>character is a cool, smart guy with glasses
>adjusts glasses with finger by pushing in the middle of the frames
Character is a cool, smart guy with glasses
Would you rather risk smudging your glasses just to adjust them?
either you've never worn glasses or you're fucking retarded. how else are you supposed to adjust them? just smashing your pudgy fingers against the lenses and smudging them?
Why not at the sides/hinges?
Grab the rim of one lens between two fingers.
Grab an earpiece near the lens
Because on the sides you'd need both hands
I don't wear glasses-glasses but I wear sunglasses all day and I've never had to use both hands
>character is a lame, dumb guy without glasses
>adjusts his eyes by pushing the middle of his eyebrows
>both hands
Either you don't wear glasses or you're doing it wrong, because I have no problem adjusting them from the sides.
>Gets thrown in a time machine that takes him back to 1985.
>Gets beaten to a pulp by jocks (that's "Chads" to you millennials) for being a nerd.