Jordan Peterson

Does of Sup Forums actually agree with this guy and his teachings? I think he offers a lot of good advice when it comes to getting back on your feet after a tragedy.

Other urls found in this thread:

All psychologists are just glorified self help gurus.

His philosophy needs improvement.

He's some old faggot who refuses to talk about Jews, belongs in the trash

Link the material for getting over a tragedy. I need it right now.

What parts of it needs improving ?

>yes goy the problem is with YOU, certainly not with the jews

In the end he is just an overrated right-liberal. He doesn't seem to understand the distinction between alt-light and alt-right and seems utterly oblivious to overlapping NRx/post-libertarian themes in alt-right thought.

Take for example:

He literally believes that the 'very basis' of the alt-rights criticism of the left is that they expand the state. He has no idea what he is talking about, but can't stand to admit this.

Im going to do his future authoring program, watch the youtube ad. Bretty gud

This is what helped me. I hope you're doing alright brother.

Jordan Peterson sort boils his own philosophy down to "if you put your life in order, you'll put those around in you in a better position too."

He offers this as an alternative to great political revolution because if you imagine how your life would be if you made it better yourself, imagine how that would help those around you, and imagine how others would improve their lives, and similarly those around them, then it's likely that you won't see the need for political revolution.

For myself I quit my job 18 months ago and haven't been able to find anything since. I have a B.S. in Chemistry which qualifies me for laboratory positions running equipment.

If I'd made a concerted effort every day since I quit to find something else, then I'd be in a better position than I was. Instead my involvement is erratic at best, and overall I feel pretty nihilistic and without control or purpose. This weighs the lives of others around me too. I had to move back in with my mother. I have no friends, and do not wish to seek out friends without having a job. My grandparents are getting older and can't really look to me as some sort of triumph of their lives. I don't improve anyone's life around me.

I'm actually an excellent employee and in the three long term positions I had I do not hesitate to say my performance was the best or equal to the best of anyone in those positions.

Let me run down how my life would improve if I was 'together'

1. If I had a job I would be happier and feel as though I wasn't failing so much.

2. My loved ones would not worry about me, and in fact the opposite, if I was gainfully employed they'd take comfort from me.

3. I'd give my parents and grandparents a sense of accomplishment and content in their own lives

4. I would be an asset at whatever position I held and make the lives of those, supervisor and boss, better

>the problem is you aren't doing anything to fix yourself so you just shitpost all day on an image board

5. If I were employed making 40-52k (about where the positions I qualify are) and were I to exercise I would undoubtedly pair off with a woman which would be fulfilling for both of our lives

6. To expand upon exercise, if I were to exercise I would be able to have a larger choice of partners, and be more likely to make a satisfactory choice, and I would also be a more satisfying choice to my partner.

7. After paired off with a 'together' life I would eventually have children and they would be raised, most likely, in a better than average manner which would in turn increase the averages of the country. They would give a long term sense of meaning to my life, my partners life and my parents lives, and they would be capable and competent on their own. Most shitty and lost people I've known have had bad home lives.

8. Having higher status in society would make me a better friend and able to have friends.

As it is though, I'm living a nihilistic NEET lifestyle. Suicide isn't an option only because I fear death.


To turn it back to what JBP is saying, if I were to take care of myself, and we were all to take better care of ourselves and order the immediate chaos around ourselves instead of just endlessly falling in so many, or all, areas, then that is the best change for society that we could hope for.

I don't particularly like black people. Very occasionally I do. Maybe 1/10 or 1/20 if I really consider all the blacks I would see or meet in my life instead of just the ones that go to college and end up the black friend in a group of hipsters that I assume liberals consider the only black people. I think the USA would be better off without the blacks. In fact I'm convinced of it. Not every black, just there would be a net benefit if we got rid of all of them.

But so what? Does that really improve my life? No, It really does not.

He doesn't seem to grasp that unrestrained liberalism subverts itself and modernity. He seems oblivious to the momentum of the cultural logic of post-modernism and its cause. As a result he proposes that the solution to problem of post-idealogical liberalism is....liberalism.

I like that he exposes people to Jung, but in the end he is just engaging in unrestrained speculation. Also, I'm sure he makes a great one on one psychologist.

However, when he speaks about political science and the cultural logic of society, he is speaking way outside of his expertise and comes across as a pseud trying to pigeonhole complex topics.

