What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Why the fuck did they do it like this?

The 3D animation is shit, but the new series is not completely awful for Berserk fans who don't read the manga.

yes it is

all of the children in the last season. feels like daycare. I don't care about the animation, it's fine, never read the manga, don't care to. the first season of the new series was great, second one is like guts the third grade P.E. teacher. that's what went wrong for me.

>thinking the animation is fine
even if you don't care about the manga, the 2016 show is absolute trash to watch because they don't use fundamental filming technique that was designed to keep the viewers from vomiting, like the rule of 180. It physically hurts to view this garbage.

The films were completely awful. They had shit 3D and they fucked with the script. The new TV series only does one of those things to a large degree.

sounds to me like you just don't have the guts to watch berserk.

I think they were trying to sabotage berserk so it would never get another anime ever again

The animation, models, directing and general laziness surrounding every aspect of this dogshit adaptation.

The only thing going for it is that the story remains largely faithful, the very occasional still shot is nice, and HAIYO