Why is Trump endorsing Mitt Romney, who called him a fake and a fraud and has not supported anything about MAGA?

Why is Trump endorsing Mitt Romney, who called him a fake and a fraud and has not supported anything about MAGA?


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so romney looks bad when he undermines trump
and so trump can later say "fucken romney stabbed me in back"

or alternatively romney will seem more ;likely to support trump so he doesnt look like a back stabber

again its brilliant 4d chess
he wins either outcome
and he loses nothing, and it costs him nothing
he can only gain

4D chess, he told Mitt to be anti Trump

So that Mitt looks like a dumb fuck when he tells the President thank you for his endorsement and then tries to counter signal his agenda or primary him in 2020.

also he knows utah, primarily mormon, is going to send mitt to senate
he woudl only gain an enemy by slagging mitt
and now mitt is forced to be nice or look like an asshole

How many people just got their take from Andrew Anglin on the Stormer?

Probably the only guy he knows who says he will comply with Trump's agenda

or maybe Trump is just all over the fucking place every other day idk


I need to go check

that is my new favorite website now, andrew is such a good writer

this too

so many different wins from an endorsement that costs him literally zero dollars

say what you like about trump, he knows how to game people

unfortunately Trump is a novice when it comes to politics, he’s like an innocent kitten swimming in a pool full of sharks.

Romney may be a faggot but he's better than half of Senate republicans.

is stormer back on clearnet, or do i have to go to tor to see it

Because the GOP need seats.

Honestly noticed this kind of situation when he was running for Pres. To be the underdog you have to be hated, so all his 'old friends' are actually on his side.. Including Oprah.

That's giving Trump too much credit.

yes and no
he cut his skin in manhattan real estate dealing with a pack of shysters, so he has some skills

trump is ceasar returning to rome after twenty years of conquering barbarians, he expects his enemies to confront him openly and fight him honestly

he will get stabbed in back, just like ceasar, and killed (physically or metaphysically)... but dont worry, from ceasar is borne Marc Anthony and Augustus ... and they will not play nice like trump! It trump successor that is the man to watch, who is his right hand, who is it that is watching and learning, and will inherit his power and base .... this man will not make these mistakes again

trump is not the god emporer we've been waiting for
that comes next my friends, for the god emporer cannot be like trump, a good man who wants to let bygones be bygones and work together and make the empire a better place
the god emporer will understand that to do this his enemies MUST BE DESTROYED

you best not be an american posting from maple county.

To keep him in a place where he's less likely to be a primary challenger. Romney has given up a governorship to run before, but that was when he had the primary in his pocket and had a chance to win. I doubt he'd give up a secure position to try and have a convention uprising, while as it is now he's just floating around with nothing to lose.

im behind so many proxies i have forgotten what country im in
i have identies then jason borne
i control russian super hackers
in fact i just traced you IP and have already sold your house and car and maxed out your credit cards

Have a nice day

So the left attacks Romney.
He's gone Kristol GOP, some say indistinguishable from Obama.
The left must hate whatever Trump likes.

I wouldn't underestimate him

Stupid faggot its called art of the dealing you have to make friends with your enemy otherwise hes not your friend dumb bitch where do you live so i can come rape you in the face

i think he wants to make mitt a tampon for criticism that would have normally gone for trump also that nasty criticism will drive mittens (finally?) away from fucking deomcrats

>Why is Trump endorsing Mitt Romney
2d chess.

It is an endorsement of death.

Mitt is now totally fucking stuck. He accepted the kind gesture, and now he will have NEVER TRUMPERS fighting him AND in addition he needs to now PROVE himself to the Loyal Trump crowd.

IF he is not totally on board, he will fail totally. IF he changes gear to hate trump, there will be big backlash, from both supporters AND never trumpers. He is STUCK on the path to MAGA or failure.

This may be his one chance at a redemption arc, and I think back to the photo of Mitt and Trump eating frog legs. What really happened there? IS Mitt the intermediary between Mormons and Trump? WHY does Mitt have that face? He does look like something spooked him. Was he forced to run?

Some big fuckery is afoot.

Mitt Romani is a high ranking Mormon. Trump has one of his kin working for him.

Extended Romney family as a whole seems to be Pro-Trump.

Is Romney of Brit Gypsy descent? Brit gypsies were called Rumneys.

no, he is down with the bottom 10 or so. pretty fuckin bad

Either what you say is completely true or President Trump has inspired conspiracy theorists to up their story making skills. Either way, I'm enjoying the ride.

>completely true or President Trump has inspired conspiracy theorists
I have wracked my brains since the day he talked about throwing his hat in on it. I can't come up with any better reason....The Endorsement by Trump only perplexes me further. Remember when the media beat trump for Interviewing Muller for the FBI director position? He was totally fucking retarded HUR HUR HE CAN'T BE DIRECTOR AGAIN...

He wasn't being interviewed for a job he couldn't have. This is more of the same, but different. This is consolidation of power under one banner. I got no other logical reason for this.

It is at www.dailystormer.name

Why did Trump select Romney's daughter to be the head of the RNC?

Because Trump understands that you trash talk your opponents, but you are friendly and magnanomous when you are not in a direct confrontation. As far as Trump is concerned, it is time to play nice with Romney, and in return, Romney will play nice back.

long game


He isn't mad because Romney was simply speaking the truth.


Romney despite what people think about him is well known and gets votes.

Well what he is about Trump is also true of Romney but he just isn't as good at it and he looks too much like a typical con man to be believed.