If you aren't Nordic you should leave Europe. The blonde haired and blue eyed nordic race doesn't need anymore shit blood in it and the 56% shit eyed parasites are one of the biggest issue we have now! People hate Varg because he scorns the wannabe whites, but i think he is right, only western Europeans are white, fuck the rest, kys please.
If you aren't Nordic you should leave Europe...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yet he lives in France despite banging on about blood and soil
Are you nordic? Join with me, i know how much Australians hate mediterranean immigrants
>shlomo's divide and conquer
No, YOU snowniggers are NOT European.
We built European excellence, we civilized you, we created knowledge.
Since pre-Roman times you have done nothing but to destroy what we unified, you blond niggers made Rome collapse, you blond niggers sacked Constantinople, you blond niggers started the 30 year war and two world wars that put Europeans against other Europeans, and now you destroy Europe with your cuckery for African dick.
We made a mistake to consider you humans.
Even that faggot Varg is the embodiment of what you were before civilization, a bunch of murderous worthless snowniggers who lived in shacks.
> hides flag
> D&C
kek. How about Europe for Europeans.
FORCE me to leave stupid snownigger
Get that degenerate pagan cuck faggot away from me!
>Inb4 one of his retarded videos is linked
pic related.
>only western europeans have blonde hair blue eyes
Are you retarded?
And what does it mean if your hair started blonde but gradually got darker as you got older, and you have green eyes? Asking for a friend
This Jew looks better, is more civilized and here he talks about Aquariuses (psychos like vagr or breivik)
forgot link
his son has dark hair
and a vag by the looks of it
das a girl
White non-christian Europe or non-white christian Europe?
Nordniggers were barbarics. Romans & Greeks created western civilization and prosperity.
I’m 50% nord 50% Irish, blame the Vikings for raping and pillaging mick villages
Nordic is a meme.
Nordic? not even once
>Nordniggers were barbarics. Romans & Greeks created western civilization and prosperity.
this. go worship a tree varg.
You faggots prefer Pagan Africans over white Christians.
Can Jews stay? We promise not to mix with you.
>promise not to mix
Drop the Latin alphabet then and resort to your stone scribbles then faggot
We don't mix, so you shouldn't worry about Jews diluting your gene pool
>White Supremesist flag
Retard. Go get that tiki torch out of your fat ass and go protest with your spencer puppet. Virgin.
>first whites bringing farming and light skin into Europe where light skinned and brown eyed
>euro-abos had shitskin and blue eyes
Not true. Paganism is the blood. We only accept Aryan paganism I.E the indo-european religions and their respective peoples.
literal degenerate niggers
Those are hippy retards not pagans.
African paganism bears no relation to Indo-European pagan traditions.