What the flying fuck happened with ANN? I went there to check a VA and suddenly some weird black music or something.
Anime News Network
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Hacked apparently.
Expect Sup Forums then.
>that song
Based hackers
What's even that song?
>wanting to steal my passwords
No way fag
Thanks anonymous
It was probably hacked by Sup Forums or /m/
I dont hear shit
Since when it's now .cc?
kek, get fucked
Since they got hacked.
It's legit actually, but I'm waiting until they reclaim .com before I log in again.
Why would you have an ann account other than being such a colossal faggot so invested in sharing his opinions on anime with the world that even Sup Forums isn't enough?
Made it 10+ years ago before it was cool to be an edgy contrarian on Sup Forums. I use it solely to keep track of shit I watched because I'm too lazy to switch to anidb. My list is private and I don't post in forums. Get fucked.
>Get fucked.
Looks like someone got mad enough to feel he had to prove himself. I already won the moment you chose to post, keikaku dori
No one's impressed
Who's the artist and song? It's pretty catchy.
Sup Forums is literally preparing for a civil war so they're not worried about this.
ANN may have gotten hacked but at least they're not HBO!
>I'm a lazy ass hat
Well no duh, that's the only other reason
>Made it 10+ years ago before it was cool to be an edgy contrarian on Sup Forums.
I have been on in 2007. We didn't have any less edgy contrarians back then.
Holy shit. 2 factor auth is crap then?
You're sure an oldfag patrician who's above it all then
>Sup Forums
>civil war
You mean those lazy, fat fuckers? They're scared shitless of everything.
They haven't been so lazy since Trump came into office. Probably the best thing that's ever happened for them.
>They haven't been so lazy since Trump came into office
Yep, because holding a Pepe sign while spewing memes sure is being proactive.
And yet you keep posting to prove to everyone how hard you have baited and trolled me :^)
Is there even a feature on anidb or external script to import my list from ANN to anidb with ratings and stuff? That would help a whole lot.
>Holy shit. 2 factor auth is crap then?
It is when your single point of failure is a clueless Pajeet in call centre who gets social engineered into something as fucking critical as transferring a number to a new SIM card.
is this the true power of Sup Forums?
>haha, sure showed him!
And they still haven't reclaimed it?