Will the black uniforms appear in season 2? I sure hope so.
Love Live! Sunshine
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Sure hope there'll be less kebongo and ratface
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Based maribro
gas /llsifg/
Fuck it, I give up. Maybe both of these threads will be pruned and I can make a quality thread again.
Blame youcucks.
I think your thread is already quality, user! I feel the same. The black uniforms have a warm feeling to them, which is extra nice since Sunshine 2 airs in the most comfy anime season of the year. Fall is always best.
Fuck off Maruchink. You've done enough damage to these threads.
>Fall is always best.
Thank you, user. I agree, fall is the best time for pretty much everything.
Who is your favorite singer from Love Live?
god i sure hope so
I like the cute voice of Hanayo and I also enjoyed all of Honoka's solo songs
Fall and winter are the best desu.
I prefer Hanayo's singing voice in Kodoku na Heaven/Nawatobi. I agree with you on Honoka though, her singing is just fantastic, Although my favorite singer is Umi.
So, can we all agree that Ruby is nothing more than pedobait?
>Blaming Marubros out of nowhere
Nozomi, she improved a lot during her career and that makes me like her more
Lantis' marketing strategy is really good, I have to admit that. They just keep linking all the media in the franchise (for example, if you bought a BD you got SIF promotional cards, live performance footage, CDs, novels, etc) and flooded you with new content on all fronts so you never got bored of the raibus, and being a massive multimedia franchise, that's easy for them.
Yoshiko, Riko, Kanan, Dia and Hanamaru. From Muse, Umi, Honoka, Eli and Maki.
I agree. It explains somewhat while Love Live isn't the most popular idol franchise in Japan, it beats everyone in overseas popularity.
Mari 100%, she always catches my heart with her solos.
Kanan. She wasn't the best of singers before but she has improved a ton. She's among the best of Aqours and is my personal favorite voice now. I admire the effort Suwawa has put into bettering herself.
I love how they all genuinely trying to improve for the sake of the project. Rikako learned to play the piano from a zero in 2 months pretty impressive I must say
They're fall uniforms and they're starting the season off in summer uniforms so it's almost guaranteed.
He's right, you know? The damage is real for crying out loud
Fuck off already Maya
She sounds amazing singing in a low register like in Innocent Bird. She also sounds great in harmony which is part of why I like Azalea's vocals so much. They just need to stop giving her higher-register solo lines like in HPT because it doesn't compliment her vocal tone at all, although she's got a lot more control over it now than she used to.
Ah, yes, that as well! Riko's one of my favorite girls. I couldn't imagine the stress of making a major error like Rikako did at the 1st Live, but hey, learning to play the piano at all in such a short time is incredibly impressive.
Well said! Her solos in Natsu no Owari ni Amaoto ga and her solo of Landing action yeah!! are wonderful for that exact reason. I hope they let her sing in a low octave more often. Although, her SKY JOURNEY solo proves she can sing high notes if required, but it's not her optimal range.
I can't wait. It looks really good on them.
I honestly think Ainya's the best singer in all of LL including µ's. Her range and control are unbelievable and when she goes into sexy mode like in the second verse of Shadow Gate... W E W L A D S
Can we all just agree that Ruby is nothing but pedo bait?
It really makes me sad about the nips shit taste, why can they accept Eli but not Mari?
I wish Mari sung like that all the time. She's one of my favorites too.
eli did a serious 180 in her personality which made me doubt her even more tbqh
Eli had Nanjo
Eli was never that popular in Japan either, most of what popularity she had came from Nanjo or how cute she was paired with Nozomi.
I even love her high-pitched mode like in Shoujo Ijou, which is weird because I couldn't stand Kotori. The way she sings her イs is almost ASMR-like.
The anime writing for S1 SIP was genuinely horrendous. It made Eli and all of the 2nd years look really bad. Eli's not a bad person, but the anime made her look like one.
love live did a serious 180 when aqours came out
Yeah S1 suffered from out of place drama and strange moments like Kotori not telling Honoka she has proposition from another school. Thankfully S2 was better.
you meant 360
You mean pulled off a sick Indy 900 off the ramp.
did a 360 when ruby was announced then completed the 540 when the anime aired
You faggots should go where you're welcome like: animefeminist.com
na it did a fucking no comply like a bitch
fake tricks
I just love Ainya in Shoujo Ijou because I always imagine her fucking face from this clip
Lets pray Sunrise have an actual good fucking ending episode planned and not the absolute abomination we got last time.
lel feminists bad rite breh
I'll be happy with an even shittier one as long as it doesn't end with the 3rd years graduating.
Who is the cutest LL seiyuu and why is it Shukashuu?
Riko. I like.
>that leaked episode where kimene dies in a car crash
who hyped for S2? I know I am
We know, Shiitake.
because of
>we get more of that midriff in 2nd live
Chinks better deliver for Saitama or I swear to god
I just want to see Suwawa's abs.
3d cucks lmao
Posting more just to piss you off sweetie ;D
she looks sweet though
Based Sunrise
>no train accident
How can she go on her Sky Journey if she isn't visited by Happy Party Train-kun?
You are a waste of human life.
Are we worthy enough to see such a sight?
so this is where everyone has been
and there I was wondering why so slow
having two threads a bit embarrassing fellow Rikoposter
What's your favorite Sankuro You?
I love Yoshiko.
I find these outfits absolutely beautiful
I like how minimalist they are compared to most idol costumes. They looked really cute in 1st Live too.
dat stain
Love LIve!:
1st & 2nd season: Fantastic music, unforgettable characters, touching story, the feels were real
Sunshine: Repeat plot, copies of the original characters (honoka clone), forgettable music, forgettable characters, terrible first three episodes, nothing special
Sunshine was a mistake that should've never happened
ironic how hagfags claim that sunshine repeats the plot, and all they do about it is repeating same debunked arguments in their posts
All your apologetic excuses, scientific formulas, and long winded explanations will never, ever fix how disappointing Sunshine was compared to the original Love Live!, no matter how hard you try
>(honoka clone)
Anchan jav soon?
Newfriend, please don't reply to painfully obvious bait.
Just hide the post and move on.
Looks like you mixed up the descriptions of the original anime and Sunshine
>muh clones
No, fuck off with this bullshit.
I love this cutie.
That's nice Mari.
Aquors: Yoshiko
Muse: Honoka
Both Chika and You are heavenly as well
Fuck anyone who says otherwise
Anything -or the lack thereof- looks good on Riko though.
>fuck anyone who disagrees with me
Reddit is right around the corner
I love how it looks so innocent but also very sexy.
Stop policing opinions. If you can't stand different opinions, fuck off to Tumblr.
Does Sunshine have anything similar to the School Idol Diaries?
It has its own series of School Idol diaries! You can find it on LL Wikia's Twitter; it links to all of them, which have now been translated by the great Daxing Dan.
Praise be to Daxing Dan.
I really hope these two interact more in season two.
I want more of them and yoshiko in s2