Natural Law

If you aren't libertarian or ancap then the matrix already has you.

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>Natural Law
can you give me the quick rundown on how this relates to ancap?

His perception of what is natural is ancap, so he thinks ancap == natural law

>Chuckles to self
Can you provide evidence for that, mate?

I completely agree with you.

you almost had an interesting thread, but instead you failed to connect your thread title with your body text. Conclusion:

OP is a fag.

Reminder taxation is theft and we're all slaves

Sure. What is considered acceptable behavior, is not decided by a large governing body, but rather by the local community that shares the values you agree with under natural law. Ancap allows you to secure and protect the values that you and your peers naturally agree on and keep out those you disagree with out. Natural law is tribalism, we may disagree with what natural laws are, but you can defend your definition and keep out others as an ancap.

Life, liberty, property. taxation is equivalent to slavery. No jews or French in allowed in my community

programmer here, don't ask me anything I will just scream at you.


Ancap is not natural law. Natural law without laws of man can only exist under ancap or libertarian.


Yea it is.


natural law exists with or without man no matter the system in place.

Natural law is your instincts, and your instincts don’t obey the NAP. In fact natural law dictates that the weak should fear the strong.

Makes sense to me, thanks

Libertarians are just like anarchists.

Jewless natcap is the real USA.

There is no man made rules on what laws are natural. These are just laws that we agree on without having to have a government enforce them. You are responsible for enforcing them and your community will decide if you were justified in your actions. Not some currupt rich fuck that doesn't even know who you are. I guess if you have enough power then you can do what you want under ancap, but then you aren't ancap anymore at that point, you are back to just a ruling body.

im not libertarian or ancap.

If you are Libertarian or Ancap you never left the matrix.

Or are at the tippy top of the pyramid.

How so? I want to read your reason why you think it is acceptable for someone miles away has any right to tell you what you can or can't do or say.

The weak can rally up and hire strong to protect them.


You don't know what you're talking about. This is actually the point where classic liberalism breaks down into gibberish (right at the very beginning, which isn't a good sign) Natural law exists in a state of nature, which (according to classic liberalism) is a state in which men live isolated from one another and therefore have on duty or requirement to alter their behavior in order to live in groups.

Natural law doesn't exist within society. When men live in groups, they forego the complete freedom of the state of nature for the "blessings of society". People have social contract in society. Social contract is a slave contract which your presence within a society counts as agreement to that slave contract.

However, the state of nature which locke described is impossible. Men are gregarious creatures, we have never lived a solitary existence, so Classic Liberalism just invented some fanciful state of being as the thesis of a Hegelian dialectic. when the thesis is bad, so is the synthesis and the antithesis.

Sorry, op is a married middle class guy with two kids, who works in a factory that just wants to enlighten some fag kids on how the world really works and how it could be better.

So this is the part where i shoot up my school?

Don't be fooled by that bullshit. Natural law is animal law. And we are not animals. We have been given dominion over nature. Why should a shepard follow the laws of his animals?

Natural law is not a state of nature. It is tribal law. You obviously disagree with me. I don't even want to try to convince you to agree with my morals. I say let you live in your group and make whatever rules you want and be happy. I will live in my group and live how I want to. I am libertarian though, so I do agree with having a force to make sure we don't fight each other over our disagreements.

No. This is the part where you realize you are stuck in the matrix and finish school then choose your path.

We are animals. Smart animals, but just animals. Sorry.

Ancap here. Natural Law is literally magical crystals and dream catcher tier.

You're a fucking retard, OP

No it isn't. Natural law is what you and your peers agree on.

Why? Tell me why I am am a retard. I would love to debate.

In ancapistan, the whites and asians will always come out on top, and the blacks and brown trash will always exist on the bottom. This is due to biological differences between the races. Only in a truly capitalist society will whites be able to reign supreme.

lmao darwin who bot here?


Until the strong decide they can just take what the weak man has.

What do the weak have that the strong want? In modern times, it is just their vote. Take that away and the strong don't give a fuck about the weak. If the strong don't give a fuck, the weak can build their own communities without the need for the strong, and become strong themselves.

part of being strong is being above that no?

Fuck off brainlet shill

You guys are so fucking retarded.
Strength is relative, a gorilla is one of the strongest beasts in the jungle but does it compare to humanity as an apex predator? fucking no, there are different ways to quantify what strength is.

you'll come around