When they see your new game

They're not playing a new game they're watching superior BLACKED pornography

Aoba's drawing > Kou's drawing
Damn suits don't know their shit.

Say something nice to my wife Aoba, she tried really hard.

Why did Kou reject Aoba?

I really liked that scene.

Is pink going to be part of Aoba harem ?

So fare pink seems to wetting for her.

They just wanted Kou's name on the covers so it didn't matter either way.

I preferred Kou's visual too.


Aoba really should have drawn Peco murdering the bear.

So much drama compared to last season

Kou's image was far superior for a game cover but Aoba's should definitely be used for the artbook.

It will make the sex even more intense.

Aragorn will probably put her frustration on nenechi.

Pretty much this. Kou's image shows what the company asked.

I really liked this whole episode.

Yun is late for work.

Nenes twintails really do it for me. I dont know why, but her smugness and physique are incredibly attractive.

Nene will be fecally incontinent for weeks.

Do you think Christina will have drunk lesbian sex with Hazuki ?

So far we have seen her grabbing Hazuki's pussy.

She probably grabbed some more breakfast on the way.

Wait. The Japanese call velcro, MAGIC TAPE?

You should do it first, Hifumi.

Is this sameface?

>In Japan, "Magic Tape" is a trademark of Kuraray for a hook-and-loop fastener system similar to Velcro. Instead the katakana version of the word Mending Tape is used, i.e. メンディングテープ along with the familiar green and yellow tartan branding.


Where my Nene friends at?

>Accurate representation of the number of games for PlayZtation consoles.

Nene has puffier cheeks.

>Snatch port when

>their game got funding because they need it to shill consoles

>they didn't show her feet

Wasted opportunity


And vulvae.

I want to fuck the autism out of Momo.

Right, but the size, shape, and placement of their eyes and mouths are exactly the same. I know it's supposed to show they're having the same reaction, but it just looks uncanny.



I want to fuck Peco


>that OP in middle of the episode
why did that make me cry?




God damn Hotaru is cute, CUTE!

Maybe if Aoba went to Art College she wouldn't get rekt so hard by Kou


Pooh is my hero.


Aocchi is for anal.

Has Nene seen a penis?

Ahagon sent her a drunken dick pic once.

Aoba drama episodes always make me feel so bad because if i were in her place i would have just given up and it makes me feel inadequate

it can be confirmed that Ahagon is the dom on the bed right?

It's good to feel like what you are.

My wife is so fashionable.

Only because you run out of stores before buying.

They all have.


>muh youth of fire
Gas Aoba

I like Nene's huge, floppy pussy.

is that gab?

What suit is she wearing in your fantasy?


Is there a way to say something to the extent of 頑張ったね in the most pitiful/sarcastic way?

Her birthday suit

A Hifumi suit.

this kirby knock off is going to bomb

What is Yun looking at so intensely?




what for?

She's a fag, so she is into that sort of thing.

>power up montage
>OP plays
>MC still loses

why does she look like a school nurse?


best smug
when will this game be released? this would be GOTY


Yes, Aoba's drawing was better as a piece of art, yeah. But as advertising Kou wins.

Kou was really cool this episode.

Aoba looks like a school kid.

are you lost sir


>Kou beaten by a 12 year old

>it took memecchi 6 months to write that game

please don't tell me she gets hired later on

She does.

she went from 0 to writing her own game engine user

that is actually an impressive feat.

Aoba's key visual actually sucked. It's so boring it makes me feel bad

>gassy Aoba


Thank you for reminding me of this terrible anime.

Show me your scripts, geek boy

She's literally a genius.

cd programming
cd ..
cd programming
cd ..

do i get hired now

Is Yun starring at Hajime's ass?

Who drinks like this?

Please don't insult my wife's artwork. Nerd

Yes, Kloss, you're programmer now.

