Araragi isn't a lolicon is he?

Araragi isn't a lolicon is he?

Sure he licks and sucks on Hachikuji, but since he says it's just a joke he definitely isn't one right?

Love has no bounds

That's exactly what my uncle said to the cops.

How do you ironically fap to something?

Hachikuji is older than him and has always played the cool older sister role.

I want aware cool older sisters allowed you to grope and lick them

>it was a joke

What is this series about anymore, All I see is fanservice and lewd moments.

It also has pretentiousness

wow you're really sharp user

Of course not.

It attempts to have witty dialog and romance at the beginning, but then it gives up on that in favor of more fanservice and lewd moments.

I wonder this as well.

hes a good man thats loves his gfs

You don't that's the joke

Now please leave

The dialog still pretty good though

Araragi's manliness can make even the hardest of the men cry.


You're uncle sounds fucking based, handled like a total alpha too.

How can something so short be so thick?

I came here to post this.

You never fail to make a retarded post do you?
