Mfw Umaru Season 2 literally postponed my suicide

>mfw Umaru Season 2 literally postponed my suicide

>yfw a nigger breaks into your basement tomorrow and mistakenly shoots you because he gets spooked.

Reading these two posts just made me realize being on this site is why I'm so socially retarded. I'm going for a walk.

Have a nice walk, user!

Good walk, user

Don't forget to buy some potato chipsu on the way

Nice blog

Umaru is a spreader of joy. Give me your blessing, hammers.

Good, and don't come back newshit

I believe that Umaru S2 isn't worth postponing suicide. Go ahead and go through with retiring from this life, anonymous.

I want Umaru to be my waifu
I want Komaru to be my daughteru
I want onii-chan to be a cannon fodder