Mahoujin Guru Guru

Holy fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

it's ok pedo calm down


>they won't have the guts, they said
>it's not the 90s anymore, they said

It's actually lewder than the 90s anime. WHAT THE FUCK.
LRD was found hanging himself in his cave.

Nah, he'll find a convoluted excuse to pretend he's right, as usual.

Isn't this a late night anime? Obviously it's not for kids like the original

They did it, they fucking did it, the absolute madmen.

The original had a bit of lewd too.

>Hero had high hopes
That's our boy

Picked up.

based kukuri

¿What's wrong?,that isn't just a cartoon?

>cursed items
Nostalgic, I think only DQ still does this and it's not as terrible as other older games.

>playing some old dungeon crawler
>find an awesome weapon
>equip immediately
>it's cursed and has some annoying berserk effect
>it can only be removed by a high level cleric spell or the death of the character.
>but the game has permadeath

Anime studios usually pussy out on loli lewdness, even stuff heavy on it like Prisma Illya is a bit tamer than the original, but with this adaptation that's not the case at all.


But I already did. I think most anons thought that the studio would remove or censor this scene in the adaptation, since that's how usually this kind of thing goes.

It's beautiful.


Finally, subs are up. Time for my weekly dose of Kukuri.


I really love this show!
The waiting kills me...

Thanks for posting this. I forget these shorts exist if I'm not reminded.

more juju when?
i already got the old series, but i don't want to spoil myself
is the movie safe?


I love this show so much. It's weird how simple adventure stories like this are so hard to find.

Please do not rape Kukuri.

Unless you are her Yuusha-sama. Then it's okay.
>leaked BD rips

need to be puffier

It could happen.

>leaked BD rips
I hope this is fake, though.

Is this series pretty good? I skipped it since remakes and parodies in anime both tend to be pretty hit or miss in quality, and I had a full plate this season. Now that I've pared down some other shows, I might go back and catch up if it seems worth it.

Picked up.

>full plate this season.
The hell are you even watching? The only decent/solid shows this season are Bahamut, New Game, Ballroom, and This.

>that scene
My thoughts exactly

No, stay with your shitty anime for furries and edgelords.

Quiet, you'll wake up the NTRfags

>I might go back

You and everyone else. They framed it as rape on purpose.

Can't argue with those 5s

Princess Principal and MiA are nice as well.

To be fair, Juju also has crush on Nike. So, I think it's fair enough.

There's plenty of shit worth watching this season, nigga

He's the hero though.


Nike got the better deal.

Kukuri crying afterwards really didn't help.

>full plate
What? Apart from Tenshi no 3P and this, there's nothing worth a watch this season. What kind of garbage are you watching?!

The opening is just so cute, I love everything about it.

>he only watches good things
This is why you'll always be a MAL babby with sub 200 finished shows. You have no idea what's good and bad if you haven't seen tons of bad shit.

>full plate this season
How? There's only like 50 shows airing.
I can do 3-4 times that amount.

Kukuri chan is cute! ! !

I want to commit a crime!

tsurezure children and aho girl are dual AOTS



I got it! The village is a reference to old school rpg towns where the NPCs are always constantly moving in place.

>aho girl
You can find in the evil cartel of doom.

It's great fun. Really reeks of fun 90's anime. Good humor and comedic timing.

That's not nice.

Thank you fren. Will bookmark.
Time for kukuris

Not him, but I'm a Sup Forums crossposter and I fucking love lolis in my anime and video game.

True though.

You need to fend against normalfags there even more than here, you are either brave or foolish.

I'm getting that game as well. Coco a cute,
best girl

Not him but I'm watching almost every show but haven't started this yet even though I come to most of the threads.

The game's threads are actually decent and normalfag-free too.
>that artist
His porn is so good.

I feel like Nike is my spiritual nigga. 10/10 hero.

Generally speaking, I watch the first few episodes of every show every season. The exception being continuations of things that I dropped previously, or stuff I'm pretty sure I'm either not going to like or just going to marathon to get through later.

This show was an outlier, because I'd seen screens from it before I watched it(typically I go into everything as close to blind as possible) and I knew it was going to be a fantasy RPG parody show, which meant it had to be damn good for me to warrent watching it, so I skipped it planning to grab the batch to see if it was worth marathoning later. I've seen alot of people being pretty praiseworthy of it, so I was just wondering if it was worth grabbing it now or waiting.

As far as what I am watching: Bahamut and New Game+, as well as Made in Abyss, Boku no Hero Academia, Centaur no Nayami, Tsurezure Children, Symphogear, Princess Principal, Keppeki Danshii, Knights & Magic, Re-Creators, Jigoku Shoujo, Sakura Quest, Classroom of the Elite. I'm also catching up on the last half of Rakugo that I'd put on hold till recently.

And still waiting till the season's over to binge Isekai Restaurant, and for DVD release for Hajimete no Gal.


Every time Kukuri changes hairstyle, clothing, anything, it's just perfect, perfectly cute.

I wish pedos could stop ruining every thread they go and just die

>or stuff I'm pretty sure I'm either not going to like
You never know for sure. Just give everything an unprejudiced chance.

Tbh I like the 2017 version better than the old ones, the VA for example is so much better! I'm in love with Kukuri's and Juju's voices they're perfect

Not your safe space, faggot.


>You have no idea what's good and bad if you haven't seen tons of bad shit

Bad stuff dulls your senses user. There is no reason to subject yourself to shit.

It's a lolicon show though...

>using pedo unironically on Sup Forums
Lurk for 2 years before posting.

I'm biased about the old show. But I do really love how they adapted the art style, the animation is also on point.

Nice fan art, nice legs.

Shut up, virgin
A little
>2017 version
??? there's another version?

Magic and booty!

Yes there is, go get spoonfed somewhere else, retarded newfag.

No. Fuck this advice. Life is too short to try everything.

You could watch every anime in existence multiple times over in a lifetime. Watching an episode or two of everything is next to nothing.

need a video comparation.

You shouldn't have to do that much to recognize that you aren't going to like at least 80% of the anime airing each season.

Lurk more, cancer. Fuck off.

It doesn't matter if shows are "good" or "bad", the only important thing is that they're enjoyable. It's fine if you don't like all kinds of anime, but even so you should venture out every so often and pick up a bunch of random shows at the start of a season without caring about summaries or their original works. You just might end up finding your personal gems that way.
That's how I picked this show up. I didn't know at all about the older version, even more so because it didn't air on my local TV, but I decided to watch the first episode because why the fuck not and here I am now loving what happens every week.

I've found myself surprised many times. Either by liking something unusual or disliking something I was expecting to enjoy.
And I've watched over 80% of a season in the past.

week No. 6, guru guru threads still full of:
>ironic lolicons

No, it isn't. It's just a very inoffensive cute show. You are just a pervert
Okay, thanks gramps. Bye

>Ironic lolicons
Who the fuck is being ironic? How do you even be an "ironic" lolicon?

>ironic lolicons
Am I "ironic" too if I fapped to this?


You are understimating the amount of anime out there... go on, watch one episode of everything and see how it goes

Crying Kuku is also a qt.

>ironic lolicons
Yes sure.

I can't read that last line. Dick is painful?

If that's how you feel about anime all I can do is hope you learn to chill down and enjoy more things in the future. I enjoy anime these much more than I did when I started watching seasonal stuff 10 years ago, and I always pick as many shows up as I can (but I'm not afraid of dropping the ones that don't appeal to me, which is something that still happens often enough).
>ironic anything
I ironically hope that you ironically kill yourself, ironically.