Hunter x Hunter

Was anyone really not expecting Togashi to kill off a cute girl first?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Togashi gay?


>09 Hunter c.361
Hunterfags on suicide watch

Considering how the faggot refuses to give female characters any sort of importance and his 8 protagonist between YYH and HxH are all male nobody should be surprised by his faggot ways

Is best used on things like Smoke, or other objects/materials, not chimera ants.

Isn't this the usual though, especially when it comes out of hiatus? It's the volumes where it does really well

>lets Gon and Hisoka live for no reason
>kills off cute girls for no reason
Talentless hack, fuck this guy so hard

Looking back, it was expected. she had 0 characterization. All the other ones had at least a pair of small scenes and few lines of dialog showing their personality.

I'm still mourning the loss of best and cutest girl. Who do you think will be killed next?

>interesting characters
>they should die
>bland/generic cute porn fuel
>she should live
no wonder the state of Eastern animation/manga is in such a poor state.

Literally this, waifu pandering needs to end.

>Oito: "I am doing this for Woble. It's not like I'm worried about you"

geez louise, lady

As this woman says she can only do things for babies, clearly someone needs to put another baby in her.

>Gon and Killua could have died so many times
>their enemies literally just say nah not today


Expected? No. I didn't expect her to live. I knew she was going to be first, or one of the first few to die. After all, killing a cute girl is going to make the reader feel worse than killing a disgusting man.

Hoped? That, I did. I hoped from the bottom of my heart that she would live. Why can't this fucking manga have even a single cute girl? Biscuit is the closest thing to that, and she's a fucking 55 year old hag with more muscles than fucking JoJo. The two Zoldyke girls are actually fucking traps. Like fuck, come on. Is it that hard to have a couple of cute girls in your God forsaken manga?

Now, pic related and bunny Zodiac are the best I have left. I pray with all my heart that they survives this God forsaken journey.

>So to you folks who are having a field day with this survival game, I must look very weird for not wanting to let a little girl of a different mother die
Oito is mad as fuck

Fuck my ass, i meant to quote


He's a one dimensional battle hungry sadist

Not really. The only cute girl he ever killed off was ponzu. Pakunoda, zazan and komugi isn't really cute.

I suppose this is why ever since I got into hunterxhunter. I like it much more than one piece since togashi isn't afraid to kill off characters.

Chapter is out ?

>Oito has no importance

Alluka is transgender and your comment is proof that trap is indeed a transphobic slur contrary to what the memers argued. You folks are the first to conflate both terms.

>we want the Game Of Thrones audience

Kill yourself

Hina is male, just like Pitou. He ate the Hakoware.

>actually believing there's a coloration with being one dimensional and being interest
Hisoka, unlike hohoze and all the other bland waifu bait that died actually does things that propels the story forward instead of sitting on his ass all day being cute. Fuck off.

Momoze was not just waifu bait(that's Fuugetsu), she had some serious fucking balls which I why I hoped she'd amount to more than this. Ah well

That is a dark death. She knew she would die and acted so peacefully in that monologue, I thought it was because she had something in mind

>transphobic slur
Bitch do you even know where the fuck you are?Killyouself.

W-wait, what? What did I miss?

Momoze and Theta died

I am a mountain tortoise. I don't even know much about that show.

yes it's nice to read a manga where most of the characters act like adults

What in the fucking hell!? Theta too?

Spider girls are cute, both memory retard and Machi. Palm is a goddamn survivor of the ant hell and also both a cute and a monster girl. There's also Gon's aunt who is guaranteed to get more pages eventually. I don't know not everything is about lolis mang

Momoze ;_;

well kurapica is knock out for at least 2 days or more, making bill the new main character.

introducing lerior to the shenanigan aswell

You can either be like Killua, caring and empathetic or like Illumi, objectifying and selfish. If you can't see that you're on the wrong side of the argument it's because this website's own safe space has perpetuated this awful behavior. Ironically enough the works of fiction that encourage the audience to be a good person often have the most childish and pathetic fans.

Now that i think about it Theta didn't technically lie, she mentioned that Kurapika might use the method with forcefully opening the pores when hers is just learning it through meditation.
Is there a chance she made it and the cliffhanger is just misleading on purpose?

>memory retard
Pakunoda? Why is she a retard? She is not cute at all. She has great tits and wears no bra, so I fapped about 20 times to that picture where you could see her nipple slip in that suit, but her face is ugly.

In retrospect, I regret placing her above Theta (RIP) in my beauty ranking.

I think that by memory retard he meant Shizuku because she couldn't remember arm wrestling Gon


Is it true Togashi will stop drawing HxH?

Poor girl, she knew and accepted she was dead and even then she worried about her uncaring mother and baby brother

btw this guy right here huge fucking queer taking thins way too seriously

Take that back, cunt.

was a mistranlation apparently, nothing has changed

No, it was something about another artist picking up a concept Togashi made years ago or something.

I don't like her death because it was so predictable.
We already saw her beast in action, so Togashi wasnt able to kill anyone off this way anyway without never showing that princes nen beasts power.
So yea, her death was a nobrainer.
I did expect her death later though since the first kill of a prince would make a good cliffhanger for hiatus.

