Does Sup Forums like romance anime?
I just finished Say "I love you" and I thought it was pretty good.
Does Sup Forums like romance anime?
I just finished Say "I love you" and I thought it was pretty good.
Boring girl falls in love with popular guy. it was kind of bland but nice presentation once you've seen a fair few shoujo romance.
Romance doesn't work for me. Any feelings of empathy that turn their warm feelings into reciprocated ones for myself quickly get converted into nasty feelings of loneliness and misery.
I only like it if the plot actually goes somewhere.
My Little Monster and AoHaru Ride were cute but I hated the whole "back and forth" the main couples had.
Why are they so long?
>nasty feelings of loneliness and misery
Never was the case for me.
I enjoy heartfelt moments, but incredibly dense characters, overly timid male MCs and overblown drama piss me off.
I generally find RomComs the most entertaining to watch.
Wasn't this the anime that netted negative sales so hard the mangaka had to purchase multiple BDs herself?
It's generic tripe, as you would recognize if you weren't the same
Literally almost the same thread you made earlier that got deleted. Come on, OP. If you make a thread on /wsr/ I'll bite.
yep pretty much.
Tsurezure Children is currently my AOTS right now. Comfy art style, and most of the couples are adorable.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is good
Watch it OP!
Yes It's one of my favorites and it's what really got me into the shoujo genre in the first place.
Only /u/ has good romance. you self-insert fags have no chance
>romance anime
Fucking gay
Already did!
the guy was kinda rapey and everyone had really disgusting hair
Romance anime is for fags and women. The best romance stories happen in the background or along more important events. If it's the main focus it becomes a navel-gazing shitfest, even worse if it includes teenage angst or dumpster-tier female fetishes like abusive relationships or rape.
this man is so badass that he does not love, he only fucks. he is the man who fucks. ladies, if you expected a kind word or gesture from this man, you would be mistaken, for he does not love, he only fucks on his straight line journey from cradle to grave. call him the sole fucker. the one who fucks and disappears into the night. the one who rides only to fuck. watch him go.
Anime almost never does it well, and when it does I become unable to function for weeks.
They usually have the best comedy.
>brainlet tries its hand at trolling