ITT: Entry level waifus
18 is entry level but at least she's a pretty decent pick, now pic related on the other hand...
You're waifu
People actually waifu Christina? kek
Who made this chart? It's so accurate.
I don't think anyone waifus 18. She's a Sakura Haruno tier waifu.
ITT: every popular waifu
Needs megumeme
3d ones
Did you mean to say your? Or did you intend on saying You're as in You are.
ESL-kun. Same for the one about shit taste.
Check this too.
Nah, this chart has decent quality.
I'm talking about the another chart, the one with the "special mention to these meme, worst girls" at the bottom. Also stop posting that chart, it has my waifu on it.
she is my waifu for laifu
Which one? The kyoani gril?
We need to break the waifu conditioning!
There are two Kyoani girls. But please don't ask any further. The least I want is have her become asociated with shitposting, she is too precious to me for that.
>waifuing someone who's already taken
I hope you guys don't do this.
I think I know who it is, but don't worry, I'll keep it a secret
I can't believe how correct you are. Every sub 200 weeb I know has fawned over this bitch at some point. Notice I said "at some point" meaning they also have seasonal waifus. At least the people who have 18 as a waifu have had them since the beginning.
>Haruhi not on there
How literally how?
wow, none of my waifus are on their i should count myself lucky.
>none of my waifus
what are you islamic?
Maron from Garlic Jr saga was so much superior to this overrated bitch. Poor Krillin got a tough break...fucking Toriyama.
Asuka is a true patrician waifu.
i was only pretending to be walking trash :^)
Wow this chart is completely accu-
Into the trash it goes
woah rude
>waifu for laifu
The only kind of waifu to have.
Why is my wife, Saber, not 1st on this chart? Please correct this immediately.
>beats by dre
Gets me every time.
You need to die, and take that chart and its creator with you.
what are you going to do about it fuckboy
Asuka is moots waifu, try again
Why is You there instead of Kayo?
I'll love my waifu no matter what you people think
How is Azusa waifubait moreso than any of the other K-On girls?
Just like it should be
>using waifu as in plural
you need to lurk (2) years before posting.
Fuck off back to twitch, faggot.
Best girl
How do you know when a character is your waifu?
If you have to ask then you really haven't found her yet.
I think a lot of you get "Good waifu material" Mixed up with Entry level
Also you should only have 1 waifu,
"Entry level" implies you have multiple
>"Entry level" implies you have multiple
No it doesn't it means your waifu is a shallow cookie cutter character from a entry level show
Your mean words won't stop me from loving my waifu
I dont have a waifu
Luluco? Shouldn't it be Ryuko for trigger girl?
>who made this chart?
Probably some manchild mad about his waifu not being as popular as ones that are listed there.
>It's so accurate
Not since it has Mikoto desu.
You're waifu.
What's entry level about her? She's not even from an entry level series
I though I'd have grown out of her but nope
Take that back!
Hinata is old news. We're into Hanabi now.
>Probably some manchild mad about his waifu not being as popular as ones that are listed there.
>Wanting your waifu to be popular
You're a disgrace.
There is a plus to having a popular waifu though, most niche unpopular waifus have no merchandise that you can buy so you can't buy a daki of your waifu to cuddle with when you sleep at night if she is unpopular.
I don't even get it because Kurisu is kind of a niche compared to sameface Fate girls, Kancolle girls or overwatch.
She's not even my waifu but fuck you, that series is niche as fuck, and anyone picking her is most likely a patrician worthy of respect.
What exactly do you mean by niche?
Her and every other EVA girl.
Make your own daki.
Not very popular compared to some other girls, Kurisu doesn't even have any merchandise for Gate of Zero.
I find it rather sad that people actually "waifu" Asuka, considering she's a narcissistic and violent bitch.
You have to remember that Sup Forums distorts "entry-level" quite a lot. It's true that you don't need a huge powerlevel to enjoy Steins;Gate, but it's not something I'd show to someone for their first go at the medium.
This post was a mistake
>still no Misty
shit thread
Yui would give you a dickrub if you asked nicely, and then would congratulate you when you finish.
Am I a pleb or a patrician?
There's some good girls in there but having multiple waifu will ruin your laifu.
Delete gahara.
>multiple waifu
auto-pleb, you're not in the middle east here user
The current state of Sup Forums makes me so fucking depressed.
Someday there will be more art of her.
Youngest, twintails. Implicitly the lewdest.
>pleb or patrician
>multiple waifus
No user,you're a fucking philistine.
What's wrong with Sup Forums specifically?
The exact same fucking thing that's wrong with all of Sup Forums? Which is also the exact same thing that's wrong with the internet?
my nioggoh
years pass but what are we to do
Everything is terrible all the time everywhere.
Unfortunately you are right. This was inevitable. But at least people could have only one wife.
17 was always cuter anyway
No homo
I'm glad I've kept my one perfect wife for so long
This skank
none of your waifus match mine
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