After the last iceage, 14,000 years ago, the first men came to the north. They struggled through the winters and for 12,000 years all they could do was survive. There were no resources to spare and all the energy went to gather food and resources to survive the winters. 90% of the kids died before the age of 5. Every year 10-50% of the population starved or froze to death. Only the thoughest, smartest, most productive and most cooperative survived. If your tribe cooperated poorly, you died. This harsh climate produced all the greatest tribes we know of today. The scandinavians, the finns, the russians, the koreans and the japanese. We demand nothing from others and at the same time our instinct is to help others every chance we get. We do not waste time or energy. We do not say hello to strangers on the street. We kill ourselves before we complain. We like silence and we don't get bored. We do not cheat or steal. The only thing we hate are people who break the rules. As it turnes out, everyone who isn't us break social rules all the fucking time and therefore we hate you. I want everything south of Germany to get nuked so that we can live in peace once again.
Northern supremacist
Other urls found in this thread:
>ITT: Sven discovers K-selection, but still won't do anything about the refugees invading his homeland
I joined the biggest political party in my town four years ago and I talk about the immigration problem at every meeting. I have personal conversations with the political leaders in my town every month and I have convinced many of them that immigration is the biggest problem in our country. I have single handedly red pilled so many boomer politicians that I have lost count. I am doing more for my people than anyone else on Sup Forums who are larping internet nazis. Everyone should follow my lead and join the biggest parties in their towns and support and push eachother, like the kikes do. You can start parties and vote for SD or NMR or whatevery but if you really want to change your country you have to take over the already existing giants in politics. The jews won, to take back our countries we have to take back the institutions they stole.
>I do a lot of talking and I think some people may have listened to me
You sure know how to make your ancestors proud, Swedecuck. They spent 12,000 years forging a civilization out of the frozen wilderness and you think you're going to debate your way out of the mess you made of it.
What can I as an individual do? If everyone who agreed with me would do the same thing I do, the fight would already be over. What they do instead is post pictures of swedish women on Sup Forums and say "America is 56% white lol gas the kikes 1488 xD". We still have our political systems. They exist for us to use them. They are the actual vehacle to change things. If you want to change things you have to be a part of the political system. Taking selfies with an AR15 doesn't make you John Adams you fucking idiot.
If you aren't willing to separate yourself from the herd and lay your life on the line for your country, then why do you believe anyone is going to take your convictions seriously?
You could do so much more, but you choose not to because you are lazy and a coward.
Your ancestors risked their lives daily to make your home a better place for you, yet you ruin it beyond repair, not only for you but for the children you'll never have.
Think about how much blood was spilled, all the sweat and tears, how many people died to put you where you are today.
And all those things will be lost in time because you won't do what hundreds of generations before you found the will to do.
And why not? "No one else is doing it, after all, I'm just one man!" Thousands of years of civilization lost to "one man" and his cowardice.
Fucking pathetic. Good riddance to Sweden.
ok, what have you done?
I don't know man, the Swede is actually arguing a meaningful way of enacting change. You don't seem to like the idea of people engaging with the system. Either because you're jealous because it's something you are incapable or unwilling to do, or because you have a vested interest in people like the Swede engaging.
What course of action, exactly, are you accusing the Swede of cowardice for not conducting?
>This harsh climate produced all the greatest tribes we know of today. The scandinavians, the finns, the russians, the koreans and the japanese.
>only areas currently covered in tundra were frozen during the ice age
No. All of Scandinavia was covered by the Scandinavian ice sheet.
>>only areas currently covered in tundra were frozen during the ice age
What? You're so full of shit.
Huge swathes of the northern hemisphere which are now temperate were covered by glaciers, and even larger areas which weren't covered by glaciers were certainly much colder, and the winters much, much harsher, than today. You lack critical thinking.
This guy thinks that Dylan Roof is a hero that saved white people.
>more "men" who need to hear that someone else has done something to do something themselves
Not shocking you two are from #2 and #3 on the list of most-cucked countries.
You've done nothing. You're all talk.
You've done nothing with no talk. It's not clear you intend to do much of anything at all. Do you like things the way they are? Is that why you attack anyone who challenges you?
I'm not the one telling others not to get involved in the only institution to effect change.
>hating on based Antarctica
i wonder who could be behind this (((post)))
>effect change
Good luck with that. Whatever you need to tell yourself you tried and it wasn't your fault.
>Australia lives
Takk. Du er et geni.
You are correct, it is the Northern races that should persist and all others need to be quarantined until they just die off from killing each other or falling to disease and starvation. It's the only humane thing to do, otherwise we will just perpetuate their bullshit until we are all extinct.
So....should we quarantine ourselves then? from the rest of the world, effectively quarantining them? And just let everyone live in his natural habitat?
what is it about the equator that produces such terrible people
this needs to be investigated further
For the technical history with dates on what OP's referring to; including migration routes, times, and all sorts of mindblowing information, see your history via one of these free ebooks. Google "MARCH OF THE TITANS -
(formerly "Europa - The History of the White Race")
Not shilling, you can get them for free... This is a VERY interesting piece of information if you're into this type of thread.