What's your favorite "cute girls doing cute things" anime?
What's your favorite "cute girls doing cute things" anime?
Not K-On!
wrong board homo
I don't know but Anne Happy was better than K-On.
Toss up between K-on and Azumanga Daioh. Yuru Yuri is a close runner up, and could have won if season 3 wasn't horribly animated, boring and just plain disturbing with all the loli booty.
Yuri on Ice
Sister Princess Repure
I'm only 2 episodes in but Love Live is pretty good so far. This show is filled to the brim with waifus
Would you rather have K-on!!! be a prequel about Sawako, or a sequel with the Wakaba girls that has exactly zero appearances from the original main four?
K-on is objectively the best one so of course he takes my favorite
Sequel, please
Shakunetsu is the best. Haifuri is great too.
Sequel. I want to see Mugi's white slave animated.
Season 2 when?
I'd honestly erase her presence from K-ON if I could.
The Harekaze will definitely sail again.
the best one of course
Your aspect ratio is off.
Azumanga Daioh
not K-on or Yuru Yuri
K-On is the favorite of people who want to be smug with their epic anime reaction faces
and Yuru becomes a shitpost festival
What's with all the rec threads lately?
"Cute girls do cute video game industry things!" For me
Can't say a favorite, but sora no woto was the last one I binged. Currently watching High School Fleet.
I need to download more CGDCT shows, but I don't know where to start.
Not really. It has cute girls on it, but I'd hardly put on the same genre or style as something like NNB or K-ON.
Sora no Woto
I only watched it for the cute girls though.
Yuru Yuri
Thank you.
Natsumi is a healthy girl.
K-On for sure, I haven't seen anything that comes close. I think the only "major" one I haven't seen yet would be Hidamari Sketch but I'm not super interested in it
Kin-iro mosaic
Season 2 fucking never. ;_;
the bunny show
>Wakaba girls
>Literal K-on clones doing the same things that the original did.
No thank you.
>Sawako walking away from her friends and turning into a normalfag just to chase after a guy that doesn't even like her.
That sounds way too depressing.
I don't know about reaction images. All I know is that I had a good time watching K-on and I miss the show. Azumanga is a very good show though, it made me laugh many times and the cast is very likeable/memorable.
>Yuru Yuri
Is still on my backlog and I know nothing about the threads but I don't think is fair to judge a show over its fanbase.
sequel, K-on the college years
The one posted.
No deal if it doesn't have the original four.
1a. Non Non Biyori
1b. ARIA
3. K-ON
4. Azumanga Daioh
5. Hidamari Sketch
6. Sketchbook: Full Color's
7. Nichijou
8. Shirobako
9. Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon
10. Minami-ke
11. Yuyushiki
12. Yuru Yuri
13. Himouto! Umaru-chan
14. GJ-Bu
15. Tamayura
16. Flying Witch
17. Ichigo Mashimaro
18. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVAs
19. Yama no Susume
20. Kamichu!
9001. Dragon Ball Z
90001. Lucky Star
900001. Kinmosa
9000001. GochiUsa
Don't bother me about this. I'm an official, certified Sup Forums Arbiter of Taste; it even says so in my name field.
>>Literal K-on clones doing the same things that the original did.
I don't think they were clones, but I do think that they were incredibly boring.
I literally don't know how someone could come to this conclusion.
Also no, Love Live is boring and the characters barely move past their archetypes.
>fucking Umaru above GJ-bu and Yama no Susume
Have you considered suicide?
Umaru got a second season because it is an excellent anime.
Yama no Susume's getting a third season if we're playing that game. But it's repetitive and lazy compared to better anime in the genre.
Ichigo Mashimaro. They invented the phrase.
Do not disrespect the Yamas!
Yea they are not exactly clones but the blonde girl is shy like Mio but with a Mugi like appearance.
Azusa's group was kind boring already ( an apathetic girl and a siscon) and the new girls didn't make it any better.
Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done right.
>Umaru got a second season because it is an excellent anime.
user, that is not how it works. Technically speaking, getting a second season means that the first one failed, at least to a certain extend.
>implying Haibane Renmei was done wrong
Same here. The time travel episode is the peak of CGDCT.
