At what point is all lost?
At what point is all lost?
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its already over
about 20 years ago
Forfeit your nuts for world peace.
The World was lost when the Axis Powers lost WWII. Enjoy what comforts you can afford and take advantage of everything. Fuck everyone else, this World is not worth the effort, desu.
probably the most appropriate use for this image ive ever had
It already is.
do they have promise rings on, pinky and his bf?
every day we stray further from God
At least your grandfathers and great grandfathers fought like giants with what little they had to work with. Japan shouldn't feel any shame or despair, imo.
5th of September, 1793
evry doy we trae furter from got
It's always darkest before the dawn. We will sort this out soon.
When is is what the U.S. Military looks like, get the fuck to China. I will welcome you there.
aside from the whole 40% of men over 20 are virgins thing. wtf
This makes me sick.
Implying he isn't some weeaboo teaching English in Japan.
You should have listened
Imagine being in an orphanage and finally being adopted... to be welcomed by these homos
I can almost smell the estrogen on their breath
Sodomites have always done stuff like that. The average sodomite has more than 500 sexual "partners". The real problem is that "polyamory" is spreading to normal heterosexual people
Homosexuals have always been degenerate, though. This image does not reflect an upward trend
It shows mainstream acceptance, promotion and normalization though.
1945. That's when the white man handed over the world to the Jews.
>2 husbands
>each has a gay Boyfriend
>Liberals didn’t believe when it was said this would happen
No you’re just being crazy, people would never abuse the destruction of marriage.
>"Just let us get gay-married! Nothing bad will happen! We're people like you! The slippery-slope isn't real!"
>gets legalized
>immediately fuck dogs and demand rights to fuck kids
This faggot is also a large scale soylent consumer. It is not just a meme.
It has been all lost for years now.
We're doing This Because dying fighting is better than living without honor. We'll be an inspiration for our successors in 3000 years.
>We only want gay tolerance...
>We demand gay marriage!
>You're a bigot if you don't fuck a tranny!!!
This is one of the most wonderfully faggy tables I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing your faggy community, OP.
And lets be honest for a moment. There's no community online that's more male than Sup Forums. Even is less male than Sup Forums.
that's hot
When Rihanna releases a hit single about bit coin.
But they’re white.
Everyday we stray further from God's light
faggots are subhuman
and in european countries, these homos are given preference when considering adoptive families.
I highly doubt that
> his two husbands
I thought polygamy was illegal. I dunno, maybe this is in some country where that isn't the case.
>normalization of pedo shit
this makes me physically sick
do you have one or two more of those slippery.jpgs I could show to normie friends?
>normal hetero people
>being poly
That's a contradiction.
All those novels, 1984, Brave New World and so on, were warnings for the last generation of people who could have made a difference (pre-1960s generation).
We're living those stories right now. It's over.
The cultural revolution of the 60s was the end.
>And lets be honest for a moment. There's no community online that's more male than Sup Forums. Even is less male than Sup Forums.
mostly male = faggy, that's a hell of a jump
It would be too bad if a meteorite landed on them.
It was lost a long time ago. Now you must ride the tiger to the civilizational collapse that must inevitably follow levels of degeneracy this extreme.
Western Civilization will be cleansed by fire and millions will die.
That woman deserves bad times; her poor little girl knows that those things are frauds and she's rightfully scared and disgusted. I hate today's society to the point that I proudly hardly talk or mix with people anymore.
Why do you fags care where a bunch of other fags put their fag parts?
What once was may have ended. The moment we pick up arms, we can forge something new. The trouble is getting other white people to realize, yes, there is such a thing as a righteous rebellion, and yes, there is such a thing as a righteous war. You have every reason and every need to wage war upon people trying to destroy us. Self-preservation is not a sin.
hikikomori pride world wide
>the moment people stop trying
You defeatist cucks sicken me.
Unironically, right on, brother.
How the fuck does this even work?
