ITT: Characters who deserve to get One For All
He's worthy of it, question is whether or not he'd need it.
When he was younger
Forgot pic
that guy is a true hero, but he has no abilities or powers. At the very least he should wear a tank top for the strength boost, as he is now he is powerless.
Because why not
Don't need it
You know he'd fucking push it to Simon
DBZ blows anything in Hero Academia out of the water power level-wise.
too bad dbz has a shit soundtrack, shit voice acting and lots of shitty filler
I stopped following OPM around the time this guy who wanted to be a monster betrayed monster association (or whatever it was). Did driver get any moment afterwards?
i love him
i don't had pic but will be Ueki
Yeah, but My Hero Academia is actually good.
if youre not a retarded speed reader you know that Mumen Rider is Blast.
While training under Bang
Transform - loli protection ranger
an emissary from hell, supaidaman!
too angry
he's on the level of Bokugo and Endeavour
but he has no aspirations other than "threesome with the Lohengramms"
implying that a bad thing
Either him of Jotaro.