I don't enjoy anime anymore

I don't enjoy anime anymore.

I'm 30 and for the last 5 years or so I've been watching less and less anime until I stopped completely.

It just all seems like immature shounen crap with endless rehashes of the same few tropes and waifu types.

Am I just too cynical?

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nice blog, subscribed


Get out.

We're all around 16-20 here. You're too old and at least subconsciously understand that you shouldn't be a creep. GG, pick up another hobby.

>I've been watching less and less anime until I stopped completely.
You are now allowed to post on this board.

Lots of shit in anime. Lots of tropes. Japanese culture seems to be built around the notion that things are done best when they are done with an intensive, manic repetitiveness. Japs love seeing the same shit over and over and over again, it seems.

how old are you?

>We're all around 16-20 here.
Sup Forums has a significant portion of people in their thirties.


Stop watching the same kind of shows then.


Was gonna say there's a lot of people here older than 20.

Wrong board dude, go back.

I think Sup Forums might be the oldest board. Well us and /k/.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in that age bracket, but there's no way you can ignore the fact that a lot of significant contributors are generally 30 years old.

This HAS to be a lie.

No fucking way thats true with all the battle shounen threads here, no one that age can stomach that shit unless they're completely new to anime

There's gonna be a lot of young people here simply because women keep shitting people out. Unstoppably. They won't fucking stop.

>It just all seems like immature shounen crap with endless rehashes of the same few tropes and waifu types.
It took you till 30 to realise this?

I understand your pain. I've been watching a lot less shows, and now I'm just rewatching a bunch of older shows

We don't talk about the shounen threads.

This meme that as you get older you "grow" out of anime is fucking stupid.

You can enjoy anything at any age.

I've been following One Piece and HxH since they started.

>We're all around 16-20 here.
I thought we're all in our mid 20's.

>No fucking way thats true with all the battle shounen threads here, no one that age can stomach that shit unless they're completely new to anime

As opposed to seasonal slice of life and ecchi haremshit?

This I realized this at 18 and then I understood that this is the very reason I like it. If you don't like anime for what it makes anime, drop it and leave, faggot.

wait on good shows. now stop masturbating so much and add variety to your life

>posts some ugly gook whore
Fucking yellow fever weeaboos kill yourselves.

i thought we were all cute little girls?

Holy fuck, stop.

How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards and a resistance to shitty external board culture thats not present anywhere else.

>Sup Forums

I've literally outgrown one piece years ago, hxh was more interesting but i stopped caring with inconsistent releases like berserk and ain't seen them in years.

Yep this confirms you aren't thirty, no one that old would be this stupid thinking genres are limited like that.

We are but shh we have to pretend.

General hostility.

>thats not present anywhere else.
Sup Forums has nothing on /jp/

Sorry, some of us grew up and became Christmas cakes.

I don't know what you are talking about tbhq famalam

Quick test for this thread


We don't tend to watch Shounen, we pick up a handful of shows per season that have some sort of original feature or setting.


No one in their right mind takes strawpolls seriously.

I just watch shit that's scored 8+ on MAL and seasonal

I only watch like 5 series every year these days because I've watched over 300 titles already and seen everything good. Nothing wrong with getting a life and being a productive human being instead of an otaku NEET trash that devote their life to anime and being a loser

No one actually want them here and most people reading them are trapped in curiosity bubble that's why Nisekoi was so "popular".


Why is this thread still up?

People here unironically defend Smartphone Isekai. so you may want to rethink your argument

>8+ on MAL
>over 300
>everything good

>We watch half assed adaptations of whatever light novel Kadokawa is shilling this season

When were you under the impression that we had active moderation?

No one who's been watching anime over 5 years hasn't moved on to VNs/Manga/LNs, unless they are retarded.

You sound like a collosal faggot. Kill yourself.

Am I the only original Sailor Moon fan around here? Welp...

It's the Sup Forums mods. When they're gone, this board is going to come apart at the seams like all the other big boards.

