Why is this selling so little? Don't fujoshit care about sport anime anymore?
Why is this selling so little? Don't fujoshit care about sport anime anymore?
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If it was homos dancing with each other, it'd sell. As it stands, it's just forced hetshit with slightly better than average animation.
I wonder if them getting a new time-slot every week (if the show gets to air at all) has anything to do with it.
Why would fujoshi care for this shit?
Cause its sucks, gay copy of hajime no ippo
> slightly better than average animation
The dance scenes are sub-bar for a dance anime. Just stills and simple movement.
Come on fujos, watch our show!
god i miss hyoudo
How many dancing anime are there?
The only one that spring to mind are Haruhi and Lucky Star.
>yaoi necks
>selling well
pick one
>forced hetshit
What the fuck does that mean? It's ballroom dancing you stupid fuck. How is it forced? And that fact that you unironically use "hetshit" gives you away you fujo land whale. Fuck off back to tumblr.
The designs are very off putting for me and the necks just make it worse, also the plot isn't anything special, just your typical shonenshit with overreacting bitchboy MC who wants to get better
I think it's a bit too melodramatic in some parts. I'd prefer if the characters didn't overreact that much during serious parts.
It has no appeal outside of the fujomarket it's desperately trying to cater to. It's clearly a bunch of executives trying to make the next hit without understanding the appeal of YoI to a wider audience. An audience beyond fujoshits. This on the other hand is so generic I could probably write out how the rest of the episodes play in my head.
The NTR made me drop it.
Cause dancing is for fuccbois.
>forced hetshit
Except it's not "forced hetshit". I'm a fag who loves yaoi and everything but this isn't Yuri on Ice so stop thinking it is
It's just not very good, the characters are very weak.
It clearly isn't Yaoi on Ice. People actually watched that.
Its has a cliche shounen plot with cliche shounen characters that you've seen a hundred times before. BC has more originality. Fujos usually eat that up, but there are girls in this one so they aren't biting. And everyone else isn't dumb enough to pay for something they've seen before done better.
No yaoi.
Not even a focus on het romance.
Just a good sport series with character development.
Now that fujoshits have Yuri On Ice, they won't have any interest in fagbait sports series anymore.
Yes, IG dropped the ball with the dancing animation. They also took the slightly elongated necks from the manga and cranked it to 11 so that the characters look alien.
This looks so... wrong
They should stick to the still frames.
I actually didn't mind this part. Even if it's rotoscoped, the way Shizuku moves at the end is hot.
>My favorite chinese cartoon this season is a ballroom dancing one
...It flopped???
Ballroom dancing is a serious business for the Japanese
This series isn't even aimed at fujo. Why would they even pick it?
Yeah, check the stalker threads.
Japanese are stiff as fuck when it comes to dancing, no wonder why animators are having a hard time to get those scenes right.
The style is horrible, why would anyone care for this shit? Specially fujos.
its not haikyuu and that makes people mad
It's too hotblooded and gar for fujos, and all the otaku dislike the abundance of fit alpha chads instead of being exclusively a bunch of cute idols doing kawaii dansoos like the ha-roo-hee
Is this manga adaptation? If yes then no surprise it flopped.
I agree that it has a typical shounen feel to it and the plot lacks originality so far. The only thing that could have kept fujos on this ride would be Hyoudou, because autists are endearing, but now he's out.
If best girl Mako can't make this sell, I don't know what will. I also think that the OST will sell more than the BDs.
Thats a pretty low bar considering its current estimate is like 600 discs.
i didn't know reiner and deku were in this
SJW and femenist are triggered by it
Read some of them, godamn, i will never return to this sjw website.
It's not rotoscoped retard, that's some good animation.
>can't even tell the difference between good animation and rotoscope
kek we have some sakuga expert here.
Ballroom dancing is inherently hetero, why would fujos pay attention to it?
I hope ANN gets hacked again.
>sport anime
Grills don't compete in sports anime that fujos like. There's only one girl and she's the manager.
>Using some blog post from a literally who as proof that it isn't.
Stop typing like a retard.
That dude is certainely better than you at analysing animation & it's the blog who host the cut: blog.sakugabooru.com
I saw some people complaining on twitter as well.
>SJW and femenist
The same people who like Chinatsu
ANN is trash and you should feel bad for going there.
It probably should have been because looks ugly as fuck as it is now.
No he isn't. He's just your average SJWeeb with a shit blog. Stop shilling your garbage here, faggot.
What retard links a fucking ANN comment section?
The wide shot looks borderline rotoscoped, or definitely based on reference. The rest looks like regular key posed anime. The only problem is the neck.
It's my 1st time visiting this shitty website. I just wanted to not feel bad alone.
Why the fuck would you guys say this is rotoscoped?
This shit is cartoony and exagerrated as fuck. And even then, it's still working by the principles. There's still deliberate timing at work. Rotoscoping doesn't look like this, Rotoscoping looks eerily smooth and every frame is timed in uniform. I don't have it with me, but there's that one Webm from Idolmaster(I think), where it's a couple of girls in the back of a school building picking up balls or trash from the ground and throwing it, and it looks unsettling as fuck. That's rotoscoping. Not this.