He also misuses critical terminology and as a result rails against things that he himself employs in his own analysis. For example he rails against post-modernism (whereas often he conflates it with post-structuralism) but makes clear that he approaches issues like truth in an explicitly Nietzschean fashion...and Nietzsche was a quintessential proto-post-modernist.

Likewise, at least insofar as Anglosphere terminology is concerned, his analysis of Christianity (and other religions) and its search for the underlying symbolic narrative/narrator is exactly a post-modern approach.

He is just my dad, but sounds gayer, and has a less important job.

How in the world can trying to explain how Christian stories and belief resonate with all people be post-modernist where the very definition of post-modern is that it rejects meta-narratives?

Sup Forums is contrarian. First they like someone, then when they become truly mainstream, they turn on them. The Nazi larpers don't help.

Just wait; if Trump gets another 4 years, by the end of his term this entire board will be anarchist faggots.

The point of view is limited if there's something post modernists do well, it's fantasy set ups, what if we feed all kids in africa? what if remove all the guns? and other ridiculous stuff like that, the reason they can do that it's because of their non standard backgrounds.

It's possible that a person had learned all their morals and social training by watching anime and playing video games, normies might think i'm exagerating and some traditional teaching must have sliped, but I can tell you that the world it's a big place, and some people just have no life.

That's only true if you arbitrarily confine the meaning of post-modernism to strictly Jean-Francois Lyotard's thesis of totalizing historical narratives. There is no reason for this and it doesn't reflect the thinking within post-modern circles which recognize that there are other overarching narratives which function similarly but in aren't actually totalizing.

Post-modernism is really much broader than just Lyotard. As method however, the act of finding the implicit narrative (and thus narrator) under the surface of the text is exactly a post-modern tool (in Anglosphere vernacular). Jordan rejects the self-sufficiency of the text, that's kind of the crux of his overarching narrative.

>by the end of his term this entire board will be anarchist faggots.
I don't believe you actually believe this.

that nigger is controlled opposition

An addendum, I would caution mistaking metalanguage for metanarratives, replacing first-order language with second-order symbolism, even in an overarching way, arguably wouldn't violate Lyotard's thesis. But this is a different rabbit hole.

This video has been debunked before, lazy accusations and a "controlled opposition of the gaps" argument in regards to Spencer is fucking nonsense.

Tidy the room
And save the west.
Are you up to the challenge pol?
Don't you want the Sup Forums that awaits?

>pigeonhole complex topics.
The last good Western philosopher was Hume, and no philosopher after him has been able to give a satisfactory answer to his three questions (i.e., problem of induction, how first-person perspective relates to reality, and whether objects possess enduring identities moment-to-moment).

Every modern philosopher from Deleuze to Heidegger have been dishonest charlatans who jump to rash conclusions. Whether in Heidgger's retarded phenomenology and "dasein" or Deleuze's differential ontology, you people have "become full of yourselves".

Maybe the answer isn't to become like a faggot Wittgenstein or Derrida and try to deconstruct the questions? You know, the questions are pretty real, which is why they keep popping up in different forms again (e.g. Hard Problem of Consciousness is just modern rewording of mind-body problem). I think the answer is simply to be pragmatic realist who maintains an air of skepticism but doesn't become pretentious and uses obscurantist language to be inaccessible. This also means being skeptical of materialism, which many people seem to take for granted.

Most "philosophers" I come across can't even understand the questions on a deep level, and they rely on obscurantist language from Continental Philosophy or the anal rigidity of Analytic traditions.

I don't like the word "agnostic" because it means retard in Latin, but when it comes to the bigger metaphysical questions, I don't see how anyone, who is truly honest, cannot be agnostic.

Look Lads....
Fellow anons of the atomised west.

I have tried, but I am not fullly commited to change, which is why I fail.
I will give the Wim Hof method another shot, with an excercise routine - to quote Peterson "what else are you doing?"
Exactly the point, what else are any of us doing, why let misgivings, miseries and bitterness stop you from attaing the best destiney possible?

Everyman has his own war to fight without and within.

It is very easy to be distracted by the delusions on offer, we live in a time of aesthtic chaos, casual hedonism is the status quo of "cool".
It's okay in the teenage years.
Peterson warns about the danger of the man child. The archetypal social dropout, a Peter Pan. Neverland is nowhere, chasing games and novelty, the refusal to confront the self. naked and honest.

Responsibility is the watch word of our times.

