*is the most masculine national symbol in your path*

*is the most masculine national symbol in your path*


Other urls found in this thread:



Post the other one of this image plz

I agree with Muslims on how women should be treated now



>porn star doing degenerate shit
oh no

the best part is her neck tattoo


>can't tell the difference between Shad's work at that of other artists doing the same subject matter
What a piece of shit.

i think loli bestiality might be a fetish of mine



Maybe Islam isn't soo bad, considering the way women act without it.


That twerk video sucks, and her tattoos suck.

>that's somebody's daughter
Just fucking end it all

begone, THOT


>That tattoo

I'm highly confident i've seen her butthole posted online

bad taste for a statue to begin with.
see Exodus 32:4



Was that pepe on the testicle... there originally?



I know one of you degenerates has that picture saved, post it.

most likely

Been on no fap and ngl even though she is a massive degenerate thot I'm hard rn

How much further are we going push past the weimar republic in terms of degeneracy before someone puts an end to this?

bull penises don't look like that







>americans worshipping a literal bronze bull so they can have success making money by stealing from others

Why all the bully

Instead of asking you could, y'know, just go to his site to see it.


Here then, but keep to yourself from now on.

those redpilled comments tho

>the absolute STATE of cuckpitalism

Daizha Morgann