Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

Look at this suave motherfucker holy shit.

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Why they use Horikita instead of Kushida.

I've seen it already.

My nigga is absolutely fresh to death.

Horikita is Japanese beauty, Kushida is a whore.


damn motherfucker is too chill

I hope this middling, mediocre trash does not do well in Nipland. Several much better titles out this season.


>Kudere male

which adaption is more faithful to the LN? 50man in the manga still has emotion on his face

That's only 50%.

One of the few characters which is really interesting despite his "dont-give-a-fuck" attitude and lazy eyes look. One badass mofo.

We are still waiting for you to name better shows.

So, fujoshit

Because she's better than her in every way.

New Game!!

>has sharp reactions and knows kung fu
>gets tricked into false rape


everyone has a weakness.

I don't know why people compare this to the fucking garbage that is hachiman or whatever. Absolutely nothing happens in that other series, it's just constant resets of progression. There isn't even a continuous plot, just completely stupid bullshit and some faggot autist whining.

This series is a million times better. Nearly any Seishun drama is a million times better. Hachiman is just all build-up with no fucking delivery.

Day 3 C92, kushida merchandise still not out of stock.

>implying he was tricked
He just gives so few shits that he doesn't care what she says or does.

50man brings in the female watchers

Is this the new Baka and Test?

>Please give us the locations we need to start flamewars in threads of anime you like
Nope. But this anime's inferiority should be obvious enough that I don't even need to spell it out. If you can't see the mediocrity of this show then there's no point arguing with you about it in the first place. Enjoy your fanservice and shitty highschool story, cancerkun. seriously though all in good fun. enjoy your favorite anime

You sound like a passive aggressive cunt
Are you on your period?

shit is prolly doing rly well cuz mc is lowkey alpha af

>boo hoo poo in a loo
>he raped meh
ok you slut, compulsory gynecologic inspection, hymen check, organic tissue examen, fuck you too
where did she come from holy shit?
>muh fingerprints
suck my dick idiot

>people unironically watching this garbage

People watch copy paste moeshit every season
So why not this

>people unironically post this every season

Preview up

Anime. The manga faces of 50% are so out of character. He is kinda noisy when talking "inside his head" and he also reacts. But in no way like how it is depicted in the manga.

I keep hearing that the real girl that goes with the 50% is Kuruizawa (the only one calling 50% by his first name) and Ichinose (because of popularity).

Is it true?



It's true. Just found out from a JP friend a few minutes ago. Only asked here because I wanted an immediate answer but it still took almost 3 hours for an answer.


Better design.

no thanks

Kuruizawa is MC's whore

keyword here


>Hymen check
About that...

How can people like this but in the same breath discredit Mahouka... it's virtually the same.

I bought the whole blase attitude but then it turns out he's also a martial arts master even though he isn't training it at high school and didn't train in middle school.