Why haven't you graduated to exclusively reading manga yet?
Why haven't you graduated to exclusively reading manga yet?
Everytime I try to follow a manga series the scanlators implode.
Because there's more to discuss on Sup Forums if you watch anime.
I did that back in 2010-2012. Then I realized I was being a pretentious cunt. Anime if adapted right is better. but I'm not gonna shit on you for reading the manga version.
>not enjoying both anime and manga
There's good stuff in both, why be an autist?
I know and I can only blame myself for being a lazy piece of shit.
You could blame me, if you want.
Manga doesn't have this.
>Manga doesn't have crappy CG commissioned by some toy company to boost sales
Yes, exactly.
Manga is only good for dialogue heavy series like Detective Conan or Medaka Box. Meanwhile for action series, anime is the better medium.
I have. Not that I read much manga anyways. It's all isekai and moeshit nowadays.
>if adapted right
Yeah that almost never fucking happens.
I prefer LN's to be honest.
Because I'm not through my backlog yet.
Because I enjoy watching anime.
I don't have enough cash.
Why would I deliberately miss out on original shows?
Because hiatuses and monthly releases are less common in anime.
I did, now that I moved out, have a job and graduate school it's just alot faster to read the manga. 22 minutes per episode is alot more time than it use to be man.
Because the voice acting for manga is terrible, everyone sounds the same way and the people doing their voices have no skill at all. It's almost like they aren't there.
And holy shit don't even get me started on the soundtracks. They don't fit in at all.
Mangaonlyfags are a bunch of EOPs that think they're special, when in reality they read mostly shitty translations of a select few series that actually get picked up. Why haven't you graduated to reading manga and watching anime raw?
Unless the anime belongs to Toei.
Objective tier.
You could always act out the manga's dialogue out loud so you parents think you've finally cracked. Seriously though listen to music while reading manga.
Literally the only medium on that list that has nothing to offer. You could have at least tried to be clever and put "doujin games" or something.
Where are drama cds? Are there even any series that exist purely on drama cds?
muh sakuga
>not making your own sakuga
Even id you feel this way it almost never covers all of the content. Im not going to shit on anyone here either but I dont see how people can stand knowing what they watched is unfinished.
Because so many manga have decisive endings that don't take a decade to reach, right? Most of the anime that leave things off are shitty LN commercials, and the only thing worth watching those for is comedy and girls anyways, so the story not finishing isn't really a big deal.
That's why the true patrician master race option is both watching the manga and reading the anime. Preferably doing the latter first in case it's something new to you, so you don't get angry at how content was cut from the adaptation, which also lets you later fully enjoy the source material.
I've been getting more autistic with trying to get every character in a manga to sound unique and different in my head when I read it. Its lead to me stopping in the middle of chapters.
>most of the anime that leave things off
Well this is wrong for any anime from an ongoing series. I'm not against watching anime, but you get more of the series content from the manga.
I'll usually pick up shows of something Ive read or am reading and as long as the adaptation is decent its like fanservice
I'm ESL however English is my fourth language. And my head hurts if I read English words for too long and often have to look for the difficult words in dictionaries. Manga isn't fun, but anime is often dubbed.
Maybe some series that amateur VAs did as doujin or reference work. Drama CDs are inherently more costly than everything there except anime, which is why drama CDs follow popular series rather than establish them.
Would kinetic visual novels count? I can imagine there a KVN series with full voice work that could be stripped of the novel part to leave a drama-esque audio.
>I'm ESL however English is my fourth language.
The proper term would be EFL.
Because Yoko Taro shit the bed with that edgefest.
I did that with Koi to Uso. Originally,
I just started it just to see what it's all about since I'm too lazy to watch the anime but I ended up marathoning it.
>but you get more of the series content from the manga.
And most adaptations are from ongoing series without an ending in sight anyways, so you don't get an actual ending either way. You sound like a mangafag pretending not to be a mangafag because you watch 4 series a year.
I checked Kissmanga' latest updates every day
Got some pretty good shit from there
I can't stand reading online. I own around 2k volumes, not enough money for more.
Wow, are you serious? You really are autistic. You're reading.
More content is more content, even if it hasnt ended yet I cant imagine just stopping where an anime that will never get another season does when you have tons of series with whole new arcs and whatnot available to you if you'd just read the manga. I'm not pretending to be anything here, I mostly read manga and theres nothing wrong with watching adaptations, but you are only cheating yourself by not reading the manga.
