Why are best girls so often stuck in shit shows?
Why are best girls so often stuck in shit shows?
But I only see a shit girl stuck in a mediocre show
Take it back.
Sanae a shit
>Good body
>Useful skills (web design/programming)
>Cute mannerisms (getting flustered when embarrassed and being scared by bugs)
How exactly is she shit again?
Nice ass.
>best girl
>not yoshi
u wat
that's right
>Best girl
>Looks like shit most of the time
When she's got her hair up, takes off the lipstick, and looks like a slob, she's 10/10. She looks bland and boring otherwise. Great personality, but bad design.
Best ass
Why does ririko look sad on the 3rd pic?
But I don't think the show is that bad. Its literally just Shirobako without anime, which was literally Iroha without an inn.
Why are you even watching shit shows at the first place?
For best girls, of course.
unlikeable cunt
cake who couldn't find a husband coz she "focuses on her career"
puts on lipstick in public
fat ass
Even if she had a flat ass, anal with her seems like it would be very nice.
She is that type of lady who prefers butt stuff to not get pregnant and concentrate on career.
1. She's not best girl.
2. Her show is great.
>Not immediately falling for a professional, independent, beautiful woman who can also cut loose.
How old are you, 12? When you grow up you'll see how perfect she is.
Name an example?
they're in shit shows because good shows don't need to include waifu bait to get an audience
>good body
Now I know it's just a joke. Sanae has the worst body of all the girls.
This desu