How we begin to take responsibility, each and everyone of us will either take us closer to chaos or stability.

This lecture outlines Peterson's advice, insights and worldveiw in a most excellent manner dudes.

Listen, Forget the man, it's the words that matter, there is nothing new under the sun as they say, but he has the gift of sublime articulation.

Speak truth.

Stand up straight.

Be a damn hero.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

A man who knows himself has only the world to fear.

good speaker with interesting things to say but wrong about ethnic nationalism.

What tragedy are you suffering from exactly? I think Jordan is an intellectual restrictionist who believes white people don't exist. That is dangerous.

Debunk this ZioCuck:

And this:

The closest modern philosopher to espouse these views was Richard Rorty, and I find his Ironism good. Meant to say Ironism, not fallibilism.

The job of philosophers in the modern world should be to make the important, relevant metaphysical questions more understandable and sow doubt.

No, you never understood the plot.

Cuckservative determined to lead young men back to cuckoldry
Even though he uses Solty he refuses to talk about how Solty found all the communists were Jews trying to kill Russian Orthodoxy

He is most certainly correct about the dangers of ethnic nationalism.
It is an absolutist dogma that reduces the individual to a mere biological blot to be consumed by the will of a collective, be they right or wrong in action or thought.
Tell me friend, thy colonial cousin, were the actions of Joseph Mengle disturbing evil? Under the ethos of ethnic nationlism, why would hurting non-whites even be an issue?

The problem with you're ideology is that it puts you in a corner, you are Gandalf set to fight the evils of Mordor, there is nothing you won't do to stop it.

Just because he has his flaws and doesn't line up with Sup Forums doesn't mean he doesn't have useful knowledge and advice
Not only that, but the true redpill isn't something you can give to normies and expect them to swallow. They need to build up a tolerance first. Peterson makes normies ever more slightly more likely to accept redpills

a lot of people have a problem with jordan peterson because he doesn't echo their own stupid bullshit. weak people need to blame others for their problems and wise people call that out. that's why they dismiss all self-help because they literally can't accept that possibility, that they could help themselves. they can't deal with the fact that they are pathetic, but they are unwilling to endure the suffering of improvement, so the natural defense is to blame the immigrants or the jew or the black or the feminists, someone they think they are morally or genetically superior to.

they deserve pity but they make it so hard, acting so smug and guided by some higher wisdom that allows them to dismiss the wise and qualified with one or two confident sentences.

He makes a self help book on anti depressants & has depression

He cross dresses

He loves kikes

>what else are any of us doing
Quite a lot.
>why let misgivings, miseries and bitterness stop you from attain the best destiney possible?
You sound depressed. Sorry, I can't relate. You sound really damaged. It's great you want to get better, but not really sure why you need to push your own personal failures on the collective "men" of the world. It's really annoying honestly. Doesn't do you much good, or Peterson. If you have mental problems, then talk about yourself. Not every man is exactly like you.

Believe it or not millions of men are perfectly fine. Infact millions of men were always conservative. They never experiments with homosexuality, or had a "SJW" period in the lives.

If liberals want to become conservatives now, ok great whatever. But don't start barking orders like you know what the deal is. Because you don't. It's arrogant, disrespectful and flat out stupid.

Peterson's political beliefs are completely wrong.

These posters are from the Jordan Peterson subreddit. They come here daily and try to convince the "lost kek bois" to join the Peterson cult.

Peterson basically teaches that anyone who is further to the right than him (he is a neocon centrist) is a loser with mental illness who "hasn't taken responsibility". His cult followers believe this, that's why every time they come to preach the Peterson gospel here to "save" us they always declare that we are losers who need their cult leader's guidance to become "real individuals".

Part of the reason they are so determined to spread Peterson's ideology is because Peterson teaches that if Whites "act tribal again" it will lead to another holocaust and/or nuclear Armageddon (Peterson said he had a "prophetic dream" about this). So these shills are shilling because they think their lives depend on it, to some degree.

The thing is what he is saying isn't even that radical, it's actually really simple, except he draws on a deep breadth of history and symbolism.

It's just counter to the minority post-modernists in positions of power, to be frank most working class people say pretty much what he does, only the middle classes have the option to be educated into retardation.

However, the greatest strength Peterson has is to offer a pathway from ideologies from the left and the right.

The centre strikes back.

The liberalists have stolen PEPE.

You think you own chaos bucko?

