Legit question here, how can we save the anime/manga industry? Like reducing the amount of shitty shows to ~50%(let's be real)
Legit question here, how can we save the anime/manga industry...
We can't do anything. The industry won't do anything, because why save something that doesn't need saving?
>reducing the amount of shitty shows to ~50%(let's be real)
That has never happened and will never happen, it's a fantasy.
Uh no?
The industry is doing all it can to keep standing. It's the leeching bastards who download/ stream anime illegally and don't put money into industry that are ruining the fun.
Tl; dnr: fuck the cheap ass pirates
> how can we save the anime/manga industry?
From what?
The more shows that are made, the more likely it is for a good show to emerge. I think the way it is right now is not so bad. It's not like back then good shows were actually coming out enmasse every single season, people are just deluded because they group up all the good old shows together when they came out in different years, whereas for new shows they have to wait and see every season so it feels like recent good shows are more sparsed out.
in what way are you even related to anime/manga except as a passive consumer. like what do you have todo with any of it? i understand you feel alienated from western culture and see anime as a shelter, but identifying with a culture doesn't mean you are part of the culture. get over yourself.
I still see good shows, there's just a bigger influx of shitty rip offs of better shows because there's a lot of money in merchandise.
Let the moe bubble implode on itself
Rwby will save it.
The nippon economy runs on anime, if you get rid of the shit youre also getting rid of the good.
Legit answer here, because anime is not, never was, and will never be a media of high quality art.
Which one is, though??
Less LN adaptations.
Less anime being just a bunch of tropes rearranged in some contrived fashion.
I don't know what else would help. I find most anime to be shit, but what's good is really, really good.
Reducing shitty shows by 50% would still leave us with 90% of all shows being shitty,
Sadly this. Shit will continue to come out as long as there are otaku consuming them.
Sure thing, buddy...
(I swear to GOD, that date is just a coincidence)
We can't save the industry until people starts to considerate anime as an art.
>how can save manga?
anime/manga is like anything else. For every 10 bad shows, there's at least 1-2 good ones.
More unironic genre filling anime.
Fewer attempts at being clever being pushed on the aforementioned unironic genre filling anime
Occasional passion project from the big guys being pushed in the mainstream to keep the entire industry on the up and up, marketable to the normies, and to shame the shitters into trying harder.
More small nimble studios creating OVA and 1 cour anime directly for small niches.
are you pretending to be retarded now? just because not every film is high quality art doesn't mean film can't be high quality art, unlike anime which doesn't have a single quality artistic piece
They have to copy from the west. Cartoons copied from the west and in fact makes fun of Sup Forums tier fat otakus on their respective shows (Rick and Morty, Bojak, etc) and it makes sense the east whould copy good concepts from the west as well. Just not SJW crap.
Stop making rushed hack jobs with outsourced quasi-slave labor. It's sad to see any show get that kind of treatment.
There are like 5-10 trully memorable and decent shows a year. Get used to it and keep your expectations low or find different hobby.
first we need to establish a consensus on what are shitty shows
oh wait, that's impossible
Go back to watching shitty anime Youtubers who think the West's opinion actually matters to Japan.
Pay the studios actual money instead of instant ramen.
Look that shit up. Working as a somalian child soldier pays more than entry level animator.
Add to that being in fucking tokyo and even that 800$ a month isn't going to hold you on more than noodles.
Isn't the flaw of being too genuine becoming Aldnoah Zero/Gundam Seed/SAO?
Alright, anons, isn't the anime industry a big business problem? Admittedly I don't know much about it, but it seems that there needs to be more people behind the scenes who are actually good at being business people. The problem is that there is a bunch of otaku who don't know how to socialize and are not good enough at talking to people in order to move their projects forward. Why isn't there anyone on this business who is good at just that - making business? People skills or so they are called is what would make anime better. But those guys would never even be recognized if that ever were to happen.
That could be changed.
What are feasible ways to change the audience's idea of anime as not being a worthy medium?
>More unironic genre filling anime.
Like more sci-fi and fantasy stuff?
>Occasional passion project from the big guys being pushed in the mainstream to keep the entire industry on the up and up
Isn't this already done with people such as Makoto Shinkai and Mamoru Hosoda?
>implying there is anything worthy of being copied.
You need to be more convincing than that.
>Go back to watching shitty anime Youtubers who think the West's opinion actually matters to Japan.
This is just an old meme. So people should just be apathetic about their hobbies?
>Look that shit up. Working as a somalian child soldier pays more than entry level animator.
More studious could be like KyoAni in that they should strive to market their own original IPs so they can't be assfucked by greedy nips in production committees.
stop adapting light novels and pedoshit