Why bother? Why save the world? Tell me

Why bother? Why save the world? Tell me.

we aren't saving anything, we're carving out our own place and defending what's ours

“There was once a wise king who ruled over a vast city. He was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom. Now in the heart of the city, there was a well whose waters were pure and crystalline from which the king and all the inhabitants drank. When all were asleep, an enemy entered the city and poured seven drops of a strange liquid into the well. And he said that henceforth all who drink this water shall become mad.

All the people drank of the water, but not the king. And the people began to say, “The king is mad and has lost his reason. Look how strangely he behaves. We cannot be ruled by a madman, so he must be dethroned.”

The king grew very fearful, for his subjects were preparing to rise against him. So one evening, he ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well, and he drank deeply. The next day, there was great rejoicing among the people, for their beloved king had finally regained his reason“.

for the struggle

Because we're bored and it pisses you off.

shhhh go back to sleep, it's ok. the adults will take care of it baby. go back to sleep and you can play with your toys tomorrow

>Why save the world?
if you're not going to
>go to liberal movies
>buy virtue signaling products
>follow manufactured trends
then literally what the fuck else do you have to do?

Collapse the temple around you.

Typical "your ruler is more wise, obey, sheep" type of story, fuck off, kraut

still might be saving the world

And nobody owns anything unless they are willing to defend it! 8)

>living in a country where that image is reality
lol Westerners

>missing the point of the story
The autism fits your memeflag

Its missing 50% shit skin darkies coming for the gibs with kike puppet masters of varying shit skin degrees with they greatest of the kikes being the whitest!

This is one triggered kike! Quick ask mommy for some milky! You got her on speed dial! You need someone to tell you how smart you are again today anyway...

To spite the kikes who want to destroy it.

the world will do fine and society will collapse with or without help so enjoy the ride

We want our final stand before vanishing.

because i need my revenge!

Why is alcohol considered trad but weed is degenerate?

I would much rather hire someone addicted to weed than an alcoholic.

The world will collapse thanks to the reduction of oil and metals. Not to mention we're polluting our seas and gasses, plus cutting down our forrests and destroying nature. Thanks greedy capitalists.

And there's no ''fixing this world''. Stop contributing to this system working as a wageslave. Desroy it, and vote destructive polititians if needed. Learn how to survive, live innawoods, and learn permaculture. Learn to hunt and use a rifle, and if you can live off welfare while doing so, then do it.

Oh and wind a wife (or wives) and have lots of kids.

>Why is alcohol considered trad but weed is degenerate?
Close minded Cuckservatism

>I would much rather hire someone addicted to weed than an alcoholic.
This. But they're both shit, in general.

I think bringing kids into this world has immoral aspects to it. Kindling thrown onto the fire.

It's fun and we're bored.

Why play vidya?

Because there is nothing better to do and ocasionally it's funny.

Isn't homeschooling banned in germany? If you have kids, make sure you get out of there before the first one reachers age 4. Hopefully by then you'll know how to live rurally and learn to grow food while your wife/gf homeschools your kids.

Public school has always been childrens factories for brainwashing.

Yea dude just go extinct lmao