/llsifg/ can't hurt you here. Hide in this thread till the shitposting dies down friends.
Yotsuba safe space
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a good thing he puts the same shit in his subject header, easily filterable.
This is probably the saddest raid I recall from the last few years.
I wasn't aware we were even being raided. Who's raiding us?
I just come to Sup Forums for Yotsuba threads, what is /llsifg/?
there was a raid? the catalog seems normal
The /vg/ resident love live general.
Yes, apparently it's a thing.
There's a game of that trash? What is it, a dating sim or a rhythm game?
Yes, that was it.
Beats me. I'd bet on a rhythm game.
I think it's one of those "collect cards of cute girls with arbitrary stats" 'games'.
I want to start a family with Fuuka.
>mfw we're being raided but there's nothing different in the catalog
Does this mean that Sup Forums is always shitposting?
Is that what generals are?
Would Yotsuba work as an anime or would the magic vanish if it were to be adapted?
>we literally have no page 10 right now
feels weird
Yes. Absolutely. Look at fun fun pharmacy. Magic is there. Childish charm is there. Subtlety is there
>it begins again
It already ended again. After four whopping threads.
I didn't even know we were being raided.
What is /llsifg/ and what going on I wasn't on Sup Forums for about a week.
Someone dump some chapters.