Donghwa Thread


Other urls found in this thread: akemi/

OP is mentally ill.

Today there've been 6 fucking threads. One gets deleted, another appears immediately.

He's been spamming since quite some time now:

>Not sure what Donghwa is about?
The mission of donghwa is to promote the highest possible standards of manga service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Chinese Government please go.



>subhuman chinese on my board


>Posting the same thread with the exact same image with no conversation starter at all 6 times in the same day
China, fuck off.

You missed one


Spamming isn't.

I mean if western ''anime'' such as RWBY isn't allowed on Sup Forums why would chinese ''anime'' be?

Listen up you subhuman maggot, my point isn't that this shouldn't be allowed, my point is that you should actually give people a reason to post in these threads. Use different images, have points for people to discuss, don't just post a title and the same picture and call it a day.

Donghwa Thread

Fuck off, you dirty subhuman piece of shit.

>"western anime"
I've seen people on deviantart who can draw better than that cancerous shit.

You're the nigger of asia

Yet here you are shitting up this thread instead of the 500 other threads that match your description. Really makes you think.

Congratulations are in order then. For you have managed to make the shittest thread on Sup Forums

Show me one other thread that was spammed 7 times today leading to deletion.

Show me one other thread that was spammed with CHINK GET OUT and Sup Forums tier rekt webms.

Why would I, you're the one saying that the other threads would be as shit as this one, when not even 1 of them is.

>posts completely subjective opinion
Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded.


and a Ching Chong Nip Nong to you too young lady

>hurr the other threads are just as shit go spam there
>literally none is
Okay, okay.

All those deleted threads yet the banevading OP doesn't take a hint from the mods to fuck off.

you missed one

He's talking about today.

Underrated post

Ah you're right. I guess I just wanted to inform people that he also has different template threads


leave me alone ironic weeb

So is his dick going to lose his powers after he re-fucks the girls he's mindbroken?

Google it

Fuck off already.

>mods are deleting the thread
How stupid are you?

>threads are being spammed with Sup Forums shit
Wow I wonder why



Fuck off.

Subhuman trash.


>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.

I love china, they are world power, china make better anime than japan

>People want a place to discuss their degenerate interests in a place where it's allowed
>Threads are visited by people who hate the fact that shit exists and don't want it on their playground
>People try to defend it
>Endless arguments
>The topic gets banned because of constant bitching and the inability to have a conversation
Congratulations. You will ban your own interest. The only way to win is to ignore the people reeeing and just have a discussion. Maybe then OP will stop spamming. Just use a filter and be on your way. There's worse threads on Sup Forums constantly.

People shitpost because the exact same thread has been spammed over and over for at least 4 or 5 months now.

Does anyone remember: just a month or so ago, there was a primarily incoherent, yet distraught, thread made here by (presumably) a Japanese 2ch user who seemed to be deeply concerned about Chinese interference into the Japanese animation and manga market[s]. He was citing some recent developments in a very unclear way, and was warning that China was looking to gain *something* in the way of political advantage by horning in on the "anime" market. The thread received basically no responses, because it was incoherent and was posted at like 3 AM PST.

Now, just a short time later, we're getting these blatant and propagandized threads attempting to gaslight an acceptance of Chinese animation as being the same as Japanese animation, with an improportionally great number of distinctively Chinese posters. Did something happen in Asia that we do not know about?

I will have to find the 2ch guy's thread in desuarchive, but it may be difficult to retrieve.

For the sake of Sup Forums history, yes, please find this thread. If this thread gets deleted before you can find it, go ahead and post it in the next inevitable thread.

>no actual discussion of the show 50+ posts in

sasuga shitposters

>not knowing what falseflagging is

>Create a baitfag
>Reply to yourself for (you)s
Simply eric

Why bother trying to have a disucsion when your post is just going to get ignored in favor of easy (you)'s?
For example, I could want to talk about Cavalier of the Abyss ( ironically enough, there were threads about this years ago with no gookshit shitposting as that's how I found it. From Sup Forums. ) but it will just get spammed to death.

Unironically found him

What the fuck, why is no helping him?

>What the fuck, why is no helping him?
Why can't you speak English?

no one*

Yes, that's who I was thinking of; thank you. How did you find it, though?

Cause chinese people are sociopaths, not even kissing

It's because he's the samefagging baitshit that started this thread in order to get (you)s. You can tell it's all the same autist because he always types in exactly the same ESL-shitting style.

By searching 'China' in the OP text.

Because they are chinese.

>searching 'China' in the OP text
I did the same thing, and it didn't come up. Huh, maybe I did it wrong. Whatever; I suck, thank you.

Because in China, if you help an injured person you become responsible for paying their medical bills.
Or you become guilty for the crime as they can point the finger at you and don't have to bother finding the actual criminal.
Or something else absolutely retarded like that, I can't remember.

