


say hello like a normal human
they said hello in weird-ass ways in steins;gate as well and it was just as stupid

yahallo girl who will not win along with yukino

i miss these threads


>you will never have a soft Yui

Who will win?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Winking/Tehepero > Yahallo

>shit taste tripfag
fuck off


So how will the butthurt be from a single Yuifag if Yui loses?

Why do people hate Iroha? She's such a fun and cute character.


Okay, when. I just want to see an implosion

How did he react to the side novels? At this point anyone thinking Yui has any chance of winning has to be pretending

He praised them and said that they were good.

She's cancer and her fans as well.

Not worse than Yuifags.

Debatable. If volume 12 ever happens it will be Irohafags that will shit everything up again.

Yahallo to you my dear!

They would lose heart in seconds when they realize that Iroha was in two scenes of volume 12. They don't have one individual poster as awful as Yuipollfag and I don't think any of them think Iroha will win. They want a troll end or a loner end.

>They want a troll end or a loner end.
How does that make them any better?

It makes them less asshurt. If they thought Iroha was going to win and she didn't they would nuclear. Since they don't think she will win they will be disappointed. Yuifags think that Yui will win so they will go nuclear.

I would expect nothing less from you.

Get the fuck off of my Sup Forumsutism safe space slut.

leave rumi's oniichan alone
he doesn't need old hags

reminder that vol 12 never, better to abandon this series and forget it

Next month my man.


stop, Yukinon a pure


That you are pathetic? Thanks for the reminder!

Good Irohasu, everyone!

fuck off cancer

Do you two just wake up at the same time? Is there some alert?

I want to destroy Iroha chan's pussy

>Yuipollfag and Irohafag are the same people


>Irohafags are cancer
>Yuipollfag is cancer
It adds up.

post some kawasomething
pretty please



Yui is a big bully.

What if the persons wins whose smile 8man wants to protect?

Who else is ready for the s/u/rprise ending?


I want to

Just 34 more days until Yukinofags get BTFO.

I'm not ready. I think I should add filters to the script I use for Sup Forums so that I won't read the end of the LN. I'm planning to wait for the anime.

live long enough to see the ending?

What happens in 34 days?

When is vol 12 going to come?

Supposed V12 release date. We'll find out in a few days if it's legit when the covers for September books come out.

>Supposed V12 release date
There is nothing on the publisher site.


That's why it's supposed. People think it will release on 9/20 because some bookstore put up the release date and yaraon wrote an article about it.


Selamat Pagi!

When do gagaga update the release schedule, on 18th?

The books that go on sale on August go on sale on the 18th, 17th if you're a burger. That's around when you should see the covers for the September books.

I have noticed that there are a few of bad apples in every section of the fanbase. They don't represent the majority. No matter what happens in the end we shouldn't dump on people due to a few trolls.

I guarantee that no Yuifag made that. It is definitely the work of a false flagger.

fuck off yuipollfag and don't unnecessarily bump the thread you cancerous faggot


by now everyone recognizes your posting habits you moron

>phone posting
Fuck off

Totsuka > Yui > Iroha > Komachi > Sensei > Haruno > Rumi > Kawasaki > Hayato > Yukino.
That's the order I support the Yaharis fugging 8man, and it is also the objective list that shows the chances of victory each girl has. The lefter they are, the better chances they have.

What habits does one (1) anonymous person have that you can be sure of without any way to verify?

Yahallo to you too

Totsuka is just a joke character and has no chance in hell of winning
There is a non-canon official side story where the events are slightly different so Yui can win. Which basically confirms in the actual story she has no chance either.
Hayato is not gay and they hate each other.
So those three are out

>As Noone was there

>boogymanposting everywhere

what did she mean by this?

Mental midgets can't comprehend that more than 2 people exist on Sup Forums.

Anti-Yuipollfags are worse than Yuipollfag.

Is she a virgin?

You're both insufferable and no one would mind if all of you were to die in a fire.

To be fair no one talks about him unless he makes it clear that he is in the thread. Which he does in every thread.

I am sure that poster makes plenty of posts. Probably only very few cause people to flame him.

I honestly think it is only 2-3 people who use that term.

She has already lost, buries the carcass, is unhygienic ...

So this... Is the power... of 2D...

>guro posting to shit on Yui
Yukinofags are the most pathetic subhumans in these threads.

>supposed to be cutest girl in Chiba
>she actually is

She's not though.

She is considered A class. Only S classes beat her and those are rare.

Literally what the fuck are you talking about.

Clean your room

That couldn't be your dick and those couldn't be the shadows of your untrimmed pubes, right? It's just a ruse, r-right?

No fucking way

He made it all hard for (You)

dude, this guy lives like a total slob, I'd be surprised if it WAS a ruse. Seriously, I don't have the pictures he posted but he's fucking filthy and disgusting

>yuifags confirmed for basement dwelling otaku

Tick tock Yukino fags, tick tock. I can't wait for the tears.

Ok Kid.

Why focus on a few bad apples? One person is a slob, big deal.

>he's getting desperate

You call that a penis? Yuifags confirmed dicklets.

There are only two possibilities. Loner end or Yukino end.
I am fine with both.