You expected a cute girl? Too bad, I was a hag all along.

Child pussy.

retarded NEET loser detected

>no one watches/reads them

Don't delude yourself, majority of traffic on this dying board is from battleshounen shit.

Fuck off, dog eater.

>retarded NEET loser

NEETs are winners at life.

Can confirm

We just post more relaxed.

wageslave detected

I enjoy battle shounen because it's dumb shit and because it allows me to shittalk people for thinking this garbage has any merit.

>he doesn't watch 80's anime.

People who don't watch at least 10 anime a season shouldn't post, since they know shit about what's going on and can't contribute, ending up shitposting, usually without even realizing doing so.

It took you 30 fucking years to realize that everything (not just anime) is full of cliches? How many decades before you understand that it's the execution that matter?

It still went to shit regardless

I watched 80's anime in the 80's

Until your future employer asks you what you've done these past years and the only job you'll get is a wagecuck job

You better be one of those autismo programmer NEETs. They might have something to show for if they're autismo enough to git gud

Fuck off, NSA

Shit like that avengers ripoff or eotens sure because both are fujoshi dominated and they can fuck off anytime for all I care. For stuff like OP, people only read it because after years they are curious how it will end.

You do realise that you can have an interesting, innovative career, and a hobby at the same time, right?

You can't have a career and be a NEET at the same time.

>jacking it to waifus all day
>just a hobby bro

>deleting posts shitting on gookshit/chinkshit/e-celeb/rec-threads, but letting the threads themselves live and even defending them
>once a month they show up to ban someone rightfully with BIG RED LETTERS
>400+ reply Sup Forums threads considered okay because OP posted an anime picture

>Until your future employer
>getting a job
Fell for the work meme hard didn't you lad?

Nice now the thread is full on normalfaggotry.

So since this thread gets 404'd eventually, let's try some gets

>Until your future employer
Why would I ever search for employment dumbfuck

You just have shit taste.

At this point OP will either get away from anime for the rest of his life, or come back to it after realizing he watched anime for the same reason he doesn't watch it now: there's no cure for life and it doesn't matter if he watches or not, as long as he can trick his brain to make it another day.

In the meantime get out, OP. We don't want to read about your specific case of the human condition. We're trying to forget about ours.


>For stuff like OP, people only read it because after years they are curious how it will end.

Yeah no.

Boruto is an unnecessary read and people still read it.

Pretty weak start there kid. Now THIS is a get!

If you're retarded and socially stunted enough that you legit get autismbux maybe you'll survive long term as a NEET.

You can report the post and the thread for "illegal content" now.

check em

>2 off
Don't fuck with me, you're just as bad as I am


>file deleted
why stop there?

loli cunny is not illegal

>only delete OP image

I realized this at 18.
I'm 32 now.

Because the crossboard mod is clueless - or actually I lately have a suspicion that somebody up there wants to reform Sup Forums.

Someone is fucking with us both. this time I'll show you a real get though.

Did the report queue for this thread get reset when the OP image was deleted?

since when does Sup Forums cares more about anons private lives more than their Sup Forums-related knowledge?

i too am 30 and still watch a lot of anime. but i only watch 2-3 shows a given season max. this season the only thing i like are
>isekei cooking show
that's it. its a pretty bad season, but aho-girl and isekei cooking are both good enough to make up for it. otherwise i just re-watch old show i enjoyed like gintama or toradora! that said, its not surprising youre getting bored of anime. its a genre aimed at japanese children, so it stands to reason its designed around people watching it for 4-6 years the moving on to more mature stuff. therefore, the rehashing and tropes doesn't bother the target market.

in short. you (we) are not the target market, so naturally its a bit shitty for us.

For fucks sake

swagmod a.k.a ginger mod is literally a paid shill who abuse the position as older mod for money.
He has a vested interest in destroying Sup Forums as it is. It's more profitable if the board were like Sup Forums.