He does a great job talking about race realism. But he fails to address the real (((problem))).

the fuck is that costume he's wearing

See what I mean? This guy is from the Peterson subreddit. Blah blah blah will of the collective, muh individualism etc. etc. -- Typical Peterson ideological prisoner.

He even believes the "Nazis did evil experiments" meme, probably because Peterson has written about how the holocaust (tm) really happened (he even shills the lampshades meme), and that "Hitler was more evil than you think". News flash: The holocaust is the greatest hoax of the 20th century and has been used by the Marxists/jews to convince Whites that they must "never be tribal again" or it will lead to another holocaust. You can see how this Peterson cultist believes that, and it's important to realize that Peterson promulgates this jewish lie, just in a new package.

>weak people need to blame others for their problems and wise people call that out
Are jews responsible for White genocide or not? Answer this simple yes or no question.

no. your disgusting temperment is. do you believe in god and providence? yes or no simple question.

Either the mods or the OP are deleting these Peterson threads if Peterson get's btfo too hard in these discussions. The 5pm pst thread was deleted tonight because the 4 Peterson shills got wrecked hard to the point the stopped responding. Suddenly the thread gets deleted. LOL! they are running scared.

Watch, this is their new tactic to censor our intellectual discussion on Peterson. They start threads, then delete them. Or, the mods do it... not sure which yet.

Imagine getting btfo so hard, they need to delete our discussions.

>or it will lead to another holocaust
isn't that the goal, though?

Okay right.
I suppose race realism has convinced you of the true nessity of attaining an ethnically pure nation state.

Such an appeal to authority can only end in the death of imagination, progress and discovery.

You of course believe the opposite, that in fact the health of the nation will improve, the sacred white race could achieve more than it could hope for, and the traitors shall burn.

Sounds like a good time to be a warrior.


How do you personally reconcile the cognitive dissonance of Peterson being openly hostile to White identity/collectivism, but a fervent supporter of jewish collectivism (he is a Zionist)?

Good question. Looks like some satanist cult role playing to me. The guys a total snake being propped up by dark political forces in order to combat against American Populism. They want Jordan Peterson to be the new Glenn Beck.

Pushing the same Man Up bullshit Feminazis push.

No, is ur actual name Justin? every Justin I ever met in Canada is a stupid faggot

ethnic nationalism was the norm throughout all of human history. it's just how things work. any nation that thinks they can survive without it will be taken over by nations of people who haven't been brainwashed into hating their own race.

>Is this one of your guys? Please tell me about yourselves so I can more effectively attack the board. Any vegetarians here? Good thing they aren't serious about the rules.

You're wrong. The Zionist jews created Cultural Marxism with the intent of destroying the West, which includes the genocide of all people's of European descent. They are directly responsible for mass non-white immigration, with the outright stated intent of exterminating White people from the face of the Earth.

This is a fact that cannot be debated, they admit to it openly:

>do you believe in God
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Lord God almighty, and he died for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day.

Do you profess the same? Peterson does *not*.

so the NRx themes are inconsistent with the claim that the alt-right criticizes leftist state expansion?

sure working class people say it but they don't really explain why, as silly as that sounds. they tell you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps but they don't tell you to do little things at a time to work for yourself.
People have dug themselves such a large hole for themselves that they feel like there is no way out and Peterson is the only person to really give people hope that it's possible through baby steps. Everyone can understand "how can you clean up your life if you can't even clean up your room", then people clean their room and they feel good about actually doing something. Then they do one more thing and they feel good again and it seems possible to actually make a change in your life.

I don't think Peterson is pulling anyone away from the right, if anything he's helping the people there get organized. There are a lot of far-right people (skinheads for example) who don't actually believe in right-wing ideals but are just angry at the establishment and minorities, and live a degenerate lifestyle. Peterson might actually convince some of those people to get their lives in order, but I don't know how likely he is to move them significantly to the left.
If anything he'll get people mad at lefty identity politics, and from there it's easy to tell people "look, we aren't happy with the game but they're playing it anyway and we better win". It's abundantly clear to everyone that the left are the ones pushing divisive identity politics and that's why you see people moving to the right because it's the only option.

>do you believe in god
Interesting that you mention god. What are your thoughts on Martin Luther's 1543 work?

Peterson's Cult would outlaw and censor Martin Luther's ground breaking 1543 literary work.
>acquire a copy free now

I saw that thread get deleted.

