movie ending more.
GL could've been a good show if Kamina didn't exist.
There's nothing positive about him, Simon was already growing on his own DESPITE everything Kamina did to undermine him.
Everyone liking Kamina makes zero sense.
He doesn't even have the harem protag appeal, he's completely empty and undeserving of the attention and praise he's given. His bravado is undermined by his incompetence, he's the guy who drives his car too fast and gets the passengers of two cars killed.
"muh charisma" is just as much of a Gary Stu move as being overly competent.
Reevaluate your definition. Had the world and characters of GL been believable Simon would've ditched Kamina either after escaping to the surface or after meeting Yoko's band.
GL's entire story is that you should always deify the people who act better than you, never question anything and the only way you can become better is to be literally them.
Pointless, disgusting and ultimately insulting.
>inb4 a two sentence reply about I didn't get it and how AWESOME DRILLS REALLY ARE and it's TOTALLY NOT AN EVANGELION RIP-OFF
Everyone is entitled to their opinion
I was more talking about what happens after the speech anyway. I felt the TV version of the GL breaking down bot by bot was more visually interesting than the movie version, and I felt that the TV version was better paced by ending with the Lagann getting thrown through the antispiral instead of the punch fest that came after.
The punch fest was well animated, don't get me wrong, but I felt it killed the pacing.
Simon's growth was because of Kamina. He was such a coward that his good qualities never really emerged, and even when they could have, Kamina was the only one who believed in him enough to foster those qualities, everyone else thought Simon was a waste of time.
Yoko didn't even think Simon was worth the effort until he broke them out of that prison after Kamina died.
Simon was alone for the entire first half of GL.
Kamina's empty words didn't do anything for him, he just said "you can do it Simon!" while trying to look good and fucking off acting "cool" and never actually helping him.
Simon would've been better off being physically abused by him.
Simon broke them out on his own. When he was completely irrelevant he took that into his own hands.
Unfortunately he becomes a better but pale copy of Kamina later on.
GL builds a shitty character (Kamina), and spends the rest of the show after he's "gone" jerking him off. It's worse than anything else I've ever watched.
Gurren Lagann, more like Stockholm Syndrome Getter Robo.
I dont remember this. was this added in the BD?