The modern left

>Killing Kids is bad
>Unless I choose to do it, the. It’s ok

>fat acceptance has 27 times the body count of guns

>smoke a cigarette
>kill self
>autopsy shows nicotine in blood
>tobacco killed me
wouldnt put it past the KIKES


A bit off on the numbers there.

Oh nevermind, holy shit. Only 2 months in.

Jewish Bolshevik Revolution - 50 Million people

those are just numbers and words if you don't source it, faggot

Here's the logic.
All of these deaths, imn theory, and the government spends money on finding new ways to reduce the deaths. Except not with guns.

Did you red the part where it said "current numbers for 2018?"

>more people die annually from tornadoes in the US than in mass shootings
>no movement to ban tornadoes

fetus isn't a kid faggot

Whatever you say roastie

If a fetus is not a person then a person who purposefully causes the death of the fetus against the mother's wishes should not be charged with a serious crime like manslaughter or murder since their actions didn't lead to the death of a person.

yowza those figures

And fucking losers like you aren't people, what's your point.

A fetus is clearly not a person. If you can’t understand that, I dont know what to tell you. Maybe go back to 1st grade? Abortion kills nothing. I’ve literally shot my wad and killed more babies than abortion does, fucking idiots, lol

sure thing drumpfkin

enjoy lung cancer tard

Why do you get double murder for murdering a pregnant bitch?

You haven’t seen a fetus lying dead on that pan after your woman shits it out.
It was a pretty depressing experience, and later on, when she had brought a pregnancy to term and delivered a baby, I couldn’t beleieve the misstanke I made

More kids drowned in pools than in school shootings last year. Ban pools!

A fetus is as much of a person as an infant. If cognition is your metric for personified abortion should be legal up to ~2 years of age.

>You are more likely to die from X, Y, and Z than from terrorism


>who cares about one bad thing when there are also other bad things
i hate leftists too which is why i want to inform you that this is a retarded argument

won't stop them, gotta close the schools.

This argument only ever devolves into "my body my choice"

enjoy being a fag instead of smoking fags, fag

I believe you will find the etymology of the word fag interesting.

Pretending that the woman carrying the unborn somehow magically decides if the unborn is a fetus or a person is the most unscientific thing I can think of. What if the woman keeps going back and forth on deciding if she wants an abortion? Is the unborn then in a constant state of flux between fetus and baby? How utterly absurd. The law needs to be clear about whether the unborn are people or not, anything else is not based on logic.

Kids are over-rated. I hear they grow up to be bald-headed lesbians.

>Trump and neocon boomers act like opiod deaths are an "epidemic"
>meanwhile millions of white Americans are dying to entirely preventable things like Tobacco, being fat, "medical errors", alcohol, suicide, and drunk driving
really make Grug think.