People here believe (((Peterson's))) rise to prominence is due to anything other than social conditioning.

The only two questions you need to ask yourselves are, why him and why now?

I saved my comments but didn't archive the thread.

I unironically believe that these are Russian bots working to radicalize people to wreak havoc in places. And also to completely discredit them in the eyes of the majority.

>why him and why now
There you go. His generic message of individualism is perfectly timed to match a specific hysterical narrative coming from the Left. It really is a mystery what his end game is.

He is most certainly not a zionist.

Check this debate sunshine.

Jordan Peterson on Jerusalem and Israel/Palestine

He is an open book about it.

Stop blaming the fucking Jews for everything, you sound like a certain fruitcake from the 1930s who thought a charlie chaplin moustache was fly as fuck.

It is a global elite, for fuck sake, ze jews, ze jews, ze jews, they should just rename Pol as "the Jews did it"

It is obvious Peterson is a civic nationalist, cognative dissonance need not apply.

>I suppose race realism has convinced you of the true nessity of attaining an ethnically pure nation state.
What do you mean by race realism? Things like IQ being genetic? No, actually, I could not care less about arbitrary metrics of comparison between different ethnic and racial groups. A racial or ethnic group does not need to prove that it is superior based on any arbitrary metric to object to being the target of genocide.

>the sacred white race
Convince me to accept the genocide of my people and nation. What is are the benefits of "diversity"? What is are the benefits of being a minority?

Attached is the formal definition of genocide, by the way. Study it and realize that you are telling someone who is the target of genocide to simply roll over and accept it because you desire some kind of Utopia.

I was trying to recover from the loss of my father, who meant a great deal to me. After my initial mourning period, I felt like I was just going through the motions afterwards. Go to work, get home, make and eat dinner, watch youtube videos, then go to bed. While it was fine for a while, it was definitely not a permanent solution for me. Since I was not achieving anything or working towards my goals, I felt depressed most of the time. Luckily I have some good friends who I could talk to and spend time with, so I would break out of the loop on occasion, but my outings became fewer and fewer.

After hearing Jordan Peterson talk about responsibility and discipline as well as to stop feeling sorry for yourself, I began to pay more attention to myself and what I truly wanted. I tried to sort myself out and pinpoint the goals that I wanted to achieve. Even though I haven't achieved them, I feel a lot better just knowing that I am working towards them. So all in all I guess he helped me realise that it is important to set goals for yourself in order to continuing moving forward.

Well said. Jordan Peterson expands on that, relevant time herehttps:// series by the way, I'm still working through them)

Basically, instead of striving to do better for themselves, lesser people train themselves to think successful people only get ahead by doing something bad. Once you tear down an ideal to yourself, you're just left living miserable and bitterly.

What we've learned today from the Cult of Peterson is the following...

>White people don't exist
>The few whites who say they exist are basing this off "arbitrary conditions"
>Those same whites are subscribed to BLACKED
>Current society is a civil society due to individualism.
>Collectives are bad. Fear them.
>Only collectives of Peterson followers are good. Also collectivized Israel gets a pass under this new belief system. So, keep that in mind 24/7.
>Hostility towards whites should be normalized
>Whites are just another La Raza

I honestly was a disbeliever until I learned the Cult of Peterson was so well learned. This is incredibly enlightening. I'm signing up right now. I'd also like to announce the purchase of three brand new $2,000 anal vortex rugs directly obtained off of Jordan Peterson official website.

>jews did this
oh, so a bunch of ugly jews in europe are the reason you don't have a gf? your problems are more complicated than i thought and i confess jordan peterson might not be able to fix your case.

>jesus of nazareth
literally divinity for dummies

>Russian bots
Do you watch a lot of CNN? Where the fuck did you come from?

>yes nigger the problem is with YOU, certainly not with the white man
you sound like a double standard leftist

Sup Forums is wrong about sitcoms with laugh tracks
Sup Forums is wrong about Windows
And Sup Forums is wrong about Jordan Peterson

But the queston is who gets to define Whiteness, what is the white race?
I am a white Scot who really doesn't give a fuck, I don't not think culture is born from race, it is merely an accumulation of knowledge and technology dressed up in a meat suit.


As for being wiped out, #white genocide, I don't know why I should care.

What I do care about is the authoritarians on the left and the right demanding duties and obligations, I suppose that is free speech but fuck that noise.

