How did you ended up being on Sup Forums?
How did you ended up being on Sup Forums?
I was gonna jerk off until I saw the Star of David necklace
/g is kinda boring sometimes
jews went after my vidya
/new/ got killed and Sup Forums was boring as fuck.
But Sup Forums was always my home board until Trump
never change Sup Forums
I moved to Oslo to study.. saw ads on bus stops about accepting refugees paid by the kommune. Made my blood boil
I came around 2008. I enjoy a group of people free to promote ideas that aren't linked to individual gratification and virtue signalling.
Unlike things like Reddit, where users are praised for group think, which breeds echo chamber.
Pol tends to rely on chaos and statistics which tends to lean towards truth..more often than not.
Pol was right again. Pol is usually right
Russian political boards are shit, so I decided to come here. It's just a little less shit now.
started at Sup Forums
then to Sup Forums, Sup Forums
then down the rabbithole to porn/hentai boards
after that crazy period of life, settled with Sup Forums and /biz/. Now i'm happilly settled for 3 years.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
I'm bored and normietalk is tiresome.
Sup Forums got really faggoty
Shitposting on off-topic poker forums early 2000's>b>sp/fit>pol (few years lurking now)
It all started on the gamefaqs board, "Life, the Universe, and Everything" Then came Black LUEsday. Then came Fark. Saw chan and wasn't a pedo. Returned a few years ago when reddit and fark and somethingawful became intolerable.
Sup Forumstard but i discovered god wanted the jews dead for the lulz
by force; dragging and screaming
i never asked for this
Browsed Sup Forums back in 2010 and then I grew to hate them.
I heard about all the shit stirring Sup Forums did and decided to check it out.
After i discovered how right-wing i was, i couldn't leave.
I go to a liberal university full of LGBT supporters and the "Socialism is a good idea" types. I need to come here just to feel some faith in humans.
Got Perma banned on twitter and had no other outlet to speak to similar people to my self to I ended up here.
none of us did but there is no escape from the truth
Some guy in a blue jacket with three yellow letters on the back told me it was a cool place to hang out and discuss overthrowing the government
Daily Stormer got shoahed.
So I came here.
Daily Stormer was funnier, and the autism here is definitely higher. But it's a pleasure expanding libertardian's horizons.
Heil Hitler faggots.
People on the other boards sent me "back" here every time I said anything wich could even vaguely be constructed as being against the dominante narrative. One day 3 years ago I decided What the hell Sup Forums must be doing something right considering all these disgusting commies hate it so much.
So I came here.
mee too:( But the truth is addicting.
A shit ton of bourbon.
youre gonna jerk off multiples times now arent you
leave. while you still have time.
well yeah, its the truth
I really wanted jews to not be greedy, niggers to not be monkeys, chinks to not eat dogs etc etc BUT IT IS IT LIKE THIS
Been here for too long.
Last year I made a commitment to stop Sup Forums for 6 months and succeeded.
Now Im thinking of stopping for good, cant waste my fucking life just shitposting.
Start building your life.
You only have so much time.
Start building something, whatever it is.
I am OUT from this place, see ya.
You are not and will never be a person parasite.
Was on Sup Forums since very much the early days...'05 I think. Only ever really browsed /x/ and /r9k/ until you guys started trying to meme Him into president and this board became too interesting to ignore. So relative newfag to Sup less than 2 years, but genuine oldfag to Sup Forums.
I went to Sup Forums shortly after heaven666 got shoah'd
I initially came here to trigger racists.
also Star of David technically has nothing to do with Judaism.
Its a satanic symbol from the Khazarian Khabbalah, a satanic babylonian thesis.
(jews confirmed for satanic)
Lol if you don't think this place is an echo chamber you are a complete moron. It's analogous to a cult at this point.
Terms like "normie" and "redpill" and "power level" are subtle tools used to separate users of this board from the people around them. You start to feel different, albeit superior, to everyone else and come back to this place for a continuous supply of validation. No longer needing it from the outside, you fall deeper in this trap, losing the ability to even relate to other people.
I came from /x/
Occasionally browsed other boards.
Always heard people talking about Sup Forums like it had some stigma. Never really cared.
Eventually the SJWs started showing up on my radar, got cross linked to a thread.
It feels good only occasionally being surrounded by retards instead of constantly.