My dad is gay and has 2 boyfriends but it isn't confusing - they are all each others boyfriends. The only confusion is when my dad puts them both down as his emergency contact with a little joke like 'one will answer if the other is bumming me'. My dad isn't degenerate though, he is redpilled.
Lefists are disgusting. This is not something that can be maintained.
Life will beat that naive idealism and optimism out of you in no time. Pre-welcome aboard, son.
homosexuals are superior. prison gay soyim like in OP's pic need not apply.
most infidelity and divorce is instigated by women. this is why divorce is highest among lesbians and lowest amongst gays. male-male pairings in the animal kingdom can protect their young and nest from enemies more effectively than male-female pairings. a human partnership of two rational, joyful and calm men is a life of easy love and contentment compared to the heterosexual marital hell, locked in one flesh with some alien intelligence.
>fags totally don't beat the shit out of each other on the regular, dykes too
That's some fine shilling, Jonah Schekelsteinbergrothchild.
dykes are the ones with high domestic abuse rates, my little friend
Start packing your shit, jew, and hope you have some place to run to. Time is running short for you inbred, coin-clipping bastards.
Everything is lost when the last white man and the last white woman is dead and gone.
If you don't think we can outlast the filthy jew, who were nothing 100 years ago, and won't exist 100 years from now, then you don't deserve to post on this board.
You ought to stop lying. And my legs are bigger than your torso-guaranteed.
>male-male pairings in the animal kingdom can protect their young
>What young
Ever time you think you've seen Peak Soy they manage to top it
>my dad is fucking two other dudes
>my dad is not degenerate
Thanks friendo, have a rare merchant
She's going to get them, too. I hope I can live another ten years, because I think that's when everything we've ever known ceases to exist.
Ten years from now the jew is going to be looking for rocks to crawl under and hide because in North America their scalps will be worth a loaf of bread.
one of them fucks gril then grbs egg/babby
Shut up, you GRID-infested faggot. Everyone know faggots are mentally fucked and can't maintain normal relationships.
Once people realize how your diseases end up spreading to humans the times of queers being set on fire are soon to return.
Who raise the baby where da milk were da tit
>the times of queers being set on fire are soon to return
i'm sorry user. it's not happening.
good question i dont know. probably feasible in some animals and not in others - this isnt a universal thing, i think it occurs more often than not in bird species, like swans and penguins.
You damn idiot. I'm straight. Some of you cannot read at all.
Shut up, you GRID-infested faggot.
>dad is a huge faggot
>not degenerate
How exactly are we in 1984? You're still freely shitposting on a Japanese cartoon image board.
You're much more optimistic than I. Society will continue to crumble until we all look like Bartertown.
>Yesssss goy, you’re fighting for a lost-cause! Why not just get yourself a cute black girlfriend, and settle-down, eh?
No. My Henry is a man of god
Don't know what GRID is, Fagstralia, the nation that used to have some respect.
wow, a mutts respect. hard won.
“White” or not, all degenerates get their equal fix of gas
You don't know that you've been the laughing stock of the world since the entire existence of your backward prison inmate-founded country? Huh.
>As if natural selection hates gays
You feel free here?
Get on the boat,it's over
oh look, its a salty faggot! what a surprise
Based Henry.
Lets settle this for once lads, is being a fag nature or nurture?
Get right with God. It's coming.
Hey Henry!
I hate this gay Earth more and more.
Promises promises. You tease.
post shouldnt even be humoured. nevertheless, australia hasn't suffered any humiliations or done anything rudely aggrandizing to win the world's disdain, unlike the grand mutt hub. it also has better quality of life despite having not even 1/4 the population and being settled about 2 centuries later. really makes you think. americans will never stop being grossly infatuated with "awsees" either.
It's cute how you use all the vowels when saying "No" too.
This can't be real holy shit. And 700+ people approved of it enough to mash that upvote button. Every time I think "there's no way stuff is really THAT bad with the liberals" I'll see some shit like this and just shake my head and wonder.
The good thing is I feel like any reasonable person can't find this normal, and this is only going to push the pendulum back further right.......right????