Why do we tolerate perverse weeaboo manchildren in right wing politics?
Why do we tolerate perverse weeaboo manchildren in right wing politics?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why do autistic people really love manga? BBC News
Because anime is best
No it's not you disgusting queer. I bet you larp as a tranny online and roleplay with other gross neckbeards. End yourself you repulsive effeminate fucked up freak
>Why do we tolerate perverse weeaboo manchildren in right wing politics?
top lel
other way around
weaboos tolerate you stormcucks in fixing the world, all you did was being called literally hitler and ignored and thats it
Remember there is a direct link between anime and pedophilia. Do you think all those freaks masturbate their tiny dicks to drawn pictures of kids ironically?
Where do you think you get your weaponized autism from? Who wills your memes into reality?
GamerGate and Sup Forums-style shitposting brought about a frankly bizarre marriage between the fringes of far-right advocacy groups and "geek culture" denizens frustrated with authoritarian leftists arguing in bad faith and getting away with it. It's working wonders, so sit back and enjoy it. The worst that might happen is you teach alienated neckbeards to improve themselves and their critical thinking capabilities.
pleb taste also bant
This is just one redpill /pol refuses to swallow sadly.
Just like the left, they practice their own set of hypocrisies.
Why do we tolerate redditor manchildren like you?
Oh, I agree. Japs are honorary westerners.
Go back to your containment subreddit
Pay debts. Then go back to t_d.
>pedophile weeaboo foot fetishist gamer soyboy
Imagine my shocl
Why not? Ecchi is probably the least degenerate kind of porn that exists.
If you like cartoons as an adult and cartoon women that look like children you're obviously mentally ill.
Did you know that himmler was a proto-weeaboo and made it so that concentration camps were built with asian architechture in mind?
Why do you bitch about Mongolian finger paintings on a sites whose primary purpose of existence is connecting Mongolian finger painting lovers with diverse topics?
I don't know. I kind of wish you would have gassed me by now.
Social anxiety and low sexual market value. Weebs exist in heaps om both the extreme right and the tumblr left side of the political spectrum but normies shun them
Imagine touching those unwashed neet feet... HNNG!
leftists hate anime tho beacuse of muh objectification of womenz
i.e anita
Fake news, tumblr is 90% animu
OP will mumble something about all porn being degenerate and then crack open his stash of interracial cuckshit and jack off with his tears of self-loathing.
What stage are you on?
Right-wing politics and anime go hand in hand.
>Why do we tolerate perverse weeaboo manchildren in right wing politics?
I am not sure but, THAT is probably what evola meant when he instructed us to "ride the tiger of modernity".
Because it makes the whole thing more comical and confuses and upsets people that are worth confusing and upsetting.
It's pretty funny watching people like Rick Wilson melt down on tv because a guy with a cartoon girl avatar is bullying him on twitter.
Unironically this.
>harsh worldview of natural order and inequality goes hand in hand with manchild's obsession with infantile sexuality and cutesy faggy colourful cartoons about fantastical shit portrayed by large-breasted airheads
No, it fucking doesn't, Hans.
lolol, fuck off, weebs.
People don't come here for animes and mangas any more. Sup Forums is a dying board and so are other weeb affiliated and manchild hobby boards. Sup Forums's identity is basically Sup Forums now. The sooner weeb shit is banned or their containment board are deleted, the better.
>Lesbian and gays common
>right wing
are you that buthurt greek that always spams tranny gore?
You’d have a better chance saving your pathetic country than getting rid of anime on this board
Literally soyboys holy fuck
We should tolerate it untill we near our goal.
The enemy of my enemy etc
Yes hi
Sup Forums is the heart and soul of Sup Forums
are you too a loli connoisseur german friend?
lmao why do you do this?
The only reason Sup Forums exists is because of "perverse weeaboo manchildren".
>lolol, fuck off, weebs.
lolol, fuck off, whites
>People don't come here for animes and mangas any more. Sup Forums is a dying board and so are other weeb affiliated and manchild hobby boards. Sup Forums's identity is basically Sup Forums now. The sooner weeb shit is banned or their containment board are deleted, the better.
People don't come here for European culture anymore, The UK is a dying country and so are the other white affiliated and cumskin boards. Europe's identity is basically Islam now. The sooner white shit is banned or their countries are genocided, the better.