Atlas shrugged

Yes, I watch a lot of his content. I don't agree on everything he says but that's ok

What do you mean debunked? Are you saying his words were dubbed over by Industrial Lights and Magic? Because it is literally just his words vs reality. You have to try harder Khazar

>He is most certainly not a zionist.
That is not a "debate" you just linked to, that is Jordan Peterson giving a speech a Zionist celebration of the centennial of the Rothschild banking family purchasing Palestine from the British. It was not a "debate", it was a speech. Watch the highlights here (this video is banned as "hate speech" in Europe):

He argues that the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli Zionists is "morally relative" and that it is "hubris" to categorically object to said genocide and the illegal expansion of the Zionist state of Israel. He says that jews are simply "resented because of their success" and that "Israel is a shining beacon on a hill". He also agrees with Ezra Levant later on that "anti-Zionism is antisemitism" and that "antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease" that "is a total mystery".

For you to argue that this speech at a Zionist celebration was not supportive of the state of Israel is absurd and disingenuous.

>It is a global elite
Who owns the international banks? Who controls US foreign policy and is blowing up the Middle East? Who controls the European Union? Who controls the media in the West? Why do you go to jail in many Western nations if you are critical of jewish power or question the holocaust narrative?


I agree.
But he is solid in opposing white ethnic nationalism as merely another form of ideological possesion, in other words simplistic tribalism, one want to find the wisdom from the good king not the bad king.

There is nothing of intellectual value written here. It is just you typing up a rather childish minded strawman.

The Talmud is a Jewish hate book. It is full of writings from mentally ill Rabbi's.

Opposition to the mentally ill collective beliefs of Jews who follow Talmudic doctrines has little to do with your uneducated interpretation of why you believe they may or may not be experience said opposition.

I recommend you study further, lurk another 5 years and come back when you have a better grasp on these ongoing issues. Currently, your perspective is limited to an emotional outlook in order to understand something you know nothing about. Hence your immature analysis of why Jewish beliefs and political power are opposed.

You are intellectually lazy at the moment, so we'll see how it goes.

>ze jews, ze jews, ze jews,

You mean these folks? The term "Jew" literally means a criminal organization disguised as a race you must get the gas

>It is a global elite

Not that they are alone of course this goes back 1000's of years my nigger

A lot of criticism of JP is because he makes the assumption that people are ultimately 100% in control of their circumstances. He assumes that if you just work hard and keep an ordered life, you can be happy and successful. This is just flat out false. You have to completely ignore:
>the fact that intelligence is linked to financial gain and that it’s largely genetic.
>the fact that social mobility and opportunity is declining.
>the role growing up in a single mother household can play.
>the effect of importing almost 100 million low IQ workers that are statistically more likely to commit crimes
>the fact that escaping communities where these people live requires you to earn substantially more
>the fact that outsourcing has destroyed thousands of rural communities where there is now 0 opportunity

The means by which people attain success and happiness are multifaceted. It is not solely a result of “cleaning your room” or taking responsibility as JO suggests. There are societal issues that play a role that are beyond the individual’s capacity to control.

I can appreciate the sentiment in some of what you say, but holy shit user you seem a bit full of yourself.

>are the reason you don't have a gf?
Typical Peterson cultist: Anyone who is further to the right than Peterson is a resentful loser with no life, no girlfriend, no friends, no ambitions etc. etc. etc.

Adhominem: Formal logical fallacy. Not an argument.

My personal life is none of your business and has no bearing on the content of my arguments. Your cult leader has conditioned you to reject out of hand any narrative that runs counter to his own by brainwashing you to believe that anyone who disagrees with him is a failure of some kind.

>a bunch of ugly jews in europe
Who created Cultural Marxism and pushed it on the West? Have you even gotten that far yet in your studies of Cultural Marxism and Postmodernism? Here's a hint: Frankfurt School.

>divinity for dummies
Actually the doctrine you have been led to accept from Peterson is heretical and antichrist in Nature. He preaches a form of Freemasonry/Kaballah and is really no different from many new age cult gurus that have come and gone over the decades.

>Ayn Rand
Oh dear... heavens no. Ayn Rand was connected to Leon Trotsky and the American Trotskyist movement which later developed into American Neoconservatism.

