Would you go for a drink with a pretty "28 year old cake"?
Aho Gaaahlu
Absolutely. the most fun I ever had was with women in their late twenties to early thirties. They're old enough to know what they want and young enough to still pull it off.
Wait, why the fuck isn't 28 considered "Onee-san"? You stop calling yourself Onee-san and start using Obaa-san at 35.
Like retardo in disguise said. It's borderline creepy, but still acceptable.
well she's really close to my age so sure
Nope. I only date younger women.
>younger women.
Older women know things, and insist on teaching them, that younger women don't even know exist.
Well when a woman's back is against the wall they can get pretty desperate I imagine.
Why do nips hate MILFs so much?
The younger the better I guess
Does this show really need more than one thread up at a time?
Words have meanings. Don't fuck them up.
That's late thirties early forties, right before menopause. Someone who knows what they like, and isn't shy about telling you what that is, is a much better partner than someone who has no clue and expects you to make it all come out awesome.
>back is against the wall
Stand up sex is fun, but tiring.
I don't know but it's no wonder they're dying out.
Don't bother, words lose meaning the minute they go popular.
I need Aho girl to take care of me, sexually.
She might end up accidentally biting your dick off thinking it was a banana.
>not painting it as a banana to deceive her
Wait, Oka-san is 28? The daughter is like 15. So she got knocked up at 13?
No, her mum is late 30's
talking about sensei who is 28
aho mom is 39
You still call yourself "pretty" at 28? Aren't you ashamed?
Someone just marry her already.
P. S. Do you know which show these words are from?