Why not? I am making a stand against degeneracy
tranny subhumans and other reprobates should be killed
Occasionly exists in anime.
Non-existent in anime
>>Lesbian and gays common
Not common.
>>right wing
The left doesn't exist in Japan.
It literally got stabbed with a katana.
That's why it's such a great country to live in.
>The left doesn't exist in Japan.
Japan is just Germany if everyone in Berlin was perpetually squinting. They're a hive mind. If the party that runs the place were like the democrats in the US, everyone would be a post-op transexual.
>Occasionly exists in anime.
Watch more anime, lolicon pandering is everywhere.
Traps have been in one in five shows since the 80s
>Not common
Watch a single mahou shoujo or the billions of fujobait
>The only reason Sup Forums exists is because of "perverse weeaboo manchildren".
most Sup Forumsaks are ex Sup Forumstards including me.
your quite the autist aren't you?
You have to go back..
The only reason Sup Forums exists is because of "peverse weeaboo manchildren".
kill yourself tranny, it's an inevitability
Yes, I acknowledge that it's a long shot because of legacy and history reasons. But one can hope. Just like hopes for an ethnostate.
But facts are still facts.This isn't some weeaboo discussion site that just happens to have boards for politics. We are effectively a politics website that just happens to have a section for weeaboos. When people talk about Sup Forums, do they talk about animes and mangas? No, they call it a den of alt-right political activists.
>Sup Forums is the heart and soul of Sup Forums
>slower than Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fit/ and /biz/
Ah hahahahahahahahahahaha. Remember when it was one of the "big three" boards? Not even close now.
>Japs obsessed with girls at high school age
>majority of character aren't supposed to be 13-16
>not paedophilia
The weeb delusion is real. Case in point
not fake news lad
Anime and the right are mutually inclusive
>The only reason Sup Forums exists is because of "peverse weeaboo manchildren".
your right.
>kill yourself tranny, it's an inevitability
i'm not a tranny nor do i even support the fag movement.
really dude your a massive lolcow.
How dare you post my waifu in a unworthy situation like this you worthless faggot?
>But facts are still facts.This isn't some weeaboo discussion site that just happens to have boards for politics. We are effectively a politics website that just happens to have a section for weeaboos. When people talk about Sup Forums, do they talk about animes and mangas? No, they call it a den of alt-right political activists.
But the facts are still facts. This isn't some European country that just happens to have a neighbourhood for Islam. We are effectively a muslim country that just happens to have a section for whites. When people talk about UK, do they talk about Anglos and Scotts? No, they call it a den of ISIS activists.
this literally sounds like you
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
you couldn't have made a point with shittier boards if you so tried
This sends the reddit rapefugee into a SEETHING rage
>But the facts are still facts. This isn't some European country that just happens to have a neighbourhood for Islam. We are effectively a muslim country that just happens to have a section for whites. When people talk about UK, do they talk about Anglos and Scotts? No, they call it a den of ISIS activists.
you now there used to be an unspoken rule it was called keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums why do you think it was like that?
90% of posts and threads on this board alone breaks that rule if you actually lurk here
>Anime and the right are mutually inclusive
t. nonce supporter
I've seen you liberal anitwitter cucks posting.Lots of trannies roleplaying, supporting LGBT shit and being anti-conservative because anime is high on lesbianism and values that are liberal to the west.
Doesn't matter. They are more active and play a bigger role in modern Sup Forums. Sup Forums is an irrelevant board and may as well be /po/ or /w/ in terms of standing.
What does that have to do with anything? I'm just pointing out that his argument is no different than the libtards and mudslimes who try to pretend Europe is for muslims.
>90% of posts and threads on this board alone breaks that rule if you actually lurk here
lmao why do you think the created /bant/? to let the cancer flow into a containment board it's quite intrestring actually.
if you had a sudden invasion of Sup Forumsacks in Sup Forums for example would that ruin the entire board?
like how refrugees ruin germany?
>I've seen you liberal anitwitter cucks posting.Lots of trannies roleplaying, supporting LGBT shit and being anti-conservative because anime is high on lesbianism and values that are liberal to the west.
didn't you see pic? Who's the cuck now?