Definitely not... as a matter of fact, we recently went through an entire populist revolution to stop such an abomination. The American people have fully rejected internationalism. Thank you very much :)

>hurting non-whites
why do you jump from ethnic nationlism, to dehumanization?
That's patently stupid.
Wanting homogeneity doesn't mean you do not respect other ethnic nationalists of different races.
I like ethnic nationalism, I'm not Jew, I'm aware of jew over-representation in western power, but I respect Israel.
Israel is a good example of ethnic nationalism

Russia denies the holocaust too you know.

He is, and I think he genuinely believes it because he sees the other options as too terrible.
However, he's also said he understands it. He's said on Joe Rogan before that the left is playing identity politics, so the right is saying "OK, we'll play that game".
He doesn't want anyone to play that game at all, white people included. However, he does seem to understand that if someone else is playing a game that will end with your destruction with you or without you, you better play the game and play to win.

I'd like to see someone ask him his stance on that, maybe with another situation. "If someone is playing a game that negatively affects you, and choosing not to play means you will lose, is it better to play the game to not lose even if you don't want to play in the first place?"
Then transition the question into white people playing the identity politics game purely as a means of survival because the other option doesn't look very good.

I don't have sufficient interest in defending Peterson to investigate these accusations.

He's a rational voice that gives males in this generation words of encouragement. He's no fucking new aged thinker he's really just a realist who tells NEETS to sort themselves out bucko.

>a lot of people have a problem with jordan peterson because he doesn't echo their own stupid bullshit.
You summed it up in the first sentence

Tribalism is the default state and communitarianisn is the way forward. Individualism framed independent of a community is ontology incoherent.

Im pretty sure he is trying to point out that there is always something better that you can achieve. Why settle for what you have when with hard work you can achieve something better? He mentions misgivings, miseries and bitterness because there ARE a ton of people who let that get in their way. Feeling sorry for yourself is unhealthy in the long term. Sure there are definitely people that don't, but there are many people that do so why not get the message out there and try to help?

The "barking orders" that he's saying in his post is just quotes from Jordan Peterson. The "you cant tell me what to do!" rebel attitude is pretty edgy bro...

That is not a valid argument.

A lot of fucked up shit was the norm throughout history, what you may consider good, wholesome and moral, another white man may detest, I suppose that makes him a degenerate. A lot of white folks might suffer badly for this white homeland to exist.
Is it not more simpler to have less extreme means of attaining social cohesion?

The examples the alt-right use are kinda redundant to be honest.

China for the...
Japan for the ...
Africa for the ...
White countires for...

We are the cultural hegemony, we have took liberalism to the extreme by personal choice, consertvatism can be attained via personal choice and disipline, I am of the opinon that race is not a factor.
You want white babies marry a white girl.
Who gives a fuck?

I'm referring to taking Spencer out of context or being intellectually dishonest, nothing more. I have no interest in defending Peterson.

>a rational voice
you don't understand how controlled opposition works do you teeny brain?

>But the queston is who gets to define Whiteness, what is the white race?
You just parroted the Cultural Marxist talking point on this matter pretty much verbatim. Does that not cause you to pause and think for a moment? Would you tell a Native American that they "cannot define Native American, what is the Native American people", and tell them to just accept that their country will be overrun with foreigners? Would you ask a black person to "define black"?

My nation was 97.7% White European at the beginning of the 1980s before the Cultural Marxists opened the floodgates to mass non-white immigration. Before then, immigration was explicitly restricted so that immigrants came only from European countries, with Western European countries being favored first since their culture was the most similar to our own.

You are literally a Cultural Marxist trying to push individualism on Whites so that we will not rise up and resist the genocide of our people. Peterson's ideology is Postmodernist.

>Is it not more simpler to have less extreme means of attaining social cohesion?
Because that fantasy is falsified. In fact it is predicated on a misapprehension of phenomenon in question.

just keep an open mind

So the guy told you to think about yourself and now you believe him to be a genius. This advice is so routine. I'm not seeing the fanatical connections people are making with him. It's ridiculous honestly. And this doesn't touch on his political agenda which he pushes subtly.

The guy tells you basic self-help tips so that means his politics is great? You sound like a very lost person. Someone who maybe doesn't know who he is. Has no people. Has no heritage. Has no belief system. Only a broken person would look up to Peterson as a savior.

It's really sad honestly. I mean, you are being manipulated politically and don't realize it. Your mind is completely detached on focused on the basics of life, while dark political forces are running circles around you under the guise of self-help.


Here let me help you out with this playlist