If you guys want to act like sakuga experts, at least try to read up on animation before talking shit.
Hahaha this looks like absolute garbage.
The problem is the anatomy in general. Arms/legs/elbows/backs are all consistently noodle like. They look like aliens. Ballroom dancing is clearly beyond the directors talents. It's just plain ugly (and funny) to look at regardless of how they did it.
Am I missing something? No one said it was rotoscoped, this post quoted post that didn't even mention rotoscoping or anything. It just looks like shit.
WWe don't need this shit on Sup Forums, fuck off.
The pic you linked has someone assuming it was rotoscoped before being responded to. And I
I do think it looks awkward as fuck, I was just baffled by people who'd think something so clearly drawn can be rotoscoped. Especially in your pic, which I assume is from some Sakuga enthusiast blog. I'd assume people who'd go there know better.
Why are they complaining about that in a fukin shounen anime/manga?
The dancing is overly exaggerated and the proportions make everything look disgusting and sometimes even hilarious. Almost 5 years later and no TV anime has beaten that one ironic idol episode of Kyokai no Kanata to be quite and completely honest.
Yeah the issue is that it is ugly. Who cares what they do to make it look good? They honestly probably should have rotoscoped given the awkward mess it turned out to be.
People are retarded.
Yeah, I think it wasn't wise for him to do a dancing anime for his directorial debut.
There's that whole thing about him doing ballroom dancing for a few months before this, so he's clearly passionate, and I appreciate his efforts, but I reckon someone with more experience would've done better.
I mean, everyone knew it's not gonna come close to the manga in terms of quality, especially considering the subject matter, but somehow, seeing someone try their best and not succeed is sadder than seeing someone half-ass it and fail.
I haven't watched that in ages. Thank you.
>Don't fujoshit care about sport anime anymore?
They never cared if it doesn't catter to their fantasies.
Blatant faggotry on screen:
- Free!
- Yuri on Ice
It fuels their fantasies
- Hakyuu!
- Prince of Tennis.
Ballroom e Yokosou is not strong on fujo pandering, Hyodou can make some people wet but that's it, ballroom is about a man and a woman dancing, very little room for fujo pandering.
You blew it and that's easy to animate compared to youtube.com
>seeing someone try their best and not succeed is sadder than seeing someone half-ass it and fail
Now I want to give the director a hug.
Because its an actual sports series. None of that gay shit that sells.
Kyoani can't be beat, they should be the ones doing Ballroom.
Sure, but Neckroom e Floposo is shit when it comes to animating tango, at least that idol dance was well made.
They should just have gone for a live action movie instead of an anime.
>None of that gay shit that sells.
Kuroko, and Haikyuu!! sold.
Even Kyoani wouldn't animate well. They would just kill themselves as soon as they try to animate latin youtube.com
>Because its an actual sports series.
So is Hakyuu!, the fujos latching onto it are just feeding on their own fantasies most of the time, it is not about being focused on actual sports or not, it's about the setting allowing for fujo delusions, which Hakyuu allows plenty off by having the fujos replace all moments of friendship with homo bonding.
That is literally fujoshit.
You argument is shit. That idolshit dance isn't tough animate, the ballroom dance outside quickstep and Waltz is hell. DIdn't animator died while working on this and Naruto?
Manga needs all those dramatic poses because it's some still images from that many complex moves. However, anime needs to stick more to 3DPD instead of exaggerating more what's already been exaggerated.
They should have pulled a Yuri on Ice and spent 3 months animating one really fantastic dancing sequence and then get fucked and end up spending 4 days each animating the rest. At least there would be something memorable about the series then.
Manga sales got a slight boost thanks to the anime.
I'm just glad it's flopping.
too many grills and the boys are fug beyond compare
There is still 18 episodes left. They will animate almost all the manga.
Let's hope they are saving their budget and animating skills for that one fantastic dance routine.
Characters aren't giving each other funny looks and dreaming of being with them in Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu! like in Free! and Yuri on Ice; there are fujoshit series and series in which fujoshi latch onto, learn the difference.
>They will animate almost all the manga.
It is going original setting.
Did Shokugeki no Souma anime floped and got more seasons? Same for Baby steps, Mob Psycho 100 etc..
You are a fool if you think the lack of fujopandering stops them.
Fujos have been shipping Goku and Vegeta or Sasuke and Naruto for ages even if they ended up married with children.
Sure sports anime is a more fertile ground nowadays.
And fuck up the character design? Fuck that nigga. I.G. ain't doing so good, but at least they're trying to make the characters look like Tomo's art. They can't even be arsed to emulate Nakajima Yuka's relatively simple art, they wouldn't even fucking bother with Takeuchi Tomo's art.
>where it's a couple of girls in the back of a school building picking up balls or trash
This what you mean?
There really hasn't been any climax dance scene worthy of a fantastic animation until now, in the anime at least. And IMO, there's really on 2 of those really hard hitting scenes in the manga, and one of them is far, far away.
24 episodes was a mistake.
The dance with Hyodo and the girl at the tournament before he faints was pretty good
It's gonna end at the Mikasa arc alongside the manga. The anime's ending should align with this arc's ending, since it's coming to a close.