>I'm just pointing out that his argument is no different than the libtards and mudslimes who try to pretend Europe is for muslims.
well there is a problem with that argument it can be swung the other way for example as i pointed out in my other post.
on how a mass invasion of refrugees from one board can ruin an other like whats happening with germany.
>It's okay to bully people with autism
This needs to stop!
Threadly reminder that movements dont sabotage themselves
Friendly reminder that you're a soyboy
>men have hobbies
Because anime is actually one of the last refuges of a homogenous nationalist society that works.
It's also the last refuge of decent sci fi in which men are affirmed for having a sex drive and doing masculine things. A refuge in which science fiction is still sometimes based on science and not fanboy laser shows and feminist speeches.
The ideas about science and society in anime are frequently much more compelling than anything marxist propagandized western media is putting out.
I could go on with anitwitter weebs that are all (preferred pronoun: she/her). Anime appeals to degenerate liberal cucks, like you, everywhere.
>they are more active and play a bigger role in modern Sup Forums
biz - no, other than posting red wojaks and larping about their ebin cryptos it's shit
tv - no, their only noteworthy deeds in modern Sup Forums history is making simpsons threads shit due to SNEED and posting cuckold porn
int - yes
>if you had a sudden invasion of Sup Forumsacks in Sup Forums for example would that ruin the entire board?
>like how refrugees ruin germany?
Temporary invasions fix boards. You can get stagnate with the same group of people and an invasion is entertaining and also gets people off their own boards a bit (maybe they start participating in other boards).
Oh so you mustered up your autism and found only 4 cherrypicked examples?
posting anime in epic greek bolitics thread because I'm drunk and a contrarian cunt
>. You can get stagnate with the same group of people and an invasion is entertaining and also gets people off their own boards a bit
you never seen Sup Forums harbor?
or that time when the entire board was filled and spammed with pony porn to drive out the newfags?
invasions and raids aren't fun dude nor do they fix boards i would say the make them fucking worse now as you can see with all the shill threads.
fact: the kind of weeab-bot poster you see today are a new wave of newfags that arrived on Sup Forums on 2012 probably from otaku and other cancerous forums.
They took over by sheer numbers and are now basically the cancer that has calmed down. Before 2012 weebs were never this faggy, even oldfag Sup Forums admits they fought a war with them and they lost.
All in all these weeb-bots are newfags hiding behind the false argument that Sup Forums was built around their circlejerks and weeb spam, it was not, they came in 2012 and have beeen here since.
It's a rabbit hole, user. You can keep going deeper, but it'll destroy any illusion you have of anime being right wing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mutually inclusive with the right wing
I was wrong about /biz/ being faster. They make threads more, but post less. Otherwise, have a pity (You)
Wanting to be the gf.
>invasions and raids aren't fun dude
I disagree. It was fun posting 'caw caw' threads on /an/ when I was 16 (and getting promptly b&).
People like anime because it's literally the only place in the world left where women act and look like women.
go to Sup Forums faggot
It's fine to want to be dominated you disgusting weaboo
By "activist tinge" he means Sup Forums.
there where massive immigration from reddit during the election and back in ye olden days of Sup Forums most of us came from Sup Forums
>I disagree. It was fun posting 'caw caw' threads on /an/ when I was 16 (and getting promptly b&).
lmao i remember on old Sup Forums when raiding still used to be a thing remember that? all the sick shit the boys used to pull?
>pulling shit out of your ass
None of these things are true
>Before 2012 weebs were never this faggy,
Old Sup Forums fucking coined trap thursday
I was at Traps and /d/ but I jumped back to 2D Porn overnight.
I don't know why, I was drowning in all the crazy /d/ porn and suddenly I had enough and went back to vanilla.
why is that child wearing a bra if she has no boobs?
Is that a coincidence that this animu girl is wearing the Union Jack's colors, or did you pick her on purpose?
>Old Sup Forums fucking coined trap thursday
nah that's new Sup Forums which might as well be a porn board by now old Sup Forums was 2005 2006.
>why is that child wearing a bra if she has no boobs?
censorship laws?
I saw it with my very own eyes, weebs didn't circlejerk and avatar faggot spammed threads with anime grills back then, it all started in 2012
I'm sure I missed another fenomena happening after that one i'm just reporting that one in particular since it's relevant