You are not only fucking retarded, but you literally miss this entire point of post because your gross tranny ass is unable to separate irl shit with chinese cartoons. That high and fucking mighty act about hurt feelings make get you an audience the validation seeking landwhales on tumblr but here you will be told to kill yourself for being an blatant waste of oxygen. Die know and spare me the trouble of writing another post.

I actually expected her to make it because all the odds were against her and in that case characters usually overcome it

>you literally miss this entire point of
>hurr durr where's my moe
Yeah no one cares

At least I hope that the mother that let one of his children die end getting some karma´s justice.

>no more hamster

Goddamnit togashi.


On niggastream there is no new chapter, where did you read this chapter?

right here

Togashi likes subverting antitropes and killing off fodder, in every arc he presents like 12 new characters and only like 4 or 5 become relevant and/or survive.

>spoonfeeding newfriends

>gross tranny
>separate irl shit with chinese cartoons
That's enough to tell me what kind of person you are.

>spoonfeeding smug killuas
thanks friendo

>responding to a post to insist that you don't care
You are a special kind of stupid.

Yes, and?

>Lets Genthru live for no reason so he can bomb a man another day.
>Cute Ponzu gets mercilessly gunned down and torn apart in the jaws of a nameless ant.

Not shocked at this point my man.

Hakoware is indestructible

Pokkle got it worse than Ponzu, retard.

Not my point retard.

>not having every single frame of Killua saved

Thanks user

Someone's anus is still sore from getting raped in the previous thread I see.

waifufags are cancerous

Kill your own self

Scream can kill any character in the series.

Manipulation is about putting a large amount of Nen inside an object or creature while remaining with enough control over it to influence its behavior.

The act of shoving your Nen into another person can probably be defended against like any nen attack, but Manipulator seems like the category that would be most naturally good at penetrating Nen defenses and most Manipulators specifically develop their hatsus to avoid this (so an ability that is capable of controlling Nen users inherently comes with some restriction), which is why so many manipulators use Needles to trespass defenses, and why others use Bodily Fluids and Ikalgo used Insects. There is probably a "basic" manipulation technique that only requires contact or proximity, but that would be counterable by other Nen users.

Manipulation can also be overridden by a previous Manipulation and by Nen Exorcists, which means that a Nen user skilled in those fields could block or "destroy" Manipulation abilities if he reacted quick enough after identifying a manipulation attempt. You could, however, add Nen Contracts to your Manipulation to be hard to exorcize or to override the previous manipulation, but the rules would have to be Genthru-tier.

Manipulation is related to Emission, so Manipulators also have a good range. Just not as good as an Emitter. Manipulation probably weakens over time and over distance, but you could probably add restrictions to fix that. Manipulation that creates complete personality changes probably requires more Nen than subtle personality changes and that probably also consumes more Nen than manipulating inhert objects (although complex manipulation of inert objects might be as hard as complete personality override). This affects the amount of Nen that needs to be imbued and the duration of the effect.

How did Goreinu's manipulation work on Razor?

>not breaking into animation studios and stealing the files

Too fucking bad the owner is the biggest pussy in this series.

Maybe she just lost some limbs or somebody jumped to save her, or maybe she has some kind of power that saves her ass, but the last panel is a splat of blood

He manipulated his gorilla, not Razor.

These are the kind of posters who hate this arc.

Isn't Goreinu an emitter tho ?
What would happen if Baise kissed the King? Manipulation or power levels?

Before you ask, I have no idea what this is.

No, he is a manipulator. That's why he emits 2 gorillas but can manipulate them very well. The bodyguard who whiteknighted Blaise is an emitter because he emitted lots of black people but couldn't manipulate them very well.

Pic related.
I made the second post you quoted and i love this arc.

Why do you ask questions about it when you don't even have any idea what it is.

I literally forgot she existed. Yes, she's pretty cute. Shizuku is also nice.

Jokes on you fag, I actually like this arc now that waifushitters are on suicide watch and shittypika is actually showing the repercussion to his nen restrictions again

The image is an eye-grab and has nothing to do with the question, other than that is features Baise and Instant Lover.

You be the judge.

Everyone knows that's just Milluki shrunk down in his latest waifu battle mech.

Hamster boy's still alive. Dude has one of the greatest chances of surviving what with his ten thousand guards.

Chrollo isn't a homosexual pedo like Illumi or Hisoka though

shizuku is the only female that had a fun 1 on 1 fight.

It would depend on whether Meruem recognizes her ability and puts up a nen defense on time, before her nen enters his body. And on the King's ability to exorcize Nen. But Baize could theorically also put some extra conditions on her Kiss in order to allow it to bypass possible Nen defenses and to make it harder to exorcize.

WTF, HunterXHunter Arena exists?

>It would depend on whether Meruem recognizes her ability and puts up a nen defense on time, before her nen enters his body.
So if I shot Meruem in the head with an AWP from 26 miles away he would die because he didn't set up his nen defenses on time?

>People actually think Momoze is dead
All going as planned.

I don't actually care if she's dead. She may be good looking but her personality is unexciting.

>hidden keikaku
She's dead, user.

>still mourning Ponzu

Cute girls deserve to be mourned forever. See Pitou too

>kept you free, huh?

Who wasn't. She's literally a Ponzu clone. When will you people realize that Togashi hates cute girls?

Somebody as powerful as Meruem could probably remain In Kou full time, but if you caught him at some point in time where he has no defenses whatsover, yeah.