Because i find that 9 times out of 10, the anime discussion - which is often associated with anime only fags - is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DISGUSTING and cancerous of the highest faggotry order
Take Jojo for example. I remember back when Jojo didnt have an anime and 80% of Sup Forums didnt know what the fuck it was. The threads mostly consist of 5 fags comfortably circle jerking with each other. It took like 2 days for the thread to barely reach the limit. And then came the anime adaption
Boy oh boy, was everyone hyped in the sticky. And dont get me wrong, the anime was great. The voice acting fits the characters. The art was faithful. And the OP / songs are great. But then came the anime only fags, and along with them came to tumblr posting. It got to the point where i cant even handle to go in the threads now due to all the obnoxiousness in it
CG was a mistake
I read plenty of manga if I like the anime, but "more content" isn't always a good thing if a story just gets dragged out with no ending. "More content" by itself also doesn't mean anything if the execution of said content isn't good, and a lot of time animation and sound direction as well as voice work can take shows to a level the manga just isn't on.
I do sometimes, but it's mostly because I'm too lazy and would rather scroll through mangas while lying on the bed instead of watching anime while sitting in front of a screen.
Also sometimes it's because the manga has more progress and the later chapters have little to no chance of being animated...
>Because i find that 9 times out of 10, the anime discussion - which is often associated with anime only fags - is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DISGUSTING and cancerous of the highest faggotry order
No you're right, mangaonly is so much better.
>Shitty reddit memes
>People screaming about Korean raws
>People crying about scanlation
>Faggot circlejerk
Manga fanbases are mostly garbage. I translate manga, and most of the threads for series I work on are complete fucking garbage. The posts read like someone went to reddit, batoto and the kissmanga comments, rounded up every comment that was in broken English, and then posted it here.
The comments on Batoto and Kissmanga really are fucking terrible.
I'd rather have my manga thread, which is a mix of mangafags and anime only fag than dive in the cancer concentrated anime only thread
Manga only threads are actually worse than anime only threads because at least the anime only shitposting has a shot at being funny sometimes. Manga only is a retard circlejerk of people who are more concerned with patting themselves on the back for reading manga than they are having anything that even approaches real discussion or even decent humor.
Hey, at least it's not LN-only threads.
>Literally the only medium on that list that has nothing to offer.
You realize that more than half LNs are just castrated commercialized WNs?
There are series that drag on too long, but in most cases the anime covers so little that unless you are looking at some generic harem series, then you get enough good content to outweigh what honestly ends up being mediocre at worst by the end most of the time.
It doesnt help that the anime original endings have a habit of ending things in a less than graceful way
This happened to me before I could even realize it. I used to be able to watch anything as long as it wasn't 300+ episodes now I can't even watch a single episode of anything. I'm not even some kind of manga elitist, I just vastly prefer it to anime at the moment. This doesn't mean that anime can't be good though, with a proper adaptation it can even be better than the original, though that is rarely the case.
And half of them aren't worth reading, whereas no WNs are worth reading.
>has a shot at being funny sometimes
no thx. Their humor is literally redit. Atleast mangafags have decent power level
You don't know how a lot of WNs are meandering as fuck.
I've transcended manga for the superior isekai web novel
What was the last anime you watched adapted from a manga where the anime didn't finish the story and had a shitty ending, but the manga continued on and did everything better
>Their humor is literally redit.
Not really. Mangaonly threads are 100% offboard central, though. Just look at the way those retards type.
I cant bring myself to read web novel / light novel. Everytime i try i feel like i was reading some tumblr fanfiction shit, the wordings are far so fucking simple as well - like something written by / for elementary kids
thats how I do it. Watch the anime, pick up the manga if I get curious and realize how much better it is than the anime
most LN authors are like 19
Not him but
Owari no seraph.
Ao no exorcist.
Medaka box.
Though i make a point to not pick anime based on manga at all. And every time i were tempted in i got disappointed.
Because fight scenes in manga are uninteresting and boring as fuck to follow
literally have to spend 2 minutes analyzing what the fuck is happening 80% of the time because of the clusterfuck it is
You read it for plot and pandering, not for wording. No matter how beatiful writing is, it will never compensate for shitty infuriating plot.
Example: *gatari series.
>Owari no seraph.
Congrats, you managed to have to reach 2 entire years back to find a single example.
That's only if the mangaka can't draw and panel properly, like Oda.
Ask me how I know you've never actually read that series. No, the shitty translations available don't count as reading them. Prose in writing is as important as scene composition and directing in anime, and is essential for actually understanding the work.
