What is your favorite scene?
Love Live! Sunshine
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Episode 9 is one of my favorite episodes of any series. Ever.
So, can we all agree that Ruby is nothing more than pedobait?
kill yourself. ruby has the most developed character out of any love live
LUL no ruby is not even slightly developed (in s1 at least still waiting for s2)
anyway the most developed LL character both from sunshine and SIP is nico
Can you /vg/ autists just fuck off already.
ruby thread
why? well there is a game for love live but its based on an anime, so is this thread,you aggressive fuck
So, is You canonically first gay character in franchise or just very confused girl?
Baka You > Anime You
I absolutely missed that Chika has removed the µ's poster in ep 12, and wondered why are they showing me a wall
No, but she's definitely gay.
Because you autists were just spamming the fucking catalog earlier with your shit. If you can't check your autism at the door then get the fuck out.
Somebody say Ruby?
>is You canonically first gay character in franchise
Actually, there is a disconnect between who visits the Love Live Sup Forums threads and who comes from /vg/. The /vg/shitters just come here to shitpost; we're here to discuss the series.
All muse were straight
Now fuck off
Did you not notice the difference in the color on the wall?
Not at all
Than I can say Aqours girls are straight too.
Sorry if my posts came off as aggressive. I was directing it to the shitposters, not the regular posters in this thread. The shitposters were shitting up the last thread and spamming the board not some 20 minutes ago.
They should fuck off from the site entirely. All they do is spam every board.
>clicks on a random LL thread and tells to everyone to move to /vg/
>doesnt post to spammer's thread instead
desu every girl in the LL series is straight except riko, probably bisexual
Smells like ruse to me
>Love live girls are ga...
Not so fast, yurifags!
I agree, groping tits all the time and blushing when a girl hugs you is very straight.
they are just good friends and You feels like she's being distanced from Chika because of Riko
Why can't they just shitpost there? Defeats the purpose of having a containment general.
this is stereotypical i guess? i mean that happens between girls, but that doesnt make them gay at all
All worst girls(and Umi) in one image
not umi plox
>cute motherly Nozomi
>glorious leader Honk that perhaps belongs to the second half of rankings but is still a lovely baka
>a boy
Most girls are inherently bisexual bro, it's proven science. Most choose not to pursue their feelings towards other girls but it doesn't mean they don't have them.
haha rinboi
while there's still no proof though, they may sure have a really strong relation with each other but there isnt such as shoujo ai
Are you actually claiming lesbians don't exist
im claiming that lesbians dont exist in LL
see this scene was my fav
S2 endgae pairings
You, Mari and Ruby forever alone
>Lewd night with MaruYoshi.
tfw youmari
Girls don't grope other girls unless they aren't straight. They also don't go around staring each other in the eyes and telling them that they love them. I would know.
do the MariYou!
That episode where You was jealous of Riko was genuinely really nice, the drama episodes are usually kinda lame
They went for MariKanan hard in S1, doubt they'll change that.
>shoujo ai
>girls dont grope other girls unless they arent stright
no my dood you simply dont know about girls and you see it sexually
im friends with two girls and they sometimes grope each other for fun (nozomi is also doing it for fun) and they are both full hetero
also i mentioned a while ago that riko is bi
theres low key shoujo ai in LLS though
Sunshine handled drama really well in my opinion, much better than µ's era. The comedy was generally really well done too. The only parts where it really faltered is when it tried to be deep and inspirational and when it got too obsessed with glorifying µ's.
>im friends with two girls
Look out guys we got an expert on our hands here
>when it got too obsessed with glorifying µ's.
they stopped that in ep 12 though
When Chika cried about getting 0 votes. Shit felt more real than anything Muse had drama-wise. I cried with Chika, I empathized with her frustration way too much
"we love mu's so much we're going to make the exact same show again"
I actually kinda liked that whole thing, there's dramatic irony to them worshipping mu's when they're really not too different from Aquors
It was really drawn out though. They could have cut out at least half of the episode where they went to Otonokizaka and replaced it with more development for the 1st and 3rd years or something.
The only drama they drew out for too long was the 3rd year drama. It concluded nicely but the journey to get there was pretty rough. Kanan was basically a non character for 7 episodes.
It's good they stopped but it just felt poor from a writing standpoint. Like Sunrise only has one formula they use to create the plot.
since when ll has lolis?
shoujo ai =/= yuri
im just proving to you that you are wrong lmao
I just want to post lewd raibu.
takes a lot to make me cry but a couple of moment got my eyes a little watery
that one you mentioned, crying Ruby comforted by Dia, acapella Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu and crying Chika, Mari falling down in rain, Aqours telling their story before performing Mirai Ticket
Please, for your own good don't go to THAT place. Else, you're getting a ban, whatever you post
But I see Kemen in your picture
why are lolis related?
anyway LL series werent made to be gay, im just saying that compared to SIP sunshine seems to be shoujo ai but not that it is
I don't expect it to be so different from SIP, but we can hope for different conclusions
I mean Aqours will probably win Love Live eventually but maybe they won't disband. µ's was defined by its members, and I don't think it's the same with Aqours.
I don't know how to feel about satrips man. On one hand the 2nd live setlist sounds fucking incredible. On the other hand, waiting 8 months for BDs gives me a convenient excuse to stay alive for another 8 months.
Is Ruby a natural born cuck?
The only way DiaKanan can occur is if they expand upon the preexisting OT3 vibes of last season, like they did with HonoKotoUmi of the original anime.
>you dont know about girls
I am one. I also know girls who are actually gay. That would literally never occur otherwise, but thanks for acting like you're some kind of professional on the subject.
because shoujo ai doesn't mean what you think it means
>They went for MariKanan hard in S1
They didn't
And the only actual pairs in ending were RubyMaru and DiaKanan, so maybe Dia still has chance
Why is Ruby so sexual?
More OT3 is always fine.
Pretty much this
Girls having fun all the time, only virgin losers wouldn't know
I mean I expect a general formula of forming the group and growing to eventually win Love Live, but the fact they had to reuse the school closing plot irked me. Hopefully S2 doesn't have the same pitfalls.
Actually, both KanaMari and KanaDia were implied heavily. KanaMari especially so. DiaMari fans even got a bone in episode 2 (I think) and episode 10.
DiaMari fans got much more
Forgot about that scene, but yeah! Proves my earlier point actually.
ye i am one too, im not acting like a professional, i gave you actual proof that groping doesnt make you gay, or any kind of this related to having fun
>inb4 o h i k i s s e d y o u h a h a n o h o m o
I remember Youshikofags used this as an argument to their pair becoming a thing.
uh shoujo ai is yuri but it just doesnt contain any sexual content? just holding hands etc
Everything else makes sense but Youshiko
>virgin losers
pretty retarded i guess
Actually, if you read the translation for Unicorn Blizzard, it does indeed sound like it's becoming a thing.
It was a thing before lantis decided to sink their ship hard in last drama cd and pair you and chuuni with less popular girls
no user, it doesnt mean that, I dont know if you trolling or not
Do people not like Youshiko? I think it's cute.
let's give S2 a chance. because so far S1 did reuse stuff from before, but a lot of it was twisted
like the first live, at first it seemed like a copycat of µ's first live, but then it took an unexpected turn and the hall was filled with audience
Dia seemed like a clone of Eli but it turned out that she has entirely different motives for her actions
Riko having to choose between piano competition and preliminaries seemed like copypaste of Kotori receiving offer to study abroad, but then it went completely different as Riko told Chika about it, initially deciding to be with Aqours, but Chika actually convinced her to go for piano