If they would have left me in my bubble I probably would have never gotten passionate about politics. They just had to push me, didn't they? Now I own a rifle, voted for the first time, frequently learn more about American history, culture, and law.
I think America would be lost on it's own, and the people trying to attack it so aggressively have actually saved it. Leftists plans backfired because they got impatient.
my friend in a halo irc chatroom showed me Sup Forums back in 2004-5
And one day our numbers will reach a point where we will be able to win.
Yeah OP is the girl because reverse image search pulls up nothing btw
OP is a jewess
Sup Forums got old and boring.
Migrated from Sup Forums post-gamergate
Lynch me
I don't remember where I heard of four Chan. It may be from my something awful days. I lurked since 2008 only to now begin posting. I'm a definite oldfag
Because you were fucking retarded to begin with
sup, I have technical question: are jews as in global elite knowing stuff that is not meant to know by mortals?
and they say americans are dumb
That seems to only be true for people who have no individuality to begin with.
If you are a liquid, you fit any container because you have no shape of your own.
They may as well be shaped as hilarious memesters becasue it's better than more marxist fodder.
Nice pic of u OP, take it off slut.
See you soon
It started with the whole migration crisis, I started noticing what the media was telling just wasn't true. I became somewhat more right wing and started taking an interest in uncovering media lies, which directed me towards Sup Forums.
By the time Trump started being a thing I was browsing regularly and I became an all-out Hillary-hating Trump supporter. Meanwhile the JQ was showing up an awful lot.
A man can only read about so many coincidences before he starts seeing a pattern. Thus I started doubting. I was very skeptical for a long time, but it all made too much sense. I started reading actual books on the subjects, too.
Now I'm too far gone. I've seen and read too much, years of indoctrination no longer control me. You cannot unsee the truth, you cannot go back after taking the red pill.
I dont know. I knew the holohoax was crap since I was a kid because I couldnt question it.
I actually ended up on Sup Forums from an old web 1.0 site debunking the holocaust
I have no life, nor do I want one.
hmm, I think the Brexit memes drew me to Sup Forums and in the process they gave me the red pill
dude! It's like 2 years ago, and this shit is fucking more addict than crack coke
i mean.
>Being Muslim
>Living in Europe
>Being black
>Being immigrant
I'm what pol nightmare is made of, and still I came back here again and again. In fact, pol has challenged and changed my liberal views, now I'm a full againts degeneracy and went all Islamic.
Thanks Pol :)
That's the way to do it. This place is good for jokes and what not but what it's done to people, especially here, is an example of psychological operations in action.
The best antidote is actual achievement, like you said, building something.
That is a fantasy. It will never happen as humanity does not work like that. Just like the systems that power life itself, we as a species know that cooperation is the way to achieve more. You can't build anything on the toxic ideology here. It's more a symptom of other things wrong in your life rather than the building blocks of an actual belief system.
Ill enjoy purging you from my lands.
I came here from Sup Forums when the people in masks started pushing obviously compromised ops
I'm here because it became politically incorrect to openly tell the truth
After reading your comment history - you are, how shall I put this, alt-right at best, a grunt at worst - I imagine that my sarcastic username set you off. Close minded and dumb. Pretty typical of your kind. Meanwhile, my kind, without fail, creates your future in an infinite myriad ways. Get used to living in our reality, friend
I fucked a white girl, got AIDS, now I'm spamming WM/AF and BM/WF cuck threads to save other white men from AIDS whores
Most interesting echo chamber I've ever found.
Going on just under a decade, still enjoying the bantz, memes and fags.
>their areno real nat-socs here
>our numbers arent growing
and that is where you are wrong.
Every last kike must be eradicated.
Good one
I came here in 2012 from an /mlp/ photo editing community to make election memes, never visited this board before that
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>Revelation 2:9, KJV
Came looking for political discussion, found a bunch of Nazi larpers.....
all of the good ISINT/Mossad posters moved from Sup Forums to Sup Forums, so it just made sense
>losing the ability to even relate to other people
If only one didn't lose it BEFORE visiting 4ch
Jews are smarter than the average mutt, believe in racism religiously (as in, their religion tells them they are the chosen people), and help each other out while also holding a secret grudge against Jesus and Christians.
The Elite in general have shiploads of money, limited contact with E.T., and tech that most people would mistake for magic, and are likely forming some kind of a breakaway civilization for themselves in case shtf.