I dont watch much anime anymore, but I think a really good example is something like Negima. I'd take the shitshow we have now knowing I got the rakan fight than to have left it at like ch 50 or wherever the anime ended. Now I know its an unfair example in the sense that it was just a poor adaptation but you can take pretty much any comedy like ANYTHING done by Aho girls author which has a lot of content that wont get animated. Also Im not up to date on reading Blue exorcist but I find it hard to believe the manga has gotten worse than SATAN UFOS.
Now a somewhat different side to all of this is all of the good content that flat out never gets an anime.
>Take Jojo for example
No fucking shit.
Doesnt invalidate it, 2 years isnt going to suddenly mean they only make complete adaptaions with the required number of seasons now.
If I could read and understand Japanese I'd read manga. A lot of manga don't get translated or are X chapters behind the JP version which is always a pain.
>I dont watch much anime anymore,
Then why would I take your opinion seriously?
>can take pretty much any comedy like ANYTHING done by Aho girls author which has a lot of content that wont get animated
And yet the stuff that does get animated is head and shoulders above the manga because decent animation and art trumps the 4koma format, and the voice acting takes the series to a level that the manga can literally never compare to.
>Doesnt invalidate it
If you can only point to a single example of the thing you're complaining about across ever 200+ shows that air, then maybe the thing you're complaining about isn't really a big deal and you're just complaining because you feel the need to pretend you have a point.
In these 2 years there were at least one anime based on manga that is complete plotwise and isnt some SOL comedy?
Because it is one of the most extreme and obvious case of a manga only fanbase went to literal shit because of it getting an anime adaption
I literally said it in the post. Do you have brain damage, user?
Because even with saying I dont watch much I still provided current and old examples. Also to say it's head and shoulders above is a matter of opinion. I'd say its good but something is lost by dragging out the simplicity of a 4koma. Even then we are taljing about more content that even if you enjoyed the anime, will most likely never get an anime thus yoir only way to enjoy it is by reading it.
And you've been presented with examples from a variety of times. Did manga rape you as a kid or something?
I wonder when Otaking Okada not the other guy graduates anime like everyone knowledgeable and starts exclusively reading manga.
Ushio to Tora. You're still also under the impression that "more plot" is all that matters. Take stuff like Aho Girl, Demichan, Gabriel Dropout or Konobi. All of them are good manga, but the anime just completely improved on all of them. Execution is more important than just having more content. If a manga has a great ending and the anime never gets to it, that sucks, but that also doesn't happen very often at all.
>Also to say it's head and shoulders above is a matter of opinion.
Nope. If you honestly think the manga version even holds a candle to the anime, then you're a retarded mangafag who just wants to pretend they're special for reading manga.
I can think of another one off the top of my head
Have a pity (You) for your sad bait.
i just played steins gate 0 which VN's would you lot recommend (preferable for the ps vita)
Alright, done here. Whether you are shitposting or just stupid at this point doesnt matter.
Kill yourself
>Literally too stupid to appreciate good voice acting and execution of a show
Remember, saying "everything is opinions anyways so one thing can't be better than another" translates to "I'm too stupid to form a valid point so I'm going to try to back out."
But I have. I watched anime for a year or two and then went straight into manga, never looked back. I do still watch some shows but if its from an manga then Il skip it.
Still cant get around reading LNs or VNs. I couldnt even finish the worst route from FSN as Japs cant write for shit. The style is horrible, clunky and just poor form compared to western writing. Im not talking about plot or anything but the structure of writing itself
suck my tail
Sounds white.
>read an English translation of a language structured completely different than English that has different literary devices
>surprised that it doesn't flow as well as English written by a native English speaker that isn't a translation
What a revelation.
I prefer the original version
Manga has better pace, better art and better execution most of the time. So unless you are watching some original anime / one shot movie then it is not worth it. Dont be the kind of brainlet that can only enjoy something "becuz it haz pretty color and it movexddd"
It's the opposite. Liking exclusively manga and believing you're superior for that is nothing other than proof of how low your power level really is. Both anime and manga have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you need to be into both if you're any serious at all about this hobby.
>Manga has better pace, better art and better execution most of the time.
Yeah, manga does art and action so much better. Fucking brainlets, when will they learn that saying "I read a thing" makes you smarter.
I'd take hiatus over filler all day everyday
Gabriel Dropout's anime studio is great, they seem to do this in lots of adaptations.
because light novels are better,..
No shit user, its still unreadable though. Just fucking look at this, it has poor structure and is a shitty wall of text
I can't find an e-ink reader with a proper screensize for reading it, at a good price. That is my only roadblock.