List the shittiest 80s/90s OVA(s) you've watched so far. Pic related. It was terrible

List the shittiest 80s/90s OVA(s) you've watched so far. Pic related. It was terrible.

Apparently there's heaps of this shit. How come?


"From the director of M.D. Geist"
That's a neat warning

I couldn't even tell what the cover was supposed to be from the thumbnail. I thought it was some kind of lobster.

>Apparently there's heaps of this shit. How come?
Because they were short and released directly to home video, so you could just churn them out.

I see. So that combined with rental stores makes shit tons of thrown out VHS tapes I presume?

Only the face melting made it worth watching.

seriously who did the guy blackmail to be hired as a director for multiple OVAs?

I heard he had zero experience aside from mecha design and it clearly shows.

>How come?
Because it's fucking cool

in a "so shitty it's good"-way, yes.
Some of the dubs make it even worse.

I can't say I hated Genocyber. Especially after picrelated.

I love watching 80s OVA anime like this stuff though even if from a technical standpoint its bad it is often nostalgic and feels like watching a B-movie when you stick it on at 1am in the dark. It's kind of a guilty pleasure.

Hell Target wasn't awful it's just you can't see shit on the source.

>I'm a huge fucking newfag that can't even appreciate, let alone name fucking Ohata (who also designed Gunbuster)
Remove yourself.

Mei Ou Project Zeorymer was pretty fucking bad

It was awful. It's just another copy paste plot stuck in a sci-fi setting. But yes, you couldn't see shit, I agree. I get the feeling that was supossedly done so for the same reason you don't see the Alien in Alien 1979. For example.

>>I'm a huge fucking newfag that can't even appreciate, let alone name fucking Ohata (who also designed Gunbuster)
>Remove yourself.

Totally missed the point. I just posted what it said on the DVD cover which was hilarious. Shouldn't his name be on there instead of "From the director of..." Or was Ohata too ashamed of such an OVA?

Correction, you see the Alien, but not really clearly, lots of shadows used etc. You get my point probably.

Do you actually think that an anime director has any input into the cover of a licensed DVD release of a series he worked on probably 10 plus years prior to release? They'd be lucky to have any influence on the cover of the original Japanese release let alone a foreign version.

>Or was Ohata too ashamed of such an OVA?
So I also see you don't understand how localization works.

>muh copypaste plot and sci-fi setting
You sound like the exact type of faggot who'd complain about Yamato taking place in space. Learn what a popcorn OVA is.

Genocyber is alright as long as you keep in mind that edge was the in thing at the time and this was as edgy as it gets. Also if you can stomach it the animation itself in that was amazing and the music was decent, it is just the story was pants on head retarded.

>Learn what a popcorn OVA
That is exactly what I love about this kind of stuff. Sure there are stories with much better writing, deep themes and so on that maybe artistically more accomplished. But these kinds of OVAs have their own kind of entertainment value as something you can just switch off and watch as a spectacle. They try to appeal to base instincts, violence, sex, weapons, explosions and sometimes that is what you actually want from an anime.

But Cipher had the most spectacularly bad ripoff Western song versions I have ever heard. Footloose, Let's Hear It For the Boy, Against All Odds, etc.


>Apparently there's heaps of this shit. How come?Bubble era economy led people to produce mass shit just for fun of it.

>Apparently there's heaps of this shit. How come?

Because they were willing to experiment. When you play it safe you'll get mediocrity, but avoid outright shit.


Lots of weird stuff came out during that time period. Pic related, own it on vhs, it feels like a fever dream to watch.

Fuck, I found a used copy on DVD a few summers ago and still haven't watched it. Is it really that shit?

It's perfectly fine as low brow entertainment. If you don't go into it expecting some life changing story and instead think it is going to be a schlocky b-movie type sci-fi with occasionally impressive animation and violence then you should be satisfied.

Genocyber was OK. Just shows the edge of those times.

You saw /a /, anime has always been a trash, the only difference and that now they make more animes than before, so there are more trash than ever

On the other hand this is the highest level of female character design.

Vampire wars. It's complete trash but I watched all 48 minutes of it for some reason.


Are you for real? Zeorymer was fucking rad, especially compared to the manga.

>not enjoying the tentacle and monster rape


Pretty sure that was bait you're replying to.