That's my view of it.
You "knew" that as a child? Do you understand how this is mental illness?
most jews aren't in on it, only the masters among them
just like in any other distribution, pareto's principle applies to inevitable rhinoplasty patients without fail
I have no idea whatsoever. Seems like I have been here for a very long time.
I was just minding my own business and before I knew, bam, I was in Sup Forums
Hear, Hear!
I'm in the same boat
So here's a test
Go and find me logical arguments for the things pol routinely stands against and attempt to fight it out.
Turns out these battles around communism or Judaism etc have all been made and lost countless times. Hence the elevation to 'redpill' or whatever flavour of the month name you want to call 'truth' we've been through a lot.
The truth is this kind of interaction separate from the individual, free of influence based one celebrity or whatever.. is as close to truth as possible.
It's true that Trump brought over a lot of strange people, same with the gamergate media attention.. ecelebs are also a fairly terrible new phenomenon. But if you filter the shill threads and shareblue, the Donald and the retards.. you can distill a fine set of beliefs not prevalent in any other environment.
My father taught me that If i couldnt criticize something it was a sacred cow to be slaughtered.
Falsehoods cannot survive ridicule.
Apologies for spelling. I'm phone posting.
Sup Forums -> /k/ -> Sup Forums
2007 2010 2011
I'm tired
Agreed. I dated a (secular) Jewish girl for 3 years. Her family was wealthy but definitely not in on any kind of a global conspiracy.
pic related
>fair share
and you will never fuck a girl which doesn't look like a thicc goblet
went from Sup Forums to Sup Forums to /fa/ to /fit/ to Sup Forums and now i am here.
Might be you sweetie
Haven't been here in 2 years, just decided to take a quick peek today.
And fuck, it's already coming back, the sentiment of disgust for my fellow man, I've been back less of an hour and I just saw the thread with the western whore begging for the BBC, it does no good to the soul. I know why i left.
This is how I found Sup Forums, couldn’t find a damn thing about the cologne assaults anywhere on the net except here. Sup Forums was attempting to force threads about it on Reddit to see how quick they’d get taken down
I don't i have been here 3 years.
I live on borrowed time anyway.
I was fucking your mother one day, deepdicked that bitch so it hurts her, and while cumming on her face I saw terrorist attack on tv, I said "these damn jews again", she said "go back to Sup Forums", and I was like "what's Sup Forums?".
Yeah Islamic terrorism madness also brought me here
sooner or later you will fail to (You) and YOUR mother will die in her sleep that night
I googled all women are whores kill the jews
Sup Forums is also a bubble in its own right you know, it's different from reddit or twitter, but it's still a community on itself.
I guess Sup Forums is more open to debate, it doesn't take things for granted, it's more of a 'forum'.
But like you said, these ideas have been around forever. There will always be a population of individuals who for one reason or another cannot accept the natural order of humanity, maybe even life itself. There's a reason why conspiracy theories are almost exclusively associated with far right ideology. There's a distrust in people that are either scared or suffering from some failure in their lives. Instead of taking responsibility, they instead give it to the Jews, "cucks", immigrants, blacks, etc. It's a natural defense mechanism that is usually corrected through social interaction but cannot be when there is an echo chamber.
It's the reason the Evola guy wrote about Riding The Tiger. Humanity will move forward with or without you and if you want to best live your life, you should participate.
Where he's wrong is that once you start doing this, you tend to simply lose the feelings you once had. Achievement and positive social interactions will see to that. There's no glorious battle coming where it'll be your time to fight for race or whatever.
I went out with a qt jew, her dad was a big wig in the World Bank and the sad goy of the family, a cuck and a cash cow, she ended up working for Planned Parenthood
There was something sad and desperate about her, she really wanted to be a goy and like most women only really cared about the way she looked
But i have a great life. I just dont want the jews to destroy my people.
2008-2010 Sup Forums
2010-2013 Sup Forums Sup Forums /soc/ Sup Forums
2013-2015 often visited Sup Forums and found out about Sup Forums, had a weird break from the chan, occasionally visited Sup Forums /tg/ /x/ or Sup Forums
2015- now I regularly visit Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and /gif/, and sometimes /biz/ /fa/ /lit/ and /diy/
My content was too much for the normies, so I was herded into this place being the containment asshole of the world.