He also keeps recreating the same thread over and over again.

It started 24 days ago which perfectly matches the timeframe of a phoneposting shitposter.


You can also tell by the fact that not only does he use the same OP image but he always uses exactly the same reply images. OP and all the posters in this thread are all the same person replying to himself.

>OP and all the posters in this thread are all the same person replying to himself.
>23 IPs
What did he mean by this?

I've just looked. He only posted it twice, and the second post was very soon after the first one was made; expressing confusion as to why the first was deleted.

Unless you're seeing something that I'm not, it was just that once.

Do you not know how phoneposting works user?

That is this guy's theory

People can be more nuts than you can possible imagine. The guy you're replying to, I mean, is nuts. Case in point: akemi/

>Do you not know how phoneposting works user?
One phoneposter =/= 20+ unique IPs

Each disconnection and reconnection to the mobile data equals a new IPV4 address. There was an autist on Sup Forums who had a command bat file to renew his IP address with a double click.

>What exactly is the problem with this?
>Japan at large has failed to embrace the animation medium. No one watches it. No one pays for it. No one talks about it.
>If the Chinese want it and will pay better, what is the problem? Things are worth what people are willing to pay and the Japanese are so absent from their own animation market that the supply has outstripped demand.
>Animation studios don't know what people want because people aren't watching what they put out. If there's an outlet with clear direction and demand elsewhere, that's where the animation skill and talent must go.

What? I was saying that the Chinaman is reposting his dong crap every 5 minutes nowadays, and I was questioning if the two events might be, in any way, related. When someone says that they're afraid of something happening, and then it happens, surely, you have to start wondering.


go home

>Each disconnection and reconnection to the mobile data equals a new IPV4 address
No it doesn't you retard. I've been with 5 different carriers and that has never been a thing.

>isekai smartphone is a disgrace
It actually is, I usually despise moeshit as nothing more but cash grab but this smartphone anime is even more repulsive.

He's not from China.
A Chinese person would spell it as donghua, not donghwa.
Connect the dots yourself

It is with my carrier. If you remember accelspammer he was probably using proxy lists (there are about 1000+ proxies leaked onto the internet and mass used by spammers per day). There are captcha services that bots can use to spam shit, which is how /vp/ and /qa/ can still get nuked by imagespam even though it should be prevented by captcha.

It is a thing for some networks, I guess. Not a "new" IP, per se, but a different IP.

I've turned on my phone and tried to report a shitpost, and I was told that I was permanently banned from all boards for posting [something] terrible on Sup Forums - a board which I have never visited. I restarted my phone, and I was not banned, so I was certainly on a different IP. I think the carriers just pass around a fixed number of IPs, and give you a new one whenever you reconnect.

Each ISP owns an IP range. When a router is reconnected or a phone is reconnected to the network a new IP is obtained they get a new one from a fixed pool. This is unless you have a static IP. Static IPs are rare nowadays because they are primarily used by people hosting websites and ISPs don't want people hosting websites off their residential IP (this is why upload is limited.) Moreover, most ISPs will charge additional money for a static IP.

A Chinese person wouldn't care about whatever arbitrary romanized spelling English people use. Much like how a Japanese person wouldn't care about how English subs decide to spell a character's name.

I can only imagine how many years that has been going on for.

I'm not sure that I understand what you're getting at. Is your implication supposed to be that Japanese persons are trying to make the Chinese look bad? Because, that's a very strange position to reach. Regardless of all of that - ironic shitposting is still shitposting; the md5 needs to be an auto-permaban, and imitators should meet the same punishment. Japanese actors, Chinese actors, Korean actors - whosoever is behind these posts should not be allowed to be or post on this site.


Just how small is the otaku market in proportion to the working population of Japan?

Nips hate otaku shit, only reason there's a market is because otakus has a lot of disposable income that comes from the fact they don't have to spend it on social gatherings.

>stop wasting your money on shitty products
>instead waste your time and money on people who don't care about you
Do average Nips really think this?

Didn't LL fans or something fill an entire stadium?

A stadium x10 is not even close to the population of Japan, and I thought it was common knowledge that the average nip hated anime and related products except for the otaku population.

>Cavalier of the Abyss
is it any good?

It's chink shit. So...

Not him but its better than anything the Japs have been putting out lately in the same genre.

Nope, every Chinese person in schools learns pinyin, the standardized Romanization for Mandarin.

PRCs must know pinyin perfectly because it's the basis of their input method. They must use pinyin when inputting into computers for Chinese because of western keyboards


Unless they're using stroke input, but that's a Taiwanese method and they still learn pinyin

The MC isn't your typical template character and the pacing isn't atrocious.