I want to watch the first stage for the first time again.
I want to watch the first stage for the first time again
Other urls found in this thread:
Stage 3 was better
don't we all?
>tfw you can't turn back the hands of time no matter how hard you try
>tfw you have to live and work with the choices you've made, no matter how irrational they are
it's an Iketani-esque feel
>nyaa dead
>bakabt closed doors
I wouldn't even know where to download it again
BD's when?
So you want to experience DEJA VU?
I've been playing around with idea for a while. Would you be interested in a Steam-esque/GoG platform that sells old anime online, like $5 or $10 bucks for whole collections.
>nyaa dead
user i....
Download DRM-free at source quality?
Of course.
Just watch it again and pretend you're experiencing Deja vu.