You fucked up, now she's gonna have to fix this shit you call democracy

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Sup Forums posted the nudes first

Good,she won't shit up more X-Men movies

Democracy can't fix it's self and no one can fix it. It is a inherent feature that it commits suicide not long after it's implemented.

>jlaw will promise to make this recall a "total recall"

>weinstein out of business
>producers scared of fucking women
>no more casting sessions in couches
>no more work as actress

Really makes you think.

Shes a dumb cunt whos opinion on anything at all, nobody wants to hear.

i bet she can't even keep her room clean

more like weinstein isn't around to get her roles

>You fucked up, now she's gonna have to fix this shit you call democracy
That's fine. The only roles she was good at was Katniss and Mystique.

I didn’t even know she started “acting”

Remember the last time one of these hollywood shitlibs quit acting to become an activist

>goyim have minds of their own and don't vote for Popular Hollywood Actress tells them to
>this needs to be fixed!

>wants to fix democracy

Is she going to campaign against female suffrage?

why wont they just move away?

she has a nice butthole

she's quitting acting because she's an annoying cunt with a sluggo nose, greasy skin, and nigger spots all over her tits.

Oh yeah? Tell it to her cum-smeared face if you're so tough, aussie-boy

You know why, right? She plans to shitpost at a pro level. Hear me out. I was talking to my wife about this earlier.

>can you believe Shatner shitposts on Sup Forums? I mean, if he is shitposting, who else???

and thats when i started thinking. Someone famous who has made a lot of money annd has a lot of free time. Jennifer must have made a significant amount of money by now, and by taking time off, she will have all the time needed to shit post full-time.

Keep an eye out, in the near future, Jennifer Lawrence could be behind the shitty bait thread.

post plz

if more women used bidets, they wouldn't have stained assholes either, but she's american so my money says charmin queen in bleached.

What a fucking retard. The USA is not a democracy and never has been. it is a constitutional representative republic.

perhaps she starts all those 'femanon here' threads then refuses to show her tits

I can't remember - did the boring tart bleach her butthole? She's the boring whore that yr mum gets excited about

She will lose

Post butthole

>it is a constitutional representative republic.

Which is a democracy. Representative democracy is still democracy...

>be untalented actress
>basically a little girl playing dress up on camera
>no one cares
>leak pics of your tits and asshole online
>”omg so brave, here’s 4 starring roles”
>turn into an insufferable entitled cunt
>still can’t act
>”oh shit better change careers and use my notoriety as a whore to gain more followers!”
>die alone with your best known line being “my boobs are blind!”
I wish her the best

Translation: Harvey can't get me the roles I want anymore so I'll take a break

Post 'em

Well, first she needs to fix her ignorance. We're a republic, not a democracy.

Only land owners should have the right to vote. It's just common sense.

didn't she say that hurricanes are the mothers earth wrath for electing trump?
She cant fix herself a sandwitch.

Please, she's a kike whore.

Can anyone post her cum face?

What the fuck is up with americans?

Are you REALLY so fucking dense to not realize that a republic can be democratic, just like the fucking USA?

Italy is a republic too and it's democracy. Same for France. What the fuck are you guys smoking on that side of the ocean?


she did, she is sub 70IQ

I'll break it down for you. We're not a direct democracy you stupid wop.

post them someone

>wants to fix

Does that mean she's getting indicted and going to gitmo?

Direct democracy is just a type of democracy.

You are still a democracy, a representative one.

Sounds quite fascist.

>actors actually believe people give a shit about their opinions
It's going to be a harsh wake up call when she falls out of the limelight and realizes the only reason anybody listened to anything she said was because she was an actor.

Indeed, now explain that to JLaw. People like her think we should go direct.

She is stupid. She cant even tell when a foreign person uses phone to translate to English.
What the fuck is her plan? She is a semi alright actress that climbed on a high horse.

>we are not a democracy
>Lawrence wants a direct democracy
>somehow logically related/true

Kek, we have a saying here in Italy for people who said something stupid and try hard to justify it.

"He is climbing mirrors"

You are climbing mirrors right now, I can hear you nails breaking on the glass.