I'm sorry, I meant that Umaru is repetitive and lazy. I love Yama no Susume.
I love Anne Happy however it's still not better or even on par with K-On. Flying Witch is closer to K-On than Anne Happy. I haven't found anything up to the K-On standard yet however I haven't watched Azumanga Daioh yet either which I've heard many good things about.
Oh OK. Your forgiven.
His forgiven what?
Anime are advertisement. The better the anime does, the less need there is for a second season. If the source material sells and you are sure that your market cant be extended any further then there is literally no reason to give an anime another season since it would only generate costs but no further income. So if an anime gets a second season later on it basically means that source material sales dropped and that the need for further advertisement has arisen. If the first season had done its job then that would not be necessary. Doesnt matter if the show sells or how good it is since it ONLY EXISTS to sell books.Nothing gets another season to make the fanbase happy.
>Himouto! Umaru-chan above anything
>Flying Witch that low
>GochiUsa that low
>K-On not first nigga fuck you
Your taste is fucking atrocious.
>Dragon Ball Z
Ah, you're trolling, nice troll dude.
I liked Sora no Woto but the show expended too much time doing cute things and too little time exploring the post war world. So is it doesn't surprises me that some people say is just a show about cute girls.
I mean there was an entire episode about Kanata not being able to use the toilet while wearing a cute dress.
>Dragon Ball Z
>Ah, you're trolling, nice troll dude.
How? I watched first 3 episode and it was a snorfest full of unneccessary exposition, akward dialog and jokes that fall flat 99% of the time.
it's probably the most boring fucking anime ever. the plot barely advances at all in the entire first season. it 's just pure distilled moeshit.
We got OVAs.
tamayura is a good sol
>male love interest
Ping pong isnt cute
basically this I wouldn't say "nothing" gets a second season, but certain studios, such as Deen, mostly exist to create source material advertisement. This is why, for example, even though Konosuba was such a hit both in the domestic market and here in the West, launching the LN sales to the top 1/2 spots on the charts, its likely not getting a third season just because of the fact that its LN is selling so well.
I need more!
I have to disagree here for multiple reasons. Reason number 1 is that KonoSuba season 3 is basically guaranteed at this point. Reason number 2 is that the LNs sales dropped hard and, what a surprise, it seems that the new anime project was announced because of that.
Neither is eating cake and playing instruments. Adding cute girls to a thing is what makes the thing cute. Ping pong is cute if cute girls are being cute while playing it.
>dropped hard
It is always on one of the top spots, This week its number 3. Not really a "hard drop"
>new animated project
No word of it being season 3. Could be anything from an Ova to recap movies. Just a month or so prior the writer said there were no season 3 plans at the time, so unless they confirm that has changed, this is the information we are going off of.
New Game
I wish new game didn't turn so lewd.
i want to bully and be bullied by momoka
>rec thread still up
based mods
1. Aria
2. NNB/Tamayura/Yuyushiki/Hidamari/GochiUsa/K-On/Sketchbook/IkokuMeirou/SoraWoto/YamaSusume/FlyingWitch/RollingGirls
Azumanga > Kiniro > Yuyushiki > GJ
K-on is shit
It got 10/10 girls unlike shitty garbage op posted
>Kiniro above anything
I want to sniff Mary's shithole!
Question is are keions cool?
I want to sniff her hair btw
Yeah I like it more when it was just Aoba advancing through her career and seeing what the professional world has to offer. The overall arc of progressing through the development of the first game she has been a part of was satisfying, too. Now the show just feels quite hollow by comparison and I don't find myself rooting for any of the characters.
Anything with Asumin goes straight to the top.
>java tattoo
K-On and Hidamari Sketch are the 2 best anime ever.
So probably those
I wish this meme died. Baiting people into watching mediocrity after experiencing something legitimately good is pure evil.
Then again, most people think Haibane only deals with "depression", so the simplistic comparison also stems from those people's inability to see past their own nose.
Seriously though, apart from the inferior production values, Haibane Renmei is leagues above, don't get baited.
yuyushiki is utter shit
Joshiraku. Intelligent, mature anime for similar people.
>for Japanese people.