What would it take for a nep season 2 to happen?

what would it take for a nep season 2 to happen?

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there's finally another good nep doujin up, by a good artist (tachibana yuu). what a time to be alive. too bad it isn't about vanilla/happy love making

Just play the games, they shit out 2 of them every year.




A better VA.

>HDN 2010
>mk2 2011
>Victory 2012
>V-II 2015

I wish.
One mainline game in five years... I miss Neptunia...

>implying haru isn't a good artist


Hopefully it will never happen. I've lost faith in nepshit because of their constant waifushit and hetshit pandering. Disgusting.

>What would it take for a Nep season 2 to happen?

They were always soft on the yuri, but the het content is pretty fucking insignificant. The only thing that annoys me is that the teased pairings eventually change. 4GO has Vert x Blanc, and black wincest.

I miss Vert x Iffy

Waifufag things are ok, the VR can be played even if you are girl, after all.

And never return.

he even posted the 2 worst neps too

When is she getting her own game?

>considering any nep "worst"
You might be elitist, but you are still a fucking faggot.

Whenever she gets an imouto.

I will be her imouto.

I don't think it works that way.

Vert's imoutos becoming reality would be so fucking cute, at least she got to stay with Bouquet for a bit.

never ever

this is how nepfags actually live

West funding

Is that a fucking Stallman?

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Pretty awesome, as long the other monitors have actual practical use.

>Vert's desire for an imouto finally leads her to hiring one for money

I am literally going to tongue fuck Uni's asspussy!

Fuck off Nepgear, she's mine.


post noire

This is Noire, she doesn't have any friends but has all dicks in Lastation

Not true, she made a friend who shares her with all of his friends.

Choose one, the only thing she has is Neptune's Neptunes.

>Choose one
Can't, because Noire chooses all of the dicks

>all the dicks
Impossible, Neptune can only make one futa dick at the time with her powers.

>not knowing how sysadmin is


is me

My wife Nepgear is so cute!

I fucking love this guy.

she's not your wife


She will die

But Melissa Fahn is already the best.

you to suck cock

why is she perfect Sup Forums?

if it's a cute 2d futa i'll do it

You're right, she's mine.

she is not

I wish Mikage Baku's Nep manga kept going on.

That, or Mikage Baku drawing Nep doujins.

You're right, both sisters are my wives.

No lewding the Nepneps. Only official ecchi Nep mangas please.

>No lewding the Nepneps

Gah, that gif always reminds me of that comparison video between Jap VA and dub for some reason.

user you can't marry the neps. especially not more than one

A RB3 DLC was released with a marriage setting, you're full of shit.

not canon 2bh


you should headpat her instead

But the hyperdimension was always vert x blanc. Vert and iffy was only the first game ultra dimension I believe

No most nepfags are poor

Neptune x Plutia is the only gay pairing, the rest of the neps are straight.

Tell the neps to stop being so gay then.

Neptune and Plutia are sisters though. No nep besides maybe Red is full gay though. Every nep has that one person of the same gender they'd bang though.


fixed for you

>shit garbage bin


>shitting into the trash bin
sasuga Sup Forums

Please tell me that this was simply done for replies on the internet.

But official

it's probably from dip

which is worse

Fuck off hetshit, Sup Forums is a yuri board. Your kind was never welcome here.

Back to your containment board.

Back to your containment board

Can't say anything different? Seems I'm right, now fuck off.


Fuck off t/u/mblr

/u/ isn't tumblr, try again

It's just as bad though.

no it's not

Every fucking thread you faggots do this
No wonder sodomites are under fire so much
lol yes it is, please stop derailing threads with yuri shit, it's fanservice and it becomes cancer with substance

Usually, cancer doesn't recognize itself. Other people need to, which is what we're doing right now.

You have to first prove /u/ and yuri is cancer first

I think the fact that this derails almost every general and then yurifags go "FALSE FLAG!!!!1" proves how bad it is

Yuri isn't the problem, yurishitters like you are and all of you hail from that shit hole.

I think it's time for some shitters to go back to their autistic containment thread

I'd like my own Histy for on the go, shame she only has a single use.

They are streaming V2R

I thought it was a VR game.

It's also playable without a VR headset. There's not much market for VR only games.

Is it a remake? The UI is different but it looks exactly the same as the other game.

From what I know, it's the same story. It has some VR parts where you can "talk?" with the neps and the fighting has been revamped.

Ah I see

This. This thread is so full of cancer.

No NEP can happen after she was exposed.


Exactly, there is a yuri board for a reason.

That's bullshit.
Get a refund