I wasn't on Sup Forums when this show aired, what did Sup Forums think of it? personally i fucking loved it, he truly was cool cooler and coolest until he left to die
Sakamoto Desu Ga?
the only real contribution the series had was to power level threads as a wild-card character kindof like nabeshin.
It had the best last episode of the season.
Eh I think I dropped it after Episode 2. The MC is a Gary stu but I guess that is the whole point of the show.
funny and unexpectedly moving
>haha look how cool he is
I hate it. It's no different from a Bond movie where the main character is ridiculously good at everything. And they keep a straight face the whole time
i thought it was funny just from how fucking ridiculous it all was
AOTS easily and one of the best shows of the year. DEEN did a phenomenal job with the source material besides the extra episode.
It's a comedy you goofs.
>they keep a straight face the whole time
You have to be pretty dense to not realize he's meant to be a joke.
How does one miss the point so hard?
I liked the manga better.
>I wasn't on Sup Forums when this show aired,
Then fuck off you newfag.
anime had more homosexual undertones than the manga
he just went to america
The OVA doesn't exist user, forget it ever happened.
The joke got old a really fast, and they should have spent some episodes on his backstory at the end.
>implying he died
>implying he didn't go back to his home planet
Post cool
How? The anime adapted the manga almost panel-for-panel.
It's normal for a lot of series, the mistery makes them fascinating
Damn, that's cool. RIP Sakamoto.
post cooler
Check your reading comprehension. Not OP but if im not interested in a season, I wont browse Sup Forums during it
l like how they manage to make him cool and not an asshole at the same time. Very different from the likes of Saitama.
Did he really died,or was he an alien? The fact that he said something about human race intrigues me more than any evidences the show revealed.The OVA also implied somehow that he was sent away for an experiment to go to the outer space,but wasn't because it was actually he just needed to go home?
I don't want him to be kill
A classic
Where did everything go so wrong for Dio Brando?
Don't worry. He's far too glorious to be kill. The universe and whatever gods reside in it will pretty much bend over fucking backwards just to keep him alive.