Surely you wouldn't make Nanachi suffer right?
you know what must be done
Made in Abyss
Pat her head?
Ok anons calm your dicks, last thread got nuked, I think I have seem worse, but well its likely
it offended someone
Or maybe because it started with a Sup Forums image.
Are you drunk, user
I want to hug the bun and tell her it will be alright.
>Lying to bunnies
A little, maybe
Nanachi deserves to suffer, she is an serial killer who likes to conduct grotesque experiments on here victims. Then just for fun she used to works at a soup canning factory
he won't suffer any more after i turn him into a whistle
It's far more horrible than I could have ever imagined.
Bunny is not for suffer.
I can only imagine that Mitty plush as constantly screaming. Was this the intention?
>you know what must be done
Pet her fluff and feed her delicious food?
It could always be worse
>I have no budget but I must rug
Jesus christ the middle one
Woah, calm down with those images lad
Gee I wonder what could possibly be under those black bars
I do what I want
Umaru the Immovable Nugget!
Fuck off.
Oh shit, I didn't see the dick. Oh well.
*sips lemonade*
To think I originally made this, I'm ashamed of its purpose now.
How you gonna put all the effort in to make a nice Bonedad costume, then just fuck the legs and feet up.
How old is Nanachi?
74 years old
Give me your rare tsukushi anons
There aren't that many, user.
Not your fault, it was censored.
Was it rape? Nah the bunny face says otherwise
Being smothered by fluff must be one of Regs many kinks
such a nice bug
cannot be trusted though
I want a Maruruk
amazon forest
I wonder if they non-sexually share a bed. That would be c u t e !
No, they don't
That's a big rape whistle she has.
Well that was temporary because maruruk loves his new friends
Ozen would never do something like that
Then why is she full of fear and wearing a giant rape whistle?
First, thats not a rape whistle
Second, Maruruk is little and cute, she(he) is easy to scare and Ozen can be spooky sometimes when the PTSD kicks in
I think she would
>she (male) has a giant rape whistle (that's what it is you fuck)
>isn't preparing to be raped
Suffer what? Who? Where?
Looks like he ran out of time, and good costumes are also expensive. For example, he probably bought the jacket straight up without making it himself, but it's an ill-fitting disaster especially in the shoulders because he bought a cheap one that didn't fit and didn't tailor it.
Naked hanging is a traditional punishment
And Ozen punish her(him) to make her(him) stronger for dealing better the Abyss
>listen to Abyss Podcast #3
>Nanachi: "Natt is such a crybaby idiot, isn't he?"
Too far.
So does Maruruk blow on the whistle when he wants to be raped?
It was a meme...
Nanachi gives no fucks about Rikos old friends
She really doesn't care much about anyone. Tsukushi was right, she'll get what's coming. She experimented on tons of people.
How is the mangaka going to make Reg cry (even more) during this arc?
So I've caught up on the anime and have started the manga for this. This is what fantasy fucking SHOULD be. Why is this so much less popular than generic isekai bullshit?
even so Sup Forums is absolute cancer, you should know this by now user.
Kill yourself Sup Forumstard
Because it's not a self-insert power fantasy harem like the filthy Elevens like
How does the vision hijacking work, anyways?
It's not like she has had ocular implants that he can just peek at, is it some sort of artifact he has?
t. speedreader
Zoaholic, maybe.
How does Zoaholic even work? Why does Bondrewd's body change each time he body jumps? How does he keep his tail? Why does he have a tail to begin with?
Spoilered in the event newfriends haven't gotten that far yet.
>How does it work
It splits his soul into everyone who touched it after him. The Praying Hands are all connected to him. Donning the mask makes that Praying Hand become Bondrewd. Nanachi was probably forced to touch it too.
>Why does his body change
He's got Praying Hands of all types, including a four-armed abomination that maintains the Zoaholic. They're separated into castes, where there's battle-ready ones that he can jump into while there's spares he can use in the event that no battle bodies are around.
