Let's help Sup Forums.
Let's help Sup Forums
Nobody but the desperate, lonely, and worthless go there.
Is this a M E T A T H R E A D in disguise?
Okay we start by banning lolis
Good. And?
Why the fuck is he thinking about romance in a shonen?
Lolis are already banned. You need to be 18 or older to post here.
I'm extremely curious what would happen if mods imposed a strict ban on all lolis (at least depictions of characters under 13 in suggestive situations) and any talk about these characters in those situations for maybe a week or two. What would happen to the community on here? Would the mass exodus of pedos bring an uptick in quality? Or are they the only ones keeping this shit boat afloat?
Are you somehow under the impression that Sup Forums currently has enough mods to enforce such a ban?
What would happen is that Sup Forums would go mad. Meta threads, shitposting threads and loli threads everywhere, with nothing else in between.
Pedos are a large part of this subculture's support. Perhaps we kill them off, improve anime's rep, and see a new golden age.
>improve anime's rep
I bet you like Evangelion or Ghibli movies.
>improve anime's rep
You sound stupid, please leave Sup Forums and never return.
Okay here's what we'll ban and delete
>not having the naruto thread up for banning
This lost is cancer and should be banned
Should have said "otaku culture" or some term that better encompasses the topic. Even then, I'd appear wrong to some cunt that I'm talking to (you) and no one has to leave because you say so. Do kindly drink bleach, you weeb, and die in a pool of your own waste.
What's wrong with Ghibli movies?
So anything you don't like? Please tell me you favourite current season anime so we can ban that.
Holy fucking shit this looks like a Sup Forums thread. Go back you niggers.
If you don't like it then fuck off dickhead.
>thread for manga translated by user
>circlejerk for 1page a day translated by tumblr faggot and full of actual cancer
>can stay
You should stop posting, that alone would already improve quality of Sup Forums.
I can see your underaged arse wearing a filthy frank tee from my computer screen. Fuck off from Sup Forums
>I wonder what would happen if you ban "x" fetish
of course people are gonna be mad you dumbass, if we banned thicc then fatfags would be mad, ban cowtits and all the normalfags/mommyfags get mad, ban traps then the gays get mad etc
learn to just ignore shit you dont like instead of creating a reddit safe space
Ban all waifu war.
That's it. That's how you help Sup Forums.
So every thread?
More normalfag to like lolis on here though
I digress, I accidentally overlooked these garbage shit threads, but they get the point.
You can't see anything outside your own delusions. Does mommy's cooking comfort you in those hours of masturbation that stand as the highlight of your days? Please, share with your therapist what a failed abortion you've turned out to be.
Wtf why they step on him?
Pedos are literally the only thing separating us from /r/anime.
Care to explain how thread for manga translated by user or for currency airing anime are bad? Or how anything come close to SnK level of cancer? Or why are you using not Sup Forums related reaction image?
just ban dragonball super threads and watch Sup Forums get 50% better
That's misandry at work. Gynocentrism consuming everything. Sucks to be a male nowadays. Fuck this suckhole of bullshit! I'm going to end up a hermit rather than deal with this apocalypse.
>projecting this early
Seek professional help