You cant fuck whores of youre President but you can literally be a whore if you're a Democrat. Looking forward to inaugurating her pussy flaps with my pork sword baster in 2020

Oh look, another egomaniac like Leonardo di Caprio, J.K. Rowling, Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie who can't conprehend a world they are not the centre of.


Can't tell if you are actually so dense that you don't understand how normies think (making you one of them) or if this is the level of trolling we can expect out of what is soon to be claimed as new Africa?

Fuck Hollywood. I'm glad it's failing, and I hope its shrill, whining ruling class fall to pieces.

republicanism is not synonymous with democracy...

It's most likely another case of american education, but feel free to explain.

I perfectly know that. You can have aristocratic republics for example. The USA are a democratic republic.

Ideally none of you would be allowed to vote, which is in part true already because the system is gamed only for establishment candidates.

Realistically an economic system should have its set of economic administrators free from the constrains of the retard public. I believe this is already occured with the idea of the "dark priests"(dark city).

Why should plebs be barred from deciding macro policy, because the typical pleb is a self interested fag, incapable of making decisions in the maximum of macro economic value. Most plebs would causes systemic economic degeneration based on their self interest principle.

In fact if it were not for the globalists we'd still be somewhere in a half assessed economic system in comparison to today.

Oh that was "acting"

That's dumb, there are no famous people on this site.
BTW what are every bodies thoughts on Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson running for President in 2024

But we don't have a democracy. It's a Federal Republic. It's no wonder libshits failed elementary school teachings on our government.

Useless ugly bitch, hate all the movies shes in. She cant act.

Now I am really curious.

How do you imagine a democracy like?

Will 2020 be /her turn/?
Asking for a jewish friend

Point is, libshits think that if someone gets more votes they win. Hence their idea of democracy. Which we do not have, you smug cunt.

You mean the economic system we had in the early-mid 20th century where a man could by a house on a years salary?

Thanks globalism.


Its a fucking republic, also get out of your crystal fortress before trying to talk

>doing political activism before cleaning her room
I'm sure she will go far.

She knows that her preferred candidate losing doesn't mean democracy is broken, right?

So empowered

So you would call the stuff he has done before "acting"?


Then they are mistaking the system behind the presidential elections. Why don't you simply tell them this instead of falsely claiming that you are not a democracy?

You sound 100% retarded when you claim it

She's a regular Jonas Salk


literally who?

no more shitty jennifer lawrence movie trailers in the theatre YAY

Right! You go girl. Fix democracy for us actor person. We need your skills

Because it's a federal republic and I don't need to sound like a smug pizza shop owner to not be correct.

She's a cutie but politics ruined her

*to be correct
You know what the fuck i mean, Mario.

Why are girls' rooms so fucking messy? Both of my sisters have horrendous rooms with rubbish and clothes lying around, my girlfriend doesn't even make her bed every day and leavers her knickers fucking everywhere. It doesn't help she has like 50 pairs and changes them 3 times a day.

true but that's a temporary measure funding the smart city concept, but there's something coming annon

You ever heard of the UN 2030 agenda?

>get your arsehole ready
>you've seen nothing yet

It's a federal democratic republic.

The USA are a democracy. There really is no way to spin this to don't make you sound retarded. Do you not realize this?

because women are lazy and disgusting. A man actually has to work to be attractive instead of painting on his genetics.

Don't worry, politics will ruin her looks too.

the USA is a constitutional republic

And also a democracy.

>not long after it's implemented
so, hundreds of years. That's a pretty long time.

Is that the Harry Potter creature? If so, she isnt aging the best.

No. Just because google fucking told you we are a democracy doesn't make you right, gobbagool.

Woman are lazy bitches in most countries today.
This is something I respect about christian conservative woman and Muslims, they are taught to not act like pigs.

>"Times Up"
said her ovaries.

So strong...

What is a democracy then?

Times up?
Friedan slip there love.

>not jizzing down her throat

>times up

Does it grind anyone else's gears when people call our country a democracy? WE'RE A REPUBLIC

>grind anyone else's gears

I get what you're saying but democracy here means you're some libfuck commie shit who doesn't know how things work.

Emma Watson hit the Wall tragicly early, she isn't even 30 yet.

something along the lines of communism: something that only exists in fantasy