>How does he keep his tail
Every body he uses for combat has a tail.
>Why does he have a tail
No explanation, it just exists. Maybe it's a relic, or just a part of him that helps keep balance. Speculation is the only thing we have.
Thank you kind bone dad, I'm trying to wrap my head around the series as best I can, it's very well thought out
He only has a tail in combat mode with the huge boiler on his back, it might be a part of that relic
Surprisingly, it's actually pretty simple. It's just that the flow of things tend to pull you along before you can notice hints and such. Make sure to read slowly, even if you're going with the flow. There's a lot of stuff you can miss if you read too fast.
Can't be true, since it becomes fluffy when he gets the 6th layer curse. That only happens to living things. The boiler is where he stores his loli soup when he goes spelunking.
Couple of things.
>Donning the mask makes that Praying Hand become Bondrewd.
Technically, his main mind doesn't have to be wearing the mask. While it is true that his mask makes it easier for others to identify him as Bondrewd and serves as a symbol of the Lord of Dawn, there's no evidence his main consciousness is connected to the mask in any way.
>Every body he uses for combat has a tail.
We have seen at least two combat bodies, one without a tail and one with a tail. So far, only his "main" body, the one with the most gizmos and modifications, has had a tail.
The mask is just a gimmick piece of bling to let Prushka know who's her daddy.
Also it houses his beamspam disco laser.
Do not touch the bunny
>Can't be true, since it becomes fluffy when he gets the 6th layer curse. That only happens to living things.
It's specifically stated that Canopy Unto Dawn, the custom full-body armor he wears on his main body, is partially composed of bio-fibers, which makes it possible that the tail, if actually a part of Canopy Unto Dawn, could've been partially composed of bio-fibers,
and therefore could've possibly become fluffy.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I said.
Fucking reported.
Curse affects only humans, not living tissue in general.
it affects Rico, so I think it's the other way around. Human bodies are affected.
I mean, it affects Narehate too. I suppose you could consider them "human" as well, but that's a different debate.
That being said, the tail was not hollow, so if it was an artifact or biologically grown tail made out of originally non human material, it should not have become fluffy it that were true.
Bio material=/=humans.
how do you separate biomaterial from walking zombies and narehate?
Only logical explanation that curse affect those but not the Bonedad is that it has more to do with consciousness, rather than the body anyway.
Technically, it's more that the only thing we've seen get affected by the curse in the Abyss are humans and Nanachi. The Value Village Narehate might be affected by it since they life in a place that specifically does not have a forcefield.
We know it doesn't affect Abyss wildlife, but we have no idea what it does to animals from elsewhere in the world. The bit about the fish here makes me think that it does affect pretty much anything from the surface.
can't wait for Nanachi doujin
Post more rare bonedads.
No fucking way
do you understand moon user
user, please.
So are all the white whistles and mentors just "helpful and kind" in their own twisted way?
Prushka wanted to help her father, and she did end up helping Riko in the end.
Bonedrewd let them go in the end and he did technically let his daughter journey with the kids.
Ozen was just tough love.
Jiruo was strict but had a soft spot.
Fat black whistle beard man just wanted to see a treasure of the abyss.
Is the princess of the naretare going to be ultimately "good" as well?
Fuck, I want out now, it was a good ride guys.
Abyss is no place for softies, user. You're either a tough weirdo or not a human.
A bet the next White Whistle is going to be balls to the wall insane and more like a local natural catastrophe than a eccentric explorer
Faputa isn't the boss of the floor for sure and she might even join the party.
Fart man is way more shady than yandere,"stay away from reg's cock and no one will fer hurt" moth and we still just don't know about the other whistles
No, but I could understand "Natt" and "baka" and "nakimushi".
I just like listening to the podcast because Riko and Nanachi are cute.
Ozen next episode.
Reminder, the bunny smells good!
>by a ham sandwich
Wow, what a cute OP and ED, this series seems nice and healing
can someone post the links for